Cedula Request Mobile Application
Table of Contents
The capstone project “Cedula Request Mobile App” is a mobile-based application for issuing cedula. The app will let users process their application for cedula online. Securing cedula through the application is more fast, convenient and efficient.
Cedula is also known as a Community Tax Certificate which is issued to individuals or corporations upon payment of community tax. It is also needed when registering for a new business, applying for a job, or filing income tax returns. Cedula is an essential document which a lot of people apply for. In the manual method, people fall in line in their respective local government units to secure cedula which is hassle and inconvenient for both parties. Applying manually, will consume so much time, from interviewing the personal information of the applicants, payments and the actual issuance. The conventional method downgrade the basic services offered by the LGU to its people.

Proposed Solution
To address the problem seen in the manual method of securing cedula, the researchers of the study aim to design and develop an application that will be used in applying for cedula. The user only need to download the application, apply for cedula online and provide information asks by the system to complete the process in securing cedula. The system will eliminate the long queue of people every day to apply for cedula and will bring convenience to the people involve. The application will improve the services offered by the local government.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective– the main goal of the project is to replace the manual method of issuing cedula with a mobile-based application.
Specifically, the project aims to:
- To provide an app that would make the process of securing cedula a lot faster.
- The use of the mobile app is very convenient and efficient for the applicants and the issuing agent.
- The mobile app will help the LGU improve their service.
- To provide a system where data in applying for cedula are accessible, secure and reliable.
Significance of the Study
The success of the study is deemed beneficial to the following:
LGU. The application will help them manage transactions for application of cedula, since everything has been organized.They will be hassle-free and convenient in processing.
Clients/User. They will no longer wait a lot of their time in applying for cedula, because the process is fast and also very convenient for them.
Researchers. This project will contribute to their knowledge as programmers. In addition, their knowledge in research and development will be applied in a real life scenario and cases.
Future Researchers. They can use this subject as a reference if they wish to develop also a Cedula app.

Development Tools
Researchers have several options in the development of the capstone project. The following are the development tools that can be used in the mobile application development of the project.
- Kotlin
- Java
- Progressive Web Application
- Flutter
This is not a mobile application purely since the processing and approval of the requests will proceed to the management of the barangay.
Researchers will also design and develop a web application where the request and processing of the barangay personnel will occur.
Web development part of the project will be develop using:
- MySQL/MariaDB
- Bootstrap
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