Capstone Project Proposal Topics and Ideas
Table of Contents
In this article, our team has compiled a list of Capstone Project Proposal Topics and Ideas. The capstone projects listed below will assist future researchers in deciding which capstone project idea to pursue. Future researchers may find the information in this page useful in coming up with unique capstone project ideas.
The most crucial and initial step in your capstone project journey as a student or researcher is to choose a topic. You may fail if you choose a topic without giving it any thought. To begin, make sure you’re enthusiastic about the subject and confident that the research phase will not exhaust you. Second, make sure it’s in line with your curriculum and allows you to demonstrate your teacher what you’ve learned in class while also being practical. The right proposal outline is presented below, as well as a list of capstone themes or concepts that future researchers can employ.
Proposal Outline
- Background of the Study
In this section, the researchers should provide general information about the topic of the research study. The researchers also will provide and sate the main aim of the research conduct.
- Reasons for choice of the project
In this paper, the researcher will narrow down the array of project options and select one that is more important. The researchers will then discuss the gaps and challenges they discovered, as well as why they chose this particular topic.
- Project Context
The target project context will be discussed in this section. The researchers will present the challenges, the goal, the beneficiaries and the time frame of the project. The researchers will clarify the context of the project and explain it in details.
- Objectives of the Study
In this section, the researchers will outline the specific steps that they will take to achieve their research aim. Objectives define the what, why, who, when and how questions. The researchers should make sure that the aim should be specific and phrased in such a way that it is possible to identify when it has been achieved.
- Importance of the Study
This section will state how the project will contribute to the chosen clients or beneficiaries. This will help the readers identify the impact of the project.
- Target Users/Beneficiary
The researchers will state in this section who are the target users of the project or beneficiaries. The researchers will state how each individuals or groups can benefit from the success of the project.

List of Topics for Capstone Project Proposal
- Mobile Application and Wearable Devices for child protection
“Mobile Application and Wearable Devices for Child Protection,” the capstone project, is designed to keep children safe. The primary goal of the project is to create a wearable device that children may use in public settings. This wearable can be connected to a mobile device via bluetooth or wifi using an application. With the use of the app, parents can now simply track their children’s whereabouts and monitor their everyday activities.
- E-Visa Processing & Follow Up System
To enter a foreign country, one must be a visa holder. This will serve as proof of national origin as well as protection for the natives of foreign countries from terrorists. When traveling abroad, this is one of the prerequisites, and most people will go to a Visa National Center to complete the requirements and apply for a visa. This is a lengthy process that is inconvenient for both parties. The manual procedure will slow down the application process and the visa center’s response time. The capstone project, “E-Visa Processing and Follow Up System,” is an automated platform created exclusively for visa applications and related transactions. The manual system will be replaced with an electronic system as part of this project which is more fast, convenient and efficient.
One advantage that technology offers to people is job-seeking automation. Traditionally, job seekers manually and personally search for job offers and vacancies which is time-consuming and requires valuable effort. Job seekers visit agencies or companies to search if they are hiring. Employers also tend to broadcast job hiring through agencies or posters which is not efficient and will not reach job seekers promptly. Overall, the manual method is inefficient and needs to be developed.
The capstone project, entitled “TrabahoFinder: Mobile and Web Application for job Searching and Posting” is an online platform that automates the process of searching and posting job hiring. Job seekers may save time and effort in searching for available jobs that would suit their qualifications. Also, employers will be hassle-free in posting and employing for their vacancies.

- VRHome: a Virtual Reality Experience for Real Estate Industry
The capstone project, “Online Platform for Real-Estate Business,” aims to digitally alter the real-estate industry. The internet platform can reach a larger number of buyers and make transactions between the real estate agent and the client easier. The concept will eliminate the necessity for buyers to visit properties in person. Instead, they can tour and experience the properties virtually. The web platform may provide a competitive advantage over other real estate firms. The platform has the potential to attract a more serious and wealthy consumer.
Books or printed materials are the traditional means of providing teaching resources to students in school. These materials also include the biology course materials. This technique necessitates students visiting academic facilities to obtain learning, which takes time and effort and is not always available. Biology, as a study of life and living things, necessitates a lot of hands-on exercises and experiments for students. The researchers will build and develop an Interactive Lesson Material for Biology utilizing Virtual Reality to help them progress and learn despite obstacles. This project is an interactive platform that allows biology students to learn in a virtual environment. This will give them the impression that they are learning in the real world.
- RFID Based Automatic Traffic Violation Ticketing
“RFID Based Automatic Traffic Violation Ticketing,” the capstone project’s title, is a program that will automate the process of issuing tickets to road users who have broken traffic rules. An RFID-based ticket will replace the paper-based ticket. This project will speed up ticket issuance while reducing traffic congestion. Because the cards are reusable, they are far more handy than the paper-based ticketing system. RFID cards are given out to the general people.
- FiestaMobile: Mobile Based Fiesta Celebration Information in the Philippines
The capstone project entitled “FiestaMobile: Mobile Based Fiesta Celebration Information in the Philippines” is an application that compiles the major festivals conducted in the country. The aim of this capstone project is to design and develop a mobile application that can be installed on both android and iOS mobile operating system. To be specific, the project is intended to develop an application that displays the information of festivals, when it will be held, major activities of the festival and many more. The application includes the general information of the festival, schedule of events or programme. In addition, the app has a notification module that notifies the user for the upcoming festival. The mobile application is connected to a web server where the updated information can be downloaded to the mobile app for offline viewing.
The existence of technology is advantageous for people in various ways. It has made life easy and simple, mainly accomplishing day-to-day tasks and activities. This capstone project, titled “KasalMo: Android-Based Wedding Planner Application,” is purposely designed to seamlessly streamline the transactions between wedding planners or organizers and their clients. It is an android-based platform that will allow a seamless connection between them to plan the wedding without the need for physical interactions successfully.The app is intended to be used by wedding organizers in transacting with their clients. The application will digitally transition the transactions between wedding organizers and their clients. The application will have a simple interface that will allow a seamless and efficient connection between wedding planners and their clients. The app is designed to streamline communication of both sides. It also has features that will enable displaying images of wedding preparations and arrangements like the design and venue of the wedding and reception, the wedding invitation, list of guests, and other essential structures. By having the system, successful planning for a wedding will be carried out in an easy, efficient, and hassle-free manner.
The capstone project, entitled “DroneSeed App” is a drone based seeding application controlled by mobile devices. The project will enable planting trees faster than human hands by using drones.
Nowadays, we are dealing with the reality that we are losing forest faster than nature is regenerating it due to wildfires. The Current methods which rely on manual labor to keep up with and maintain our forests are insufficient to keep up with and maintain our forests. There is a need of an effective system and strategy to quickly replant trees in forest for the benefit of the people and the community as a whole.
- Robotic Plant Disease Detector using Arduino with Android Application
Farmers are used to travelling around the farm and manually inspecting plants for diseases that could endanger others. The researchers saw an opportunity to give farmers with an IT-based solution to aid in the detection of plant diseases. The researchers proposed that the capstone project, “Robotic Plant Disease Detector Using Arduino with Android Application,” be designed and deployed. Farmers can use this project to screen for and identify plant diseases. It’s an Arduino-based robotic gadget that will be controlled by an Android app. The robotic plant disease detector will go about the farm, detecting plant illness and recording it automatically for tracking.
- Inventory of Supplies and Equipment with Transfer of Accountability Feature
Currently, the equipment monitoring and inventory are performed manually by the staff. A sheet of paper must be filled out for each piece of equipment in order to maintain track of the information. This manual system was discovered to have numerous flaws, including the loss of equipment records, equipment loss, in-out transaction records, and equipment misplacement. We computerized the procedure to make it more efficient.
It deals with different aspects of regular inspection of some storage things inside the stock room, and it provides a timeless process between the management and the borrower in the process of borrowing and returning the equipment’s from the management.

- Naive Fake News Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning
We can readily obtain information nowadays thanks to the Internet and other social media sites. However, the question is whether the data acquired is genuine and correct. Consumers are creating and sharing more information than ever before, some of it is deceptive and has no bearing on reality because of the widespread use of social media platforms. It is difficult to automatically classify a text article as misleading or disinformation. Even a domain expert must consider a variety of factors before deciding whether or not an article is true. We propose in this paper that we apply a machine learning strategy to classify Naive Fake News automatically.
- IOT Garbage Monitoring System
This Garbage Monitoring System will allow user to indicate the amount of trash inside the garbage bin through mobile application. An Ultrasonic Sensor will measure the depth of the garbage bin, detect the level of the garbage then compile that information to the Arduino, the Arduino will then compute this given information and send it as data to our mobile application. The Arduino will send this data via Bluetooth then the mobile application will receive this data and will proceed to show the status of the garbage bin to the user, giving a graphical view with a percentage value while also highlighting the garbage bin in color in order to show specific level.
- Employee Evaluation Encoding with Ranking and Succession Planning System
The project entitled Employee and Faculty Evaluation with Ranking and Succession Planning is a LAN based application designed and developed in Visual Basic and MS Access as the database.
Employee and faculty evaluation is one of the key functions of HR department or the human resource department; they are the one who conducts the evaluation for the faculty members and employees of the academic institution.The application was designed to run in a local setting or environment which means that the application runs on a peer to peer setup. The executable file and the database must reside on the same directory or folder then the directory will be shared in the network in order for the other computers to use the application.
- Mobile Based(Android and iOS) Board Exam Reviewer for Agriculture
The mobile based reviewer app for agriculture is another method for learners to study and review their lessons using their mobile devices. The said project is available in both Android and iOS devices, it was written in Framework 7 and Apache Cordova, it is a hybrid type of mobile development where in the HTML, CSS and JS files can be converted into a mobile application.
The application contains lecture materials in a form of text, pdf and video format about agriculture. Assessment for every lessons in a form of multiple choices is also one of the function of the mobile app. Scores and progress result are stored in the local storage of the device but the scores are also submitted to the instructor for monitoring purposes. The application can be used offline which means that the users can still open their lessons and take quizzes even if their device has no internet connection.
The crime reporting system is a web and mobile based project which is a database driven information system that will allow the residents to report an incident with the use of internet, smartphone and a mobile application.
It is a web and mobile based application which will facilitate the queries and reports of crimes in the locality. The said project is available and accessible to the general public wherein they are allowed to report an incident or crime using their mobile devices that are connected to the internet. On the other end, the ICT department of the police station will verify first the validity of report before a response will be made. Crime records will be archived for future reporting purposes.
- Design and Implementation of Virtual Reality Systems for Driving Simulation
Traditionally, most driving schools require their students to complete real-world driving training. As technology progresses, driving schools may now use technology to simplify driving instruction, and the most practical method to do so is by adapting driving simulation. The capstone project, “Design and Implementation of Virtual Reality Systems,” is a novel technology that driving schools may employ to provide driving simulation to their pupils in a quick and efficient manner. The students will be placed in an artificial environment believed to be a valid substitute for one or more aspects of the actual driving experience.
- Voice Assistant For Visually Impaired
The capstone project, entitled “Voice Assistant Application for People with Vision Impairment” is an application designed to act as a voice assistant for individuals with vision impairment. The application will allow the user to access the most important features of their phones like messaging, dialer, call log, and other important features of the phone. The system will speak out the action performed by the user to let the user know the actions performed. The said project will assist visually impaired individuals to perform day-to-day tasks through smart means.
Individual animals such as cows, bison, pigs, goats, and others are identified and tracked using RFID in livestock management. The RFID technology will make it easier to track and monitor livestock counts on the farm. The RFID tags will be attached to the animal’s ear, similar to a piercing, and will be connected to a mobile device via wifi or bluetooth. This will make cattle management more convenient, quick, and efficient.
- Vehicle Number Plate Recognition using Android
The proposed study entitled Vehicle Number Plate Recognition using Android System aimed to provide a system that would help them detect and recognize a vehicle through its plate number. This system will help in solving problems involving vehicles. This system is used in detecting stolen and searched vehicles. The plates that are detected by the system will be compared to the recorded vehicles. Also, the system will be very helpful in managing parking space. They can use the system as the basis of the entrance and exits of different vehicles in parking lots. Thus, this system is very helpful in many aspects.
This study was conducted to develop an Information system of herbal plants and medicinal usage. The system is a big help to respond and to answer the needs of the end users in terms of the scarcity of references and lack of resources for the researchers.
The developed system is capable for storing data and is responsible for quick accessibility and easy retrieval of data and information of Herbal plants and medicinal usage. Prior to the development, the system was designed with search menu options that allows user to view and search information using the herbal name. As it was consulted from the end-user, the herbal plants contains information which includes its corresponding name, local name, scientific name, herbal information.
22. Online Transaction Fraud Detection using Backlogging on E-Commerce Website
The capstone project, “Online Transaction Fraud Detection using Backlogging on E-Commerce Website” is designed to restrict and block an attacker’s transaction using a real user’s credit card information. The system has been designed for transactions that exceed the customer’s existing transaction limit. We attempted to detect fraudulent transactions before they were completed.
- Evaluation of Academic Performance of Students
The capstone project entitled “Evaluation of Academic Performance of Students” allows academic institutions to monitor and gather data about the academic performance of students where decisions are derived to further improve the students learning outcomes.

Tracking and monitoring student’s performance serves a vital role in providing information that is used to assist students, teachers, administrators, and policymakers in making decisions that will further improve the academic performance of students. In the traditional way, the teachers and school administrators collect academic records of students and extract information from them to assess the students’ performance. The manual tracking and monitoring takes time and may encounter human errors resulting in obtaining incorrect information that will affect the decisions made. The changing factors in education have led to the quest on how to effectively and efficiently monitor student performance in educational institutions.
- Speaking System For Mute People Using Hand Gestures
It is extremely difficult for silent people to communicate their message to the general public. Communication becomes extremely difficult because most people are not skilled in hand sign language. The capstone project, “Speaking System for Mute Persons Using Hand Gestures,” is intended to assist mute people in communicating with regular people through hand motions and gestures. A hand motion reading system with motion and flex sensors, as well as a speaker unit, are used in the system. The technology that runs this system is battery operated.
- Smart Dustbin With IOT Notifications
Garbage has always been a concern in every town. The researchers proposed the creation of a Smart Dustbin with IOT Notifications to help solve the problem and reduce rubbish volume. This project will employ sensors to automate the dustbin. It will automatically open if it detects a clap or stomp of the feet. This is really beneficial in terms of reducing rubbish volume.
Farmers typically work on big plots of land to cultivate a variety of crops. It is not always possible for one person to keep constant monitoring of all of the fields. The capstone project, named “IOT Irrigation Monitoring and Controller System,” monitors and controls water supplies from afar. This system makes use of an IOT notion (Internet of Things).
Technology is credited as being the driver for change in a variety of businesses and institutions. The world has changed drastically thanks to information technology. It’s difficult to think of an industry or organization that hasn’t profited from technological developments. The most typical role of IT in these industries has been the automation of various procedures and transactions in order to increase efficiency and improve people’s overall experience and happiness. The capstone project ideas listed above will come in handy in a variety of industries. It will help in increasing operational efficiency as well as the services rendered to the people or the users of the project.
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