Capstone Project on Course Management System for Agriculture
Introduction of the Study
The research project entitled Course Management System for Agriculture Subject aimed to provide a technology platform that could help teachers and students to have a better teaching, learning and training in agriculture subject. All course interaction related on Agriculture subject would be computer based. Agriculture students would not find the system complicated upon complying all the paper assignments given to them since everything will be based on computer. This system will cover all the holes that the current system lacks to provide.
To utilize the system, agriculture student will post all their paper works and all the transactions between their teachers. This system will also play as a grade book for the teachers, where they can record the grades of their students and students also has the authority to view their grades. It also can be a communication tool for the participants just like the teachers and students.

In the learning environment, technology-aided strategies provide valuable experiences to the teachers and students through instructional devices that can be viewed and heard. Computers in the educational institutions could be used in presenting the lesson and solving problems. Schools make use of computer-assisted instructional applications such as drill and practice programs, tutorials, simulations and game programs and students should make use of Information Technology (IT) throughout the curriculum. This educational software may be utilized in acquiring subject-specific skills, knowledge and understanding. The software must be easy to operate, should help students with their learning, and should be easy to understand and use.
The proposed system was presented for the end users. This is for the convenience to handle and attend classes in a modern and easy type. To be sure for the successful landing on this system, the proponents provides questionnaire and to be answered by the end users, to collect some important information that would make a great contribution for the development of this project. They also provide clarification and difficulties while operating the proposed system. The participants suggestion and recommended will also be recorded and incorporated in the development of the project.
Objectives of the study
- To provide a system that would allow students and instructors communicate even if not physically.
- To make still connection for the both parties, allowing them to connect wherever they are.
- To create a system that would lessen the burden of the instructor in terms of teaching students.
- To provide platform that is technology based where in the entire announcement will be held in the system and also where in the paper works or classes will be submitted or perform in this system.
- To cover all the missing part that the current system didn’t provide.
Population of the study
The user decided to use population study to determine and test the level of the user acceptance, about the systems performance. The population of the study contains of fifty Agriculture students as the respondents of the study that will use the said system. The respondents, give their own ratings about on how the systems performed properly, and if they really useful instructional tool. Through population study the researchers know the results in the sides of the users by giving appropriate ratings/scores from the developed system.
Significance of the study
The following individuals or groups will benefit from this system:
Teachers/instructors: Teachers or instructor can now make announcement clearly, they can post their materials or syllable and visible by students. They can also make classes, where in if there an unexpected situation to happen they can still continue on their classes.
Students: since this is for agriculture courses, students are merely focusing on agriculture works, they would have a practicum exams, where in all the requirement for the exams are physically perform. For them to be able still perform writing or paper assignments they can now perform on this system and in terms of passing they will only post it on the system.
Project Plan/SDLC
In operating the system, the proponents used the software development cycle (SDLC), the overall process that consists of six cycles.
First phase of the cycle is to determine the requirement. This is where the choosing of requirements occurs, whether software or hardware will be used.
Second phase is to gather data: this is where the interview occurs; the researchers will conduct interviews to some participants that would help to improve the proposed system.
Third phase is to analyse the data. The researchers will analyse the data gathered, to determine the necessary information for the development for the proposed system. This is also the time to give feasible solutions.
Fourth phase will be the phase designing. The researcher will design the system that is related to the future. The specification and operation will detail and some conceptual model of the user requirements will be produced.
Fifth or the last phase will be the coding; this is where the debugging process will be done to ensure that the operation of the system will be stable.
Development Tools
The researcher will install the software XAMMP. XAMMP is an easy to use multi-platform package that installs Apache, MySQL, PHP and a wall stew of the other software useful for dynamic web development. Installation is painless, and configuration is minimal. It is important to have software programs relevant to the demand of the system which required Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML) for the web design, permanent Hypertext Pre-processor file (PHP) for the SQL, XAMMP for the connection, Mozilla Firefox as the browser and Intranet for the connection within the organization. The project entitled course management system for agriculture uses modern web standards like HTML5 and JavaScript to deliver a powerful and elegant user experience using the web. For this to work properly a reasonably modern web browser that is designed to support these popular web standards needs to be used. Browser upgrades are free, and each new version tends to be faster and better than its predecessor, so it is a good idea to keep the browser up to date.
Flow of the project
The project will be installed in the server of ICT wherein the computer laboratories used by the agriculture students are connected. This is the option if the internet is down.
The teachers are allowed to upload any form of learning materials such as word document, PowerPoint presentation and even videos. Teachers can also create an assessment in a form of quiz (usually in a form of multiple choices). Recording of scores on test, exam and attendance are also part of the system which makes it a complete eLearning platform.
Students can view the lecture materials uploaded by their teacher, can also take up a quiz and even upload assignments. Another feature that the system offers is that the students can also view their raw scores on exam, test and quizzes.
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