Capstone Project Ideas for IT and IS March 2021
The following capstone projects are the list of ideas compiled and posted for the month of March 2021. It includes resources such as the chapter 1 documentation, free download template, abstract and ERD or entity relationship diagram. Compiled ideas can be used in your projects in software engineering, system analysis and design, and capstone project subject. Always don’t forget to acknowledge the site as the source of the following free resources for the capstone project and related subjects.

This article will provide you an example on how to prepare a Use Case Diagram which is part of the capstone documentation. It discusses the different use case with their description and specification.
The article on capstone project entitled Courier Management System will give you an idea and example on how to prepare the chapter 1 capstone documentation. The said project includes the introduction of the study, objectives and significance of the study.
The capstone project entitled “Traffic Management System” is a web and mobile based project intended to monitor and information dissemination platform about traffic updates and news.
The capstone project entitled “Document Log Monitoring System” is an automated log management which can trace or track the revisions made in a document. It has also a notification feature that will notify the owner of the document if something has revised the content of the document without their approval.
The article posted on the capstone project entitled Herbal Identification App using Image Processing is intended to use for recognizing a herbal plant just by using its image.
The project on project management system is a free to download bootstrap template that you can use to develop your own version of the said project. The project is in PHP file which means that you need to upload it to the root directory of your server (example: htdocs for XAMPP and www folder of uWAMP).
The concept of the project is that the system uses a sensor to easily detect if there is a leak then will automatically sent an SMS to the registered number of the owner so that the dangerous gas leaks can be overcome and anticipated as early as possible.
The system will consist of a camera that will capture the faces of the students, and then this will be compared to the faces stored in a database for detection and recognition. Article includes the introduction, objectives and significance of the study.
This article will give you an idea if you decided to conduct a capstone project on the Student Offense Management System. You can also use this for your capstone project, just don’t forget to acknowledge the website.
The main target of this project is to provide an online platform that allows the residents to process a travel and curfew pass or clearance. It is also intended to provide a fast and efficient processing since it is a paper free transaction system.
In this time of pandemic, any solution that might help to combat the COVID-19 will be greatly appreciated. This is the right time for the researchers to showcase their skills and knowledge in computer programming, web development, database design and research.
This article is an example of abstract of the capstone project entitled Web and Mobile Bus Dispatch Information System. You may also search on the site the resources and additional information about the project.
This article is an example of abstract of the capstone project entitled Arduino Based Automated Plant Watering System.
This article is an example of abstract of the capstone project entitled Emergency Response App with SMS Notification. The team is willing to customize the project based on your needs. You may contact us at our email or via our facebook page.
Another free template for this month is the project on Lost and Found System. It is a template based on Bootstrap. Install XAMPP or uWamp and upload the folder in the root directory of your server (example: htdocs for XAMPP and www folder of uWAMP).
PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap will be used for the web admin panel. Kotlin or Java is the primary tools for the mobile application. Although the project is responsive web app, the employee can still access the project using their smartphone and browser.
The output of this capstone project is important to the beneficiaries of the study. The Fire and Smoke Alarm system will provide an early warning of fire so that the damages in both lives and properties will be controlled and prevented.
The application will also serve as a repository of photos and events for easy compilation. The system will reduce the cost and time consumed in producing a copy of a year book.
The mobile application would provide a paperless transaction for loan queries. This article includes the components of the chapter 1 or proposal documentation such as the introduction, objectives and significance of the study.
The capstone project “Taxi Mobile an Android Based Taxi Booking Application” is an android based platform for booking taxi. This article includes the components of the chapter 1 or proposal documentation such as the introduction, objectives and significance of the study.
This article is an example of abstract of the capstone project entitled Interactive Museum App with Virtual Reality. The team is willing to customize the project both the application and documentation based on your needs. You may contact us at our email or via our facebook page.
Another free template for this month is the project on Loan Management System with SMS. It is a template based on Bootstrap and the files was converted into a PHP file (.php). Install XAMPP or uWamp and upload the folder in the root directory of your server (example: htdocs for XAMPP and www folder of uWAMP).
In this article, it discusses the different form design and layout of the project. You can also download the template and modify the project based on your requirements.
The main target and aim of this capstone project is to design and develop a computer-assisted entrance examination for colleges along with the list of course recommendation.
The proposed solution for the problem is to develop an application that stores information about the definition or meaning of different medical terminologies. It also provides a guide on the contents of the chapter 1 documentation or proposal such as the introduction, objectives and significance of the study.
Owner of the Coin Operated Loading Machine Kiosk will be notified via SMS or short messaging service or commonly known as text message. Notification is a message that prompts the owner if the load credit is low which needs to be replenished.
Database system is very vital to the success of the organization’s processes. Complaints management system is an example of a database system that organizes the records in terms of customer or stakeholders complaints and queries.
Development will come into two forms, one for web version and the other is for the mobile app. The researchers will try to develop a native application for mobile application. Native means that the application will be coded based on the nature of the mobile OS. For Android, it will be coded in Java, Kotlin or maybe C#. Meanwhile, Swift or Objective C will be used for the iOS devices. Web based side of the project will be developed under the stack of PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap.
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