What is a Capstone Project?
Table of Contents
- What is a Capstone Project?
- Capstone Project definition in IT
- Capstone Project definition in IS
- Capstone Project Journey
- Topic Selection
- Literature Review
- Research on the selected and approved topic
- Proposal Making
- Proposal Presentation
- Crafting of Chapter 1 to 3
- Pre-Oral Presentation
- System Checking, Testing and Presentation
- Revisions of System based on expert’s evaluation
- Final Presentation
- Revisions of Documents
- Capstone Project Ideas and Guide for IT and IS
- Summary
A capstone project is mainly defined as a dissertation that addresses a specific problem, issue or concern in the researchers’ field of study. The students will conduct an in-depth research on their selected research topic, document the findings and result and present it to the panel of teachers, experts, and other members who will collectively evaluate the quality of the project. A capstone project is generally 20-25 pages long containing all the specified contents of a capstone project.

A capstone project is a culminating activity that is conducted by students during their final year in school. It is a two-semester process that let students pursue a research project with their own selected research topic. Conducting a capstone project is one of the degree requirements in college that needs to be completed in order for the students to complete their bachelor’s degree and use it as an employment portfolio. A capstone project will encourage students to investigate, think critically, develop comprehensive analysis, and provide solutions to the existing problems. The capstone project will completely hone the student’s intellectual capacity and gives students the opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they gained in their respective courses.
Capstone Project definition in IT
BS Information Technology program aims to produce graduates whose knowledge are grounded on the effective utilization of computers and computer software to contribute worthwhile IT solutions to the business communities all over the world. One of the degree requirements in IT program is to conduct a capstone project. The capstone project is a culminating assignment for IT students conducted during their final year in school to engage in a research project related in their field of expertise. The capstone project in IT mainly involves in providing technology-assisted solutions since BSIT students are provided with knowledge to successfully apply information technology theory and principles to address real world challenges. The skills, methods and theories learned by the students in the BSIT program are applied in doing their capstone project. Capstone project will be an opportunity for IT students to demonstrate that they can indeed meet the levels of performance expected for an IT professional.
Capstone Project definition in IS
The BS Information System program aims to produce graduates who are potential IS professionals. IS students are provided with knowledge to determine how information and technology-enabled business processes can be used as strategic tool to achieve a competitive advantage. As part of the degree requirement, students are tasked to create a capstone project to complete their degree. Capstone project for Information System is centred in providing solution to problems in the organizational context. The capstone project for IS students evolves in developing information systems to support organizations in their operations such as record management, daily transactions and other operations. Capstone project allow IS students to investigate specific problems, concerns or issues that interest them, conduct research, gather results and findings and then provide solution. The capstone project will allow IS students to demonstrate what they have learned during their time in the BSIS program and demonstrate on how to provide solutions as an IS professional.
Capstone Project Journey
In doing a capstone project, the researchers will go through different phases upon completing the project. Listed below are the steps or phases the researchers must accomplished in order to accurately conduct their research study.
Topic Selection
Topic selection is the first step in doing a capstone project. In this stage, the researchers will brainstorm and select relevant topics that they might take on their research. Since capstone project is widely focused on addressing a specific problem, issue or concern, the researchers must investigate first on existing problems on their field of expertise that interest them. The researchers must select a topic which can they are capable of providing comprehensive analysis and an expertise. The researchers must select a manageable topic, a topic that is not too broad and not too narrow so that they will not encounter difficulties in covering all the necessary materials or in finding articles published that can support the topic.
Literature Review
Literature review is one part of the capstone project that contains the overview and critical analysis of related research studies. In this stage, the researchers will search and evaluate related literature that can support their research study. The analysis of the related literature will allow the researchers to situate their research topic in a larger context and see the gaps were they can fill in. Literature review summarizes prior research studies and describes how the researchers selected research topic is linked to it.
Literature review will allow the researchers to perform the following:
- Conduct a survey and collect related literature that can support their chosen research topic.
- Summarize the information of their collected literature.
- Critically analyze the information they gathered.
- Determine the research gaps on the related literature and assess where they can fill in and add on the existing body of agreed knowledge.
Research on the selected and approved topic
After thorough selection of topics, the researchers will then conduct a research on their selected and approved topic. This stage will let the researchers proceed on the research proper, highlighting their own pursuit of the study. This stage will let the researchers to search and determine the contents of every part of their research study.
Proposal Making
In this stage the researchers will start crafting their research proposal. The proposal making contains the following sections of the capstone project:
Rationale is the first section to be included in the proposal making which introduces the research problem to be taken by the researchers. This section will describe the problems and issues that the researchers have seen and wanted to solve or provide a solution by conducting their proposed capstone project. This section will highlight the necessity of conducting the proposed study.
Project Context
This section explains the relationship among the rationale of the study to the proposed research problem. The researchers will present strong justification for the need of conducting the study.
An objective is a section in the capstone project that states the goal or the purpose of the researchers in conducting the capstone project. The research objectives must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bounded.
The objective section contains the following information:
- General objective – the researchers will state the full or generalized goal to be achieved in conducting the study.
- Specific objectives – the researchers will state the specified and clearer objectives the researchers are trying to achieve in a short term.
This section explains the defined scope of the research project. The research scope states the nature, coverage and time frame of the study.
Target Beneficiaries
This section of the capstone project will state the target beneficiaries. The paper will explain the significance of the study to the target beneficiaries by stating the benefits they can gain from the success of the study. The main point of this section is to cite the usefulness of the project.
Proposal Presentation
After crafting the project proposal, the researchers will then present the proposal to the panel members. The researchers can use a PowerPoint in presenting the research proposal. The researchers should professionally design their presentation were the contents can easily be understood and highlight important points and details to give clearer vision about the general purpose of the research.
Crafting of Chapter 1 to 3
A capstone project is composed of many chapters that the researchers must write and document. In this stage, the researchers are required to craft the contents of the project’s chapter 1 to 3.
- Chapter 1 – Introduction/Research Description
This chapter requires the researchers to explain the description and purpose of the study. The introduction should be 1-2 pages long containing the abstract, the background of the study, the objectives of the study, the significance and the scope of the study. Chapter 1 of the capstone project introduces the purpose of the study.
- Chapter 2 – Literature Review
Literature review composes the chapter 2 of a capstone project. This chapter is fact-based and contains the overview of literatures that is related to the research study. Literature review summarizes prior research studies and allows the researchers to determine the research gaps where they can situate their research project.
- Chapter 3 – Research Methodology
This chapter explains the research methodologies used in conducting capstone project. This chapter explains the research design(quantitative or qualitative) and the instruments used (survey, interview).This section of the paper explains the step-by-step process in gathering data for the the research project. The researchers will also explain the reason behind using a particular research methodology.
Pre-Oral Presentation
After, crafting the chapter 1 to chapter 3 of the capstone project documentation, the researchers will then have the pre-oral presentation. The researchers will discuss their research project to the panel members for the evaluation of their project. The researchers can use slide presentations to assist them in explaining their project and to let their audience better understand their project.
System Checking, Testing and Presentation
In this stage, the researchers will assess the functionality of the system they developed. The system will be presented to the panel of experts for evaluation to ensure that the systems will function well and will not encounter problems in operations. Presenting the developed system to the panel of experts will help the researchers gain insight to further improve the system. System checking and testing will give high level assurance that the system will be successful.
Revisions of System based on expert’s evaluation
After the presentation of the system, the researchers will then revise the system based on the expert’s evaluation. The expert’s evaluation will serve as basis or a guide for the researchers to further improve the functionality of the system.
Final Presentation
After the revision of the system, the researchers are set for the final presentation. The researchers will present the project’s documentation and the system they developed as a solution for the problem or concern they cited. In this stage, the researchers will present their project to the school’s panel members assigned for the evaluation of the capstone project. The researchers will be asked about their project and they must explain and confidently defend their project.
Revisions of Documents
After the final presentation, the researchers will spend time in revising the project’s documentation. The researchers should reread the entire document of the research project to ensure the logical flow of the information in the documents. The researchers should ensure that the content of the research paper draws the reader to the complete and exact conclusion of the project.
Capstone Project Ideas and Guide for IT and IS
In selecting a project, the school will have to provide their students a list of categories or area of investigation to conduct the study. Every school has their own track and may vary depending on the trends and needs of the industry. This section will provide you with the list of capstone project ideas that might be anchored to the track of your institutions.
Web Development
- Online Driving School Management System
- COVID-19 Facilities Management Information System
- OJT Timesheet Monitoring System using QR Code
- Online Donation Platform for DSWD with SMS Notification
- Vehicle Franchising and Drivers Offense System
- Complaint Management System with Decision Support
- Vehicle Impoundment Information Management System
- Preventive Maintenance of Equipment with QR Code
- Vet Scheduling System with PayPal Payment Integration
- Online Medical Equipment Tracking
- Help Desk Web Information System for COVID-19
- Online School Documents Processing with Payment System

Mobile Development
- A Tricycle Driver Conduct Reporting Mobile Application
- Mobile Based Event Ticketing App with Admin Panel
- Web and Mobile Newsletter App with Forum for School Publication
- Web and Mobile Based Health and Nutrition Application
- JRDroid: Mobile Application Learning App for Jose Rizal
- Mobile App Hotel Reservation System with SMS Notification using iTexMo API
- Mobile Based Tuition Fee Payment App using Dragon Pay API
- FratAppMobi: Mobile Based Social Networking App for Fraternities and Sororities
- Gold Fish Guide Mobile – Android Based Guide On How To Take Care of Your Goldfish
- PetDroid: Android Based Exercise App with Pet Buddy
- Sign Language Mobile App
- Mobile Based Year Book Gallery App
- SweldoMobile a Mobile Based Salary Notification App
- Android Based Feeds Scheduler Dispensing

Python Related Projects
- Tomato Plant Disease Identification using Image Processing in Python
- Social Distancing Smart Watch Device for COVID-19
- Website and IP Blocker in Python
- Chatbot Application in Python
- IOT based Voice Controlled System for Smart Applications in Python and Raspberry Pi
- Python Project on Data Visualization on the Impact of COVID-19
- Sentiment Analysis in Python
- Python Project on Rice Disease Detection
- Building an Artificial Neural Network in Tensorflow and Python
- Automatic People Counting in Crowded Scenes
- Dynamic Quiz Application in Python
- Project on Malaria Detection Algorithm using Machine Language
- Hand Gesture Recognition using Python and OpenCV
- Herbal Identification App using Image Processing
Hardware Based Projects
- LPG Leak Detection with SMS Notification Capstone Project
- Face Recognition Attendance with SMS notification
- Fire and Smoke Alarm System with SMS Notification
- Coin Operated Loading Machine Kiosk
- Water Level Indicator Using SMS Notification
- Online Shopping with Augmented Reality
- Android Based Feeds Scheduler Dispensing Application
- Drone Based Seeding Application Controlled by Mobile Devices
- Interactive Museum App with Virtual Reality Capstone Project
- Doorbell Notification App That Supports SMS Using Android
- Arduino Based Alcohol Detector Capstone Project
- Bantay Baha Alert System with SMS and Push Notification
- RFID Based Bus Fare Payment System
- RFID Enabled Passport Verification
- Coin Operated Car Wash System with Income Collection Report
- GPS based Vehicle Theft Detection System using GSM Technology
- Coin Operated Printing Kiosk
A capstone project is a culminating assignment that students take during their final year in school or at the end of their academic program. The main purpose of the capstone project is to provide solutions to existing problems, issues and concerns. The capstone project that students conducted depends on their field of expertise and must use the knowledge they gained in their courses or programs.
For the IT and IS programs, capstone projects mostly involves technology-assisted solution and system application form of projects. Conducting a capstone projects involve various steps or stages that the researchers must complete in order to correctly complete their research study. The first step that the researchers must do is to select topic for their capstone project. After selecting a topic, the researchers must search for related literature that can support their study and conduct further research on their approved and selected topic. After conducting in-depth research, the proponents will craft their project proposal and present it to the panel members. After the proposal presentation, the researchers will start crafting their project’s documentation (introduction-research methodology) and the researchers will prepare for the pre-oral presentation. The researchers will check and test the system they develop and present it to the panel of experts for evaluation. After the evaluation, the researchers will revise the system based on the expert’s evaluation to further enhance the functionality of the system. After all the revisions, the researchers will prepare for the final presentation of their capstone project and then proceed to final revision of the documents. A capstone project is a writing process guided by the determined guidelines that the researchers must abide in order to successfully conduct a research study.
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