Brain Controlled Wheelchair
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Being in a body that cannot make movements and can’t utter a word is like being trapped and imprisoned. Being a physically disabled person is not a joke, imagine being conscious, can see people around, and even have perfect hearing but the only bad about is that you can’t move or speak. To address this problem, the proposed system called Brain Controlled Wheelchair for Disable is being developed, this is to aid the difficulties found in being a disabled person.
The existence of the project supports for the betterment of the disabled person to make their lives as normal as it was before. This technology-based wheelchair denotes a cost-efficient, accurate, user-friendly, and advanced interface to help the disabled control their wheelchair in several commands. The system allows chaired persons not only to interact and do movements but also to navigate around them. So they can freely move and do whatever they wanted to do just like having a way to normal lives.
The researchers will use the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method to create the system. To test and check the system, the researchers will gather a sample size of collaborating patients, Hospitals, and other end users. IT professionals will also assess the system to make improvements. Based on the experts’ advice, the researchers will improve the system.
With this technology-based runs wheelchair, the previous lives of physically disabled people will be vanished and will change into a new life where they can participate still in other human activities. The systems researchers build and improve the current wheelchair, which only allows for simple movements, into a wheelchair that allows for multiple commands, which is beneficial to impaired individuals.
With the advent of technology, all the existing fields in an economy already acquire their benefits related to the purpose of the said field. This project called “Brain Controlled Wheelchair for Disable” belongs to the field of medicine. Decipher by the fact that there are already considerable inventions, discoveries and existing technology which can give advantage respond to aid every patient in different sickness or illness. The uniqueness of this project is the idea of how it was created. The development of this project targets a specific set of problems to provide attention with. A disabled person mostly gets a hard time and hopeless life for they expect that their kinds are the most useless ever step on land. Therefore, the usage of this project is to acknowledge the mentioned issue and give a response to it.
The capstone project entitled “Brain Controlled Wheelchair” considers to be a vast research project. This project aimed to give action towards disabled patients to be able to have interaction with others despite their conditions. This project is only intended for a disabled person specifically those who can’t talk, move, and can’t express emotion, concisely are those who have a disease that makes humans can’t do movements. This system will transmit the intention of the disabled patients into suitable command directly to the wheelchair. With that, the end-user will be able to do everything with the help of the Brain-controlled wheelchair.

Proposed Solution
A great response to the aforesaid adherence is the proposal of the project named Brain Controlled Wheelchair for Disable. The system will serve as the helping aid device to patients that lost the ability to speak and move. The system’s functions respond immediately to the commands of the end-user. The researcher of the systems develop and improve the current wheelchair that functions only simple movements into a wheelchair that allows multi commands which is helpful for disabled patients. The success of the system is indeed useful in supporting disabled individuals to improve their lives without making hassle for others. The system will make a huge change for the lives of all disabled patients.
The objective of the study
General Objective – the project mainly aims to develop, produce and implement a system that assists the supplication of every disabled person and provides a new and relief life through a brain-controlled wheelchair.
- To develop and advance and technology-based wheelchair for poorly disabled people.
- To produce a system that can sustain and create a new life for the hopeless.
- To provide an easy, user-friendly, with high-mobility and low-cost system to the needed ones.
- To modify the manual wheelchair into an advance and technology-based controlled wheelchair.
- To respond to the aforementioned problems of disabled persons.
Scope of the Study
The study focuses mainly on the establishment of the brain-controlled wheelchair for a disabled person, specifically those people with the unstable condition of movement of the physical body. The proposed system is intended to provide a more advanced wheelchair innovation through brain-controlled for the utilization of patients that are confined as disabled patients. A system that could change and bring impact to the healthcare and medicine industry. Once the system develops, it will surely give a modified, easier, efficient, and unique wheelchair for the end-user.

Significance of the Study
The coup of the project is significant to the following groups or individuals:
Disabled Patients/ Persons. The system is intentionally developed to provide assistance and aid for them, to make a disabled person live a normal life despite the conditions. This opportunity offered a huge impact and benefits for them. Moreover, the system allows them to communicate and interacts with others, also allows them to move freely without the dependence of others.
Medical staffs/ Hospitals. The benefits of the project do not limit merely to the side of the patients but also the staff and Hospitals. If a distinguished hospital avails the project then surely they think of the welfare of the patients. The advantage for them is their staff will no longer be able to do the work for the patients because patients have to do it themselves. They will only guide the patients in utilizing the system.
Families. Aside from its main intended beneficiaries. The families as well, lessen their burdens in taking care of the disabled member of the family. They will not take responsibility anymore. With the help of the system, they will be greatly happy to see the patients live in a normal way.
Researchers. The study will enhance their understanding and knowledge about the project.
Future Researcher. The study will enlighten and serves as a handrail for their future research related to the said project.
Brain Controlled wheelchair for the disabled is quite challenging for the researchers but is considered to be a significant project because of its huge contribution to all physically challenged people. It’s sighted that the project is the answer to the problem regarding providing better for disabled persons. The proposed system uses other systems to overcome the previous challenges of the given problem and to provide higher accuracy and efficiency. To make the system works, the end-users must undergo training for a better experience.
Hence, the medical association should take this project seriously because its the only solution to the arising problem of disabled persons that bereaved by hope. It concludes that the project will ease the lives of physically disabled people which they can freely move and talk or have interaction without, minding their conditions.

Based on the advantages, benefits, and significance of the study, the researcher must hurry with the implementation of the project. Its highly recommended that the researcher should make the project for the betterment of the rendered target end-users. The project should also be user-friendly, environmental, and economic friendly. The end-user will no longer be dependent on others, they will not feel imprisoned and trapped anymore.
The following are the specific recommendations of the researchers:
- The researchers recommend utilizing the system in every medical establishment as the new and improved wheelchair for disabled persons.
- The researchers recommend that the government will take action to male this project into existence and should be displayed in the public hospitals to ensure that the unfortunate one could take part in the said project.
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