BJMP Visitors Log Monitoring Review of Related Literature
This chapter presents the review of the related literature and studies and the technical background that has been used as bases and references in the present study and discussed the technicality of the project, details of the technologies used and the relevance of the project for Bureau of Jail Management and Penology.
Monitoring Systems
All monitoring systems work on the simple basis of: the aim of a monitoring system is maximise reliability and availability. A monitoring system will not stop a system malfunctioning, but will log system data from which system characteristics can be deduced. This provides our customers with advanced data on the status of their system and data to plan maintenance schedules around. The monitoring system collects data from all over the system and provides feedback at a specific location, this location can either be the control room on ship or the control room on land receiving feedback signals from a fleet of aircraft, which are currently flying, or the generator set situated in on an oilrig. The monitoring systems provides us with the freedom of knowing what our system is doing, how well it is doing it and will help predict how it will react next time we run it.
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Advantages & Disadvantages of Information Management Systems
Modern businesses have been leveraging management information systems (MIS) to manage, order, organize and manipulate the gigabytes and masses of information generated for various purposes. MIS helps businesses optimize business processes, address information needs of employees and various stakeholders and take informed strategic decisions. However, budget allocation and monitoring issues can affect the efficacy of MIS. It has its advantages and disadvantages depending on organizational deployment and usage.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Information Systems
Business need information that’s timely, useful, cost-effective, accessible, organized and accurate. Therefore, information systems must be constantly maintained and upgraded to meet the company’s expectations and customers’ needs. To do this, managers must be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of these systems. These are: Advantages, A good information system allows the user to access, understand and respond to information quickly and effectively. Whenever necessary, users can get the most accurate information needed to do an activity. A good information system also offers users a variety of ways to change and present information as well as performs different tasks, For businesses, this capability – changing data into useful information – is invaluable for good business success and problem solving: Disadvantages, Information system may not always function properly. This happens for a number of reasons. System break down, interrupting smooth operations and causing customer dissatisfaction For instance, customers may be charged for the wrong services or for merchandeise that they did not order. Also, defective information systems can deliver the wrong information to other systems, are vulnerable to hackers and fraud.
The literatures and concepts gathered and presented gave the project proponents insights, facts, and adequate information that will serve as the basis, guide, and reference that are relevant and necessary in the development of BJMP Visitors Log Monitoring System.
Visitor Management System
According to (2011) the security requirements of large organizations and infrastructure are challenging and growing increasingly. Visitors should be screened, registered, signed in quickly and allowed to visit only the relevant areas via integration with access control devices. Features of the visitor management system are the following: online requests for appointment, appointment approval and rejections, Pre-registration of groups and individuals for one or multiple days, Email notifications on requests, approvals and rejections, Visitor self sign-in using touch screen kiosks, Business card scanning for speedy registrations, Visitor history tracking, Blacklisting of Visitors, Visitor/ contractor – badge / pass printing, and Business card scanning for speedy registrations.
Automated Monitoring
Oracle® Enterprise Manager Grid Control comes with a comprehensive set of performance and health metrics that enables automated monitoring of key components in your environment, such as applications, application servers, databases, as well as the back-end components on which they rely (hosts, operating systems, storage, and so on).
Electronic System
Throughout the years, the government has created numerous strategies in order to make prisons less populated. Electronic Monitoring, one of the newest inventions, is a prime example of how to keep the population to a minimal in penitentiaries. It has also helped monitor other community corrections programs for people on parole, which is actually the main point why electronic monitor was invented. In addition it is constantly used in day programs and probation circumstances’ that a court puts upon a criminal. Due to its great success rate, it has even been used in different parts of the world. Countries like Canada and the United Kingdom have adopted this new monitoring system due to it’s effectiveness. Electronic Monitoring is used in any circumstances in which a criminal has been given the liberty to be on any kind of probation or during their parole. Although convict may not be in prison constant supervision is provided without the need for a prison cell. This surveillance is used during both the pre-trial monitoring and post-trial monitoring process. Pre-trial monitoring is enforced when the criminal has the opportunity to spend time at home because of financial problems or when the court decides that it would be best to refrain from this person being behind bars while awaiting a sentence. This system is more efficient not only for the government but for the prisons aw well.
Monitoring and Management
According to (2014) the Monitoring and management software is key to preventing disasters and keeping the network healthy. Intuitive, time-saving software can help you quickly identify problems and potential problems, and intelligently respond. TIBCO monitoring and management software gives you visibility into applications and processes across the enterprise, alerts that announce important operational events, and a clear understanding of problem severity.
The related system of,, and Oracle® Enterprise which presents the highlights of Monitoring Systems and the different components and features of a monitoring system had given the present study relevant information particularly in the importance and effectiveness of an electronic/automated monitoring system to an organization.
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