Barcode Based Class Attendance Monitoring Capstone Project
System Proposed System
The researcher of the proposed system entitled Barcode Based Class Attendance Monitoring System aimed to provide a system that would serve as the repository of all attendance record of a particular student. In the manual system of checking attendance, teachers are using class record or else student just writes their names and signature in a piece of paper wherein the credibility is not a 100% sure because some are letting their friends’ do their attendance if they were not attending classes.
To be able to integrate the system in educational institutions, the students will be provided with a card containing a unique barcode. Each barcode represents the unique ID number of the students. The students will just scan their cards containing the barcode and the system will automatically record the attendance of the student.

System Implementation
The proposed system will be helpful for educational institutions especially for teachers and students. For the assurance of the functionality of the system, the researchers would present the project to the end user. They will be providing questionnaire to the end user to gather answer and to determine difficulties that the end user might encounter upon operating the system. Also, the end user can provide their comments, suggestions, and recommendations for the improvement of the system.
Objectives of the Study
- The system will let the student regularly attend classes since no attendance sheet is required, their presence is highly needed.
- The system will not waste the time of teachers just to check the attendance of the students.
- The system will easily track the attendance history of students.
- The system will make attendance checking hassle-free.
- The system will let the users have an ease in attendance transactions.
Significance of the Study
The following groups or individuals will benefit from this study:
Educational Institutions. This system will help them in monitoring the attendance of their students. Also this will be a centralized location for the attendance record of the students. Tracking attendance will be very easy.
Teachers. The system will lessen the work of the teachers. They would not need to daily check the attendance of the students; the students will be the responsible one to record their attendance through a barcode.
Students. The system would let them always go to school for checking of attendance will be their responsibility.
Proponents. The success of the project would add up on their intellect about the system.

Project Plan/SDLC
The researchers of the study Utilizes the Software Development Life Cycle as an overall process in developing the project.
First, is determining the project requirements, the researchers will determine the proposed system requirements such as software and hardware to be used. And then gathering data, the researchers will be gathering necessary information through an interview to the higher offices or institutions. After that they need to analyse the data gathered to be able to identify the significant information that will be used in the development of the system. After that the researchers will proceed to the designing phase, the researchers design the system while keeping in mind the defined requirements. Lastly, coding, the researchers will be encoding the codes. Also in this stage, the debugging process will be done to ensure that the operation of the system will be stable.
Development Tools:
PHP, MySQL/MariaDB, Bootstrap
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