Barcode Based Attendance System Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature
Chapter two includes the related literature and studies of Client-Server Event Management System for Student Body Organization.
The Client-Server Event Management System for SBO can help the user and its client to fasten their transactions about the student’s attendance in every school activities.
Events Attendance Monitoring System Using Biometrics and SMS
The Institute of Information and Communication Technology of Isabela State University Echague Campus is now facing problems with regards to monitoring the attendance of the students during school’s activities. Most of the time students are required to attend to all activities as required by the university and the institute itself. But as early days experience until today, the student body organization is having a hard time to monitor the attendance of the students.
The presidents of each class require students to sign their names on a piece of paper as a proof of their attendance in a particular activity prior to start the program/activity. The queues of students in the registration area cause the delay and reliability of monitoring the attendance.
Miscommunication is another problem of the student body organization of the IICT. Students complain that why they are marked absent since they were not informed about the activity.
Another problem that the student body organization is facing now is the consolidation of the report of the attendance of the students. During the signing of the clearance many students complains that they are marked absent although they are present during the activity and vice versa.
Due to the unreliable reports of attendance monitoring and unreliable monitoring of student’s attendance the researcher were able to come up with a solution to solve the problems the development of Event Monitoring System Using Biometric with SMS.

Faraon Institute Students Monitoring System with SMS support
Based on the research study of the Suaño et al (2015) from Northern Negros State Collage of Science and Technology (NONESCOST), that the teachers of Faraon Institute are having problem in taking the daily attendance of the students, somatimes they forget to take it or they will just simply give the class a blank paper to let them write their names and sign, that wiil serve as their attendance and later who knows if the attendance will misplaced. The system covered two main functionalities: first is to get the attendance information of the students and second is to send SMS to the parents if their son/daughter is present.
Student Attendance Monitoring and Identification System Using Barcode and SMS
Management team in school whether primary and secondary school use less computerized system in their management. Most of the schools in Isulan, Sultan Kudarat are using a manual process to monitor the student’s attendance. In a manual system, teachers will take and write down the student’s daily attendance in the record book, then at the end of the month the teacher is responsible to update the record by calculating the percentage of student’s attendance. This showed that the manual system is not strict and the student does not pay much attention to the attendance. Parents also do not know either their children come to school or not. They only know when the report card is given to them, twice a year.
Nowadays, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) brings a tremendous new technology to change and ease the management to get the information in a more systematic and efficient way.
Because of that, a computerized system that will be named Student Attendance Monitoring & Identification System using Barcode & SMS of INHS(Study on SMS Application) system has been proposed to be developed and implemented for management team in school. The target of this system is to monitor the daily student attendance and to inform parents about the attendance of their children.
This system will be fully computerized and also apply a new communication technology called SMS. All of the daily students’ attendance will be saved in a specific database. When the student log-on by swiping their school ID on the system, it will automatically generate a message that will be sent to the hand phone via SMS.
Hopefully with this system, the student discipline problems will be zero defects in attendance context and the parents will be informed if the student escapes in school. This system also will make the school management system to be more systematic, efficient and smoothly processed.
Bar Code Scanner Based Student Attendance System (SAS)
Student attendance play significant role in order to justify academic outcome of a student and school as overall. Unfortunately, there is no automated attendance record keeping application available in Malaysia’s secondary schools. A preliminary study has been conducted in one of secondary schools in Selangor, Malaysia in order to understand the manual attendance record keeping process. Through interview session, Student Attendance System (SAS) development team, have identified that teachers and school management face problems in recording and managing attendance of their students. Therefore, SAS has been proposed and developed. Need for a tool to systematically keep the students attendance record increased due to increasing number of school students. Upon completion of SAS, user acceptance testing conducted among potential end users. Result of UAT shows most of the user satisfied with the system with some minor changes required.
Smart Wireless Attendance Monitoring Using NFC
According to Puja Rani and Oshin (2015), in their proposed system wherein any staff after entering into the classroom can record the attendance of the students using reader. This reader communicates with the PC placed at office rooms or server rooms and the students’ details, time of attendance are all recorded in the PC. The PC does the rest of the job and no manual calculation is required. Also errors are prevented to a greater extent. The teachers can login to their respective id to check the student’s attendance status and save it. The project proposes a novel and secure way of identification system that is tamper proof and is easily usable by everyone concerned. For that it uses NFC technology that is known for communication between multiple tags at a specific time and less power consumption. These particular features of NFC make identification and processing very easy as the system is completely wireless and has a collision free algorithm to transmit and receive signals from multiple units.
Attendance System Using Nfc Technology And Embedded Camera Device On Mobilephone.
According to R. RajaMurugan, T. Rohan and G. SakthiSankarapandian (2015), in the most of Thailand universities, instructors take attendance by calling out the names and surnames of students, and then marking them, while, in others, instructors pass around a sheet of paper, asking students to sign in attendance sheet just next to their surnames. Both practices have their drawbacks. In the first case, if numerous groups attend the lesson, checking all of these students by name and surname might take about
several minutes out of each lesson; in the second case, friends of absent students may write down their names and surnames. These practices place university instructors and their institutions at considerable disadvantages when it comes to taking attendance. To rectify these systematic failings, we have desire to put the NFC tag into service. Each tag has a unique ID, precluding the duplication of a tag. These NFC tag are given to students of Apply Mathematic department, Faculty of and while students entering classrooms and touch these tag on linstructor mobile phone, NFC readers program on instructor’s mobile phone will read these tags, identify the students from their respective NFC tag and send the data to an instructor’s mobile phone.
NFC Based Attendance Monitoring System with Facial Authorization
According to Dhiraj R. Wani, Tushar J. Khubani, Prof. Naresh Thoutam (2014), Near Field Communication Technology (NFC) as technology has a number of advantages which is based on a wireless communication interface that has been used for quite a while. Attedance for achool and collages is a necessity, smart system for schools and collages attendance using NFC is a automated process and financially cheap which can provide system accuracy and security. The reader device will be paced at every class room, the student and staff will simply tap their android devices to the NFC reader device to sign in their attendance. This system will generate a final report of attendance sheet of individual students. The basis of report generated is the percentage of attendance that can be efficiently calculated and this system detects the entry tag and exit along with fac ial authorization.
Aquilan (2015) made a comparable thesis on the automation of time attendance that records the time in and time out of every employee using Key card system. It tends to eliminate the manual recording system of time and attendance and also include salary computation of each employee based on the time and attendance reports. Ramon Faloran (2015) wrote in the article “The Computer Edge of the New Employment and Opportunities “in the Philippine Daily Inquirer. He stated that computer gives you a different feeling about what is happening in the company. Business will be highly competitive and innovative because the computer provides instant information. Study by Cantoma (2015) in her thesis entitled “Computer Library System for St. James Academy” stated that, in manual system in retrieving, maintaining security and piling records take place because of the years gone by. Furthermore, these files were only kept in envelopes and folders in wooden rocks.
Mobile Barcode Based Examination Attendance System
In the study entitled Mobile Barcode Based Examination Attendance System, they used smartphones to record the attendance of the students. This system is a step from traditional education system towards online or blended learning systems to provide a systematic way attendance. This system will not only save lecturers time during class or examination but it will also help the student to keep focusing on lecture or exam. The administrator of the system who maintains the online server can insert new subjects, halls, exam schedules and venues etc. The system has very friendly interface. The administrator can do all of the above mentioned tasks for the whole semester only in few clicks. The faculty releases a schedule of examination in the form of excel file. The system administrator will just browse the excel file and upload to the system. The database servers will automatically insert all the relative information to respective tables in the database.
Barcode Based Student Record System
According to the authors of this study, Student record plays important role in academic world. It is therefore essential to handle students’ records in a way that is accessible, maintainable and secure. There are various types of students’ records that college needs to maintain such as students’ personal information, academic score, attendance records, library details, etc. The manual method of maintaining and storing student record is vulnerable due to human errors and is also unsecure. This system (B.B.S.R.S) is being developed for an engineering college to maintain and facilitate easy access to student records. For this the users must be registered with the system after which they can view as well as modify records as per the permissions given to them. Each student’s ID card will have a unique barcode at the back side of it. The users need to scan these barcode using barcode scanner to access or modify particular student details which is stored in central database Also teachers can record attendance of students and can access it anytime. Also librarian can maintain book issue and return details of students by scanning barcodes of students as well as books.
Student Attendance System by Barcode Scan
In the article posted in, the project is a system that takes down students’ attendance using barcode. This is an interesting concept set forth to automate the traditional attendance system by using authentication technique. The traditional system requires a register maintained for manually marking attendance for the students which is time consuming. Hence this proposed project eliminates the need of maintaining attendance sheet.
According to this research publication, A Smart attendance system based on face recognition was introduced by Chauhan et al., [60], the proposed system can be used to take attendance of the students sitting in a classroom all at once. The proposed system involves four steps. Firstly, face detection. Secondly, face alignment. Thirdly, face encoding. Each face is encoded with unique 128 values. Finally, SVM classifier is trained with these 128 dimension values for each face. The system also makes a report of attendance with the date and then it is automatically mailed to the faculty.
The programming languages utilized in this work are ASP.NET programming language. The programming language is chosen relying on the languages features which make them more suitable for this work. In the proposed system, the user starts with login interface and the user has to enter the information required. If the information is found correct by the system search in the database, it displays to the user the system homepage and allows the user to make use of the proposed system. However, if it’s not valid, the user will be redirected to the login page.
Barcode based Student Attendance System
This is the abstract of the study enttitled Barcode based Student Attendance System. The study was published on 2015 at the IJCA Journal. Student attendance play significant role in order to justify academic outcome of a student and college as overall. Unfortunately, there is no automated attendance record keeping application available in colleges. There is a need for a tool to systematically keep the students attendance record due to increasing number of college students The project that we are going to make is to help the teachers in our college to avoid maintaining the registry book. This project uses a barcode scanner. B. B. S. A. S uses Barcode scanner to take the attendance of students entering the lab. Each student’s ID card will have a barcode at the back side of it. This barcode contains unique data of the student such as roll number, branch and year. Etc. Student will scan their barcode at the end so that the student can’t cheat. The display screen will show the attendance of the particular student after scanning his/her barcode. Teachers and administrator will only have access to the system with their respective login ID’s and passwords.
Accoring to NURUL LIYANA BINTI MAHMOD, With the Information Technology eras that are really advances nowadays, there a lot of technologies are being used in this century. Several of software created in order to make the data’s that saved and access in manual before to the computerize information. The computerize data is more secure because it can protect by password. . Thus, one system is developed to solve the problem. The purpose is same as punch card that being used nowadays. The system is used to help the lecturers or staffs on making the student attendance. This system is connected to card reader that are used to save all the student attendance information. The student must bring their Matric Card to the class and scratch it in card reader on making attendance. The Student Attendance System is located in one server which is it can be accessed anytime they like and all the information’s are being updated. The lecturer also can print hardcopy by clicking the button that is in the database. Besides, by using this system it can reduce time and can minimize student cheating where by using manually other students also can sign for their friends that is absent that day. The system that will produce is user – friendly and all the instructions using clearly language and easy to understand.
Student Smart Card using VB.NET, SQL, Barcode
This publication states that, Smart cards is used worldwide nowadays; it is popular due to its portability and ease of use. Currently smart cards are used in various sectors but not used mainly in college sectors. This paper aims developing of an advanced system for students which can be used in attendance management, canteen payments, library management and office work using smart cards which can be used in educational institutes. Here we can try to achieve maximum usability of smart cards.
Attendance is very useful in colleges and schools to keep a track of punctuality of students as well as preparation of list of blacklist according to the guidelines of University. Currently the attendance of students, entering the data into system other calculations is done manually by the staff. All this work can be done automatically using smart cards with the help of various technologies like RFID, barcode technology, QR code. Smart cards here can be used in canteens too, students can get their smart cards recharged from the canteen and office previously and then later canteen bills can be paid directly using smart card number without having the need to carry cash. Also payments can be made in office related works too using smart cards such as exam fees, form fees, any kind of fine etc.
The above-mentioned related literatures, studies and prior arts are using NFC reader, NFC on mobile, smart card and barcode while the system we developed is using a hardware which is a Barcode Reader. The related system focused only on the attendance monitoring in every school activities and the other related studies focused on automating the paper base attendance while the other prior arts focused on monitoring the attendance and their grades. The current system included a feature that can see the graphical representation of record in a form of bar graph in every course in every activity in the school and then the system can also generate a printed report of attendance recorded with a status if the student attended or not the school activities.
The above presented literatures and related systems will serve as a guidelines for the researchers to develop our own event management system.
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