Barcode Based Activity Attendance System in Visual Basic
The project entitled Barcode Based Activity Attendance System is a LAN based project written in Visual Basic and MySQL, stand-alone version is also available in Visual Basic and MS Access as the database of the project. This article will present several studies and systems that is closely related to this project, the article will also present the system features and the different forms included in the said project.

Events Attendance Monitoring System Using Biometrics and SMS
The Institute of Information and Communication Technology of Isabela State University Echague Campus is now facing problems with regards to monitoring the attendance of the students during school’s activities. Most of the time students are required to attend to all activities as required by the university and the institute itself. But as early days experience until today, the student body organization is having a hard time to monitor the attendance of the students.
The presidents of each class require students to sign their names on a piece of paper as a proof of their attendance in a particular activity prior to start the program/activity. The queues of students in the registration area cause the delay and reliability of monitoring the attendance.
Miscommunication is another problem of the student body organization of the IICT. Students complain that why they are marked absent since they were not informed about the activity.
Another problem that the student body organization is facing now is the consolidation of the report of the attendance of the students. During the signing of the clearance many students complains that they are marked absent although they are present during the activity and vice versa.
Due to the unreliable reports of attendance monitoring and unreliable monitoring of student’s attendance the researcher were able to come up with a solution to solve the problems the development of Event Monitoring System Using Biometric with SMS.
On Attendance Monitoring System using Smart Card
According to Amit, Anand and Gandhi(2008) the traditional procedure for maintaining the attendance record was to pass the attendance sheet during the lecture. This attendance sheet could constitute the status for only 4 – 5 sessions. So in order to calculate the attendance for entire term all such attendance sheets had to be assimilated. This procedure would require a lot of manual work. Our project is designed in such a way that the micro controller would automatically update the status of the attendance when the reader detects the card. This project would be user friendly as the student is only required to zip his card in order to mark his attendance (

Student Attendance Monitoring and Identification System Using Barcode and Sms (Study on Sms Application)
According to Jinky Mallcudlo (2013) management team in school whether primary and secondary school use less computerized system in their management. Most of the schools in Isulan, Sultan Kudarat are using a manual process to monitor the student’s attendance. In a manual system, teachers will take and write down the student’s daily attendance in the record book, then at the end of the month the teacher is responsible to update the record by calculating the percentage of student’s attendance. Because of that, a computerized system that will be named Student Attendance Monitoring & Identification System using Barcode & SMS of INHS (Study on SMS Application) system has been proposed to be developed and implemented for management team in school. The target of this system is to monitor the daily student attendance and to inform parents about the attendance of their children. This system will be fully computerized and also apply a new communication technology called SMS. All of the daily students’ attendance will be saved in a specific database. When the student log-on by swiping their school ID on the system, it will automatically generate a message that will be sent to the hand phone via SMS (
Menu Structure
File Menu – Backup Database, Change Password, Restore Database, Log-out, Exit
Records Menu – Student Entry, Courses, Activities
Transaction Menu – Scanning, Live streaming
Reports Menu – Attendance, Clearance
System Features and User Interface
- Activity Attendance System Student Entry Form
This is the registration module for the encoding of student data, the id of the students contain a barcode which will be used in the attendance system. Name, course and year level will also be encoded in the system.

- Activity Attendance System Course Entry Form
The system can dynamically add course, the image below shows the list of courses encoded and the system and the form to add and update another course.

- Activity Attendance System Activity Entry Form
List of activities for the whole academic year must be encoded in the system; attendance module will not accept any entry if there is no activity for that date. In other word the attendance is activated only if there is a activity scheduled for that date.

- Activity Attendance System Barcode Based Attendance Form
The image below is the attendance form where the student scans the barcode on their id for the attendance record in a specific event. The attendance module is deployed in some of the strategic location inside the campus.

- Activity Attendance System Live streaming of Attendance Form
The number of students attending the event is being monitored by the key officials of the school (ssc president, student affairs services and every department).

- Activity Attendance System Activity Attendance Report Form
- Activity Attendance System Activity Attendance Printable Format
The system can generate a real time report on the summary of attendance per event. The images below shows the form and the printable format of the attendance report.

- Activity Attendance System Student Attendance Form
- Activity Attendance System Student Attendance Printable Format
The system can also produce a record of attendance per student, this is for clearance purposes. The said report will generate the list of events together with the attendance status of the student.

Based on the conclusions drawn, the following recommendations were given:
- The school may consider implementing the system in order to monitor the attendance of students in every school activities;
- It is also recommended, that similar study may be conducted to further assess the effectiveness and usefulness of the system.
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