Arduino Based Metal Detector Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature
This chapter contains the review of related literature and related studies. The researchers made use of the reading materials related to the proposed system. The materials are books, theses, capstone projects, and other related website articles in addition to the knowledge of the researchers. These also guided the researchers to achieve the target objectives by getting ideas on other similar studies and make improvements as possible.

Related Literature
Bill Requires Metal Detectors for City, Country Gun Bans
According to Jonathan Mattise an Associated Press(May 03, 2017). This proposal in Tennessee would give cities and counties an ultimatum to buy metal detectors, hire security guards and check bags at many public buildings, parks and buses, or let people with handgun permits bring in their guns. The proposal is drawing support from many Republican lawmakers and the NRA, which said it would hold local governments responsible for keeping citizens safe. Charles Swanson, law director for the city of Knoxville, has described the bill as “an attorney’s relief act for those representing gun interests.” An amendment Wednesday to lower the attorney’s fees failed before the House passed the bill in a 70-24 vote. (
Permanent Metal Detectors to be installed at LRT, MRT stations
According to the Transportation and Communications Secretary Pantaleon Alvarez (April 24, 2002) the metal detectors at the LRT, MRT stations was installed following the spate of deadly bombings in General Santos City and the planting of explosives by unidentified persons in several spots in Metro Manila last month. He said that the installation of the metal detectors in LRT and MRT is the government response to the terrorist threats and their assurance that the passengers will be amply secured. (
Related Studies
Article Discuss the use of security metal detectors in schools and public places
According to Daniel Bernzweig(2014) the Shooting incident in the Sandy Hook, Arapahoe High School, Virginia Tech and Columbine have proved that the security system in the schools are not really effective since the suspect had manage to bring a deadly weapon inside the school. He discussed in his article the benefits that the school can gain in placing a metal detector device will greatly help in maintaining the peace and order inside the school assuring the security of all the people inside the school. (
Innovative Entrance Gate with Metal Detector Applying Face Recognition Detection and Notification System
According to Ramwell T. Sahagun, Aljun A. Luna, Ronald Christian R. Reyes and Liza Marie B. Nuevo (2015), the study designed a prototype of a conventional turnstile intended to be a permanent yet compact access control unit to provide strong security and eliminate the added cost in security personnel in school. The unit was electronically accessed and activated through face recognition by using camera which could detect a person by means of image processing and a metal detector device. This would facilitate the entrance of the students in school. The proposed equipment also included text notification to personal in-charge to report those who have metal equipment.
Prior art
Alarm System
According to David J. Brooks (2009), this system is the security industry installing and maintaining alarm systems in compliance to Australian Standard. The study presents an insight of the compliance of installed alarm systems against the relevant Australian Standard. In all Austrian states and territories the State Police Services or their representative, through legislation, provide control of the security industry and their services.
As stated in the foreign and local literature and studies, it gives us ideas and relevance of our proposed system. The study associated directly and indirectly with the present research provided more insights about the nature and scope of the study. The related literature and studies served as the guide in the development of this system. It helps the system in doing accurate and efficient output.
Credits to the authors of the project.
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