Arduino Based Light Control with Visitor Counter
The following studies and systems related to our project will serve as the basis and guide for the development of our own version of light control system with visitor counter using Arduino.
Related Studies and Systems
Automatic room light controller with visitor counter using Arduino
According to Dhaval Patel the goal of the project is to design and built an automatic room light controller with visitor counter by (2011). The automatic room light controller and visitor counter has sensors which would be sensing the presence of people in a room. They will increment or decrement the count of people entering or leaving a room respectively.
When the first person enters the room, the room lights and other controlled appliance like fans will be switched on automatically and the counter will start counting the number of people entering and leaving. After everyone leaves the room, the room lights and controlled appliances will be switched off automatically. The total number of people in the room will be displayed on the LCD screen.
This is achieved by using a microcontroller ATmega328 (Arduino Uno) which will continuously monitor the movement of people with the help of two infrared (IR) sensors for our project. The signal received from the sensors is operated under the control of the program stored in ROM. These sensors contain IR LED and a photo diode. When any object passes through the IR sensors the IR rays would be reflected, these rays are captured by the photo diode and send to microcontroller for further processing on it. (

Prior Arts
Automatic Room light Controller with Visitor Counter
According to the study of S. Anandan (2015) that one of the main problem in the society is wastage of electricity. One of the reason why is we forgot to turn off lights especially when were in a hurry or we are enjoying what are we doing. The designed project called “Automatic room light controller with visitor counter”. This project has two modules, first one is known as “Digital Visitor counter” and second module is known as “Automatic room light controller”. Main concept behind this project is known as “Visitor counter” which measures the number of persons entering in any room like seminar hall, conference room, classroom. This function is implemented using a pair of Infrared sensors. LCD display placed outside the room displays this value of person count. This person count will be incremented if somebody enters inside the room and at that time lights are turned on. And in reverse way, person count will be decremented if somebody leaves the room. When number of persons inside the room is zero, lights inside the room are turned off using a relay interface. In this way Relay does the operation of “Automatic room light controller”. Since this project uses 2 infrared sensors, it can be used as Bidirectional person counter as well.
Main advantage of this project is that it helps in energy conservation. Because when there is nobody inside the room then lights are automatically turned off. A human effort to count the number of person is eliminated. Since this project does the automatic person counting with the help of two sensors installed on door frame. (
Automatic Room Light Controller with Bidirectional Visitor Counter
One of the projects of Kadam Shah, Prakash Savaliya and Mitesh Patel (2011) is entitled “Automatic Room Light Controller with Bidirectional Visitor Counter”. The project of “Digital visitor counter” is based on the interfacing of some components such as sensors, motors etc. with arduino microcontroller. This counter can count people in both directions. This circuit can be used to count the number of persons entering a hall, mall, home, office in the entrance gate and it can count the number of persons leaving the hall by decrementing the count at same gate or exit gate and it depends upon sensor placement in mall or hall. It can also be used at gates of parking areas and other public places.
This Project “Automatic Room Light Controller with Bidirectional Visitor Counter” is a reliable circuit that takes over the task of controlling the room lights as well as counting number of persons / visitors in the room very accurately. When somebody enters into the room then the counter is incremented by one and the light in the room will be switched ON and when any one leaves the room then the counter is decremented by one. The light will be only switched OFF until all the persons in the room goes out. The total number of persons inside the room is also displayed on the seven segment displays. The microcontroller does the above job. It receives the signals from the sensors, and this signal is operated under the control of program which is stored in ROM. Microcontroller SST89E516RD continuously monitor the Infrared Receivers. When any object pass through the IR Receiver’s then the IR Rays falling on the receivers are obstructed. This obstruction is sensed by the Microcontroller.
This project is divided in four parts: sensors, controller, counter display and gate. The sensor would observe an interruption and provide an input to the controller which would run the counter increment or decrement depending on entering or exiting of the person. And counting is displayed on a 16×2 LCD through the controller. (
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