Online Records Management and Appointment System for Cosmetic and Aesthetics Center
Technicality Feasibility
For effective and efficient execution of the system, appropriate and required hardware and software technologies should be used. The system hardware requires such as laptop, desktop computer, and printer. The project entitled Online Records Management and Appointment System requires such as XAMMP, PHP, HTML, MYSQL, and JavaScript.
The software requirement that the researcher will install are XAMMP. According to the book that the previous year, XAMMP is an easy to use multi-platform package that install the apache, MySQL, PHP and a wall stew of the other software useful for dynamic web development. According to the website of ( PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. According to the website of (www/ HTML defines the structure and layout of a Web document by using a variety of tags and attributes. According to the website ( Database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be accessed, managed, and updated.

According to the website ( MySQL is a database system used on the web. Basically, a MySQL database allows you to create a relation database structure on a web-server somewhere in order to store data or automate procedure. If you think of it in comparison to Microsoft Access, MySQL is what hold all your tables, PHP acts as your queries(among other things), and your forms are basically web pages with fields in them. With all of this combined, you can create truly field in spectacular projects on the web. According to the website ( JavaScript is an interpreted programming or script language from Netscape. In general, scripting language is easier and faster to code in than the more structured and compiled language such as C and C++. Scripts languages generally take longer to process that compiled languages, but are very useful for shorter programs.
This system has the hardware and software requirement in order for the system will function. As stated above are requirements that the system needs. This requirement is highly needed to propose this system because the developers cannot do this without the requirements. The trends now a day is one of the bases that this system will work. The functionality of this system is through the hardware the developers need the hardware such as desktop, laptop, notebook they had battery that you can work with without plug-in, and it is hand carry, so there is no need to worry to go anywhere you go and do the research and coding. Printer is serving as the developers’ device to print all the files that need to produce hardcopy. The software requirements are also one of the great requirements because this propose system is a software project so that the software tools that the developers needs to produce the code is the PHP in which for the databases to input and saved the data of the system example the employees profiles, data of the trainings. The HTML is one of the language of the system its functionality is to create the developers design of the system so that the system will look pleasing to the eyes of the users. The JavaScript is a language that the system also needs, this language help the developers to create there codes for faster and shorter programs.
Relevance of Technology
Nowadays, having desktop, laptop computers and other gadgets are more important. With the help of Internet as the connectivity of the devices is commonly used at home, school and offices. Technology is one of the best things that people make their way easier especially to the business man in big companies. Through the use of technology people can no longer work with manual system but rather computerized for the easiest way. That is how the relevance of technology helps mankind.
System Modules
- Login, Change Password, Logout
- Can Add, edit delete Customer
- Can Add edit and delete doctor
- Can Add edit delete Services
- Monitoring of appointment
- Can Generate reports
- Calendar view of appointment
- Can Monitor of reschedule and cancellation of appointment
- Login, Change Password, Logout
- Can Create available time
- Can monitor the available appointment
- Can accept or reject appointment
- Can monitor the income of specific date
- Can view notification of the transaction
- Login, Change Password, Logout
- Can select services available doctor for the appointment
- Can view the schedule using calendar
- Notifications of the transactions
Screenshots of the Appointment System

for the sourcecode and documentation you may contact the developer of the system
Patrick Tandoc Sarmiento