Android Based Psychology App Review of Related Literature
The following literature both local and foreign serves as a guide in the conduct of this study and serves as a guide in the development of the Android Based Psychology App.
The application was written in JQuery Mobile, it is a HTML5 framework for faster development of web and mobile based project. Phonegap Build is a tool that will convert your html, css and js files into an android application (apk). LocalStorage is a type of web storage that allows Javascript websites and apps to store and access data right in the browser with no expiration.

Foreign Literature
The future is the result of actions, and actions are the result of behavior, and behavior is the result of prediction. It is the result of thinking, not the process of thinking that occurs spontaneously in consciousness. You have a deep desire to be right all of the time and a deeper desire to see yourself in a positive light both morally and behaviorally. You can stretch your mind pretty far to achieve these goals.
This literature explains on how our brain controls and affects our behavior and gives results of our actions, predictions, thinking and consciousness. This also gives us findings about delusions that we hold.
Life hands us a lot of hard choices, and other people can help us more than we might realize. We often think we should make important decisions using just our own internal resources. What are the pros and cons? What does my gut tell me? But often we have friends and family who know us in ways we don’t know. If you have the feeling of choice, if you feel free, you will be better off. And when I say better off I mean that if people feel they have control over their lives, they call in for fewer sick days from work. They have a lesser probability of having a heart attack or stroke. They live longer. They’re happier.
This literature explains how our choices affect, shape and define us. Our brain make us made our decisions everyday .Choices will provide changes that may happen in our lives.
Once you know a habit exists, you have the responsibility to change it . . . others have done so . . . That, in some ways, is the point of this book. Perhaps a sleep-walking murderer can plausibly argue that he wasn’t aware of his habit, and so he doesn’t bear responsibility for his crime, but almost all of the other patterns that exist in most people’s lives — how we eat and sleep and talk to our kids, how we unthinkingly spend our time, attention and money — those are habits that we know exist. And once you understand that habits can change, you have the freedom and the responsibility to remake them. Once you understand that habits can be rebuilt, the power of habit becomes easier to grasp and the only option left is to get to work.
Habits are new behaviors that become automatic. This literature explains how our brain affects and controls our habit and behavior. It offers suggestions on how to break our bad habits and build up new habits in their place.
Foreign Study
Organisms constantly engage in active appraisal of their environment which allows them to adapt and thrive. Environmental appraisals evoke emotional responses that prepare the organism for action such as whether to approach or avoid a stimulus that it detects. The idea of approach and avoidance motivation has been used as a broad framework for the link between emotion and behavior.
This is similar to the present study because it also evoke emotional responses of living organisms which is also relate to the behavior of them.
Only persistence was predictive of higher levels of antisocial behavior in adulthood. Moreover, only persistence was associated with problems with alcohol use, illicit drug use, missing school or work and getting in trouble with the police. Our results emphasize the importance and impact of the persistence of antisocial behavior on mental health and crime and suggest that future research should examine the importance of persistence relative to onset, as persistence is predictive of antisocial behavior and alcohol and drug abuse in adulthood over and above onset. Further research should examine how protective factors can prevent antisocial behavior from arising and/or desisting antisocial behavior in adolescents before they reach adulthood.
This is similar to the present study because it is more about the behavior of adults who that are addicted and associated with alcohol, illicit drugs use that reflects to their psychological behavior. This also helps and examines how to protect and it also gives information about in mental behavior especially for those drug abuses.
Every day, humans are faced with innumerable decisions. Individuals must weigh the alternatives, assess the risks, and select the option that will satisfy the interests of the intended beneficiary. Humans make decisions based on a subjective interpretation of information, and consequently, individuals interpret a set of identical information differently (Savage, 1954). The interpretation of information is influenced by motives, previous knowledge, feelings and a myriad of other cognitive, social and emotional influences (Redhead, 2009).
This is similar to the present study because it is the study for the human’s decisions at every day risk. There are more options that will give information to individual’s decisions for the social and emotional influences based to their decisions.
Local Literature
As painful as it is to see them move on with their lives without you, it is much more agonizing to see yourself stuck in the past—unmoved, pitiful, and miserable. Learn to love again. Believe that somewhere along the road, someone will come and will make you realize that love is worth experiencing, even with all those hardships.
This literature suggests that all people should move on from the past to relax our mind from miserable effects that may affect our behavior.
Laughter heals on many levels as I explain in my “9 Ways Humor Heals” post, and so does crying. You think it’s just a coincidence that you always feel better after a good cry? Nope, there are many physiological reasons that contribute to the healing power of tears. Some of them have been documented by biochemist William Frey who has spent 15 years as head of a research team studying tears.
This literature explains that laughter is the best cure to everything. We should laugh to relieve our sadness and relax ourselves and minds.
Filipinos are the second largest Asian American population in the United States and have been identified as one of the high-risk Asian American groups for mental disorders. Yet as a population they remain understudied and underserved. Existing studies are quantitative and have been conducted on college age students that are transitioning to adulthood. We know little about the help-seeking behavior for mental health services among Filipino Americans in adulthood and in their own voice.
This literature explains that there are more Filipinos need a seek knowledge about mental behavior which affects their lives as they grow.
Local Study
In this paper, we have presented a study examining the prevalence of student behaviors associated with disengagement in the USA and Philippines. This study controlled for method and learning environment – hence, differences found can be attributed to differences between the schools and/or their populations. The study found that off-task behavior was significantly higher in the USA, but that gaming the system was significantly more frequent in the Philippines.
This is similar to the present study because it also gives information about different of mental behavior. It has also many differences information that may found about mental behavior. This study is about learning and giving some important knowledge about mental behavior.
Over the last several decades, there has been considerable evidence that off-task behavior is less common in East Asia and Southeast Asia than in the United States. However, comparisons have been confounded along several dimensions, including differences in curricula and research methods. In this paper, we use quantitative field observations in three studies to compare the rates of off-task behavior and other disengaged behaviors among students in the Philippines and USA. In each study, students use the same intelligent tutoring software, controlling for both curriculum and study method. We find that students in the Philippines exhibited significantly less off-task behavior than students in the USA.
This is similar to the present study because of many comparisons and differences researches available about mental behavior. It also has many observations and study about student’s behaviour.
Approximately 12% of American women are affected by a depressive disorder annually. Filipinos are the second largest subgroup of Asian Americans comprising of 18% of all Asian Americans, however, little research is available on their mental health status. Previous studies have indicated that Asian Americans underutilize mental health services and are reluctant to seek mental health services due to shame and stigma.
This is similar to the present study because this also gives information about the facts about human behavior. It also indicates the differences between different mental health statuses of different people.
- Mcraney D.(2011,October), You Are Not So Smart: A Celebration of Self Delusion;,
- Iyengar S. (2010,March)The Art Of Choosing.
- Duhigg C. (2012,February)The Power of Habit;Why We Do in Life and Business.,
-;Action Tendencies of caretaking emotion(2014)
-,Effects of Onset and Persistence of Anti-Social Behavior On Adulthood 1(2014)
-,Acute Stress and Decision Making(2012)
- Vila AC. “5 harsh Realities that will motivate you to move on”
Philstar , Manila, PH (July 2014)
- Vila AC.”5 Tips: Psychology Of Moving On” Philstar, Manila, PH(July 2014)
- Macdonald Emeka “Ways of Mending A Broken Heart” ., 2013)
- Smith College Libraries (2007) Factors Affecting Help Seeking Behaviors for Mental Health Services among Filipino
- Rodrigo MMT. (2010) Comparing Disengaged Behavior within a cognitive tutor in the USA andPhilippines.,
- Rodrigo MMT. (2013) Student Off Task Behavior in Computer Based Learning in the Philippines: Comparison to Prior Research in the USA.
- VM Kading (2011) Prevalence of and Attitudes toward depression among Filipino American Women;
- http:/,Psychology.Random Facts(2013)
Credits to the authors and developers of the project
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