Abstract of Computer Aided Instruction for Algebra
Computer-Aided Instruction has vast possibilities that are just beginning to emerge as the medium utilized by more institution nationwide. The new educational software industries have the potential to meet the educational needs of a large and increasingly diverse student population. The purpose of the present study is to develop a computer-aided Instruction in college algebra. It is design to teach, guide and test the students until a desired level of proficiency is attained. This serves as a provision on the use of Computer-Aided Instruction as a remedial instruction and a convenient process of teaching and learning the course.

In developing the system, the researchers used a waterfall model (a sequential software development process) in which process is seen as flowing steadily downwards through the phases of the requirements specification, software design, implementation and testing and maintenance. In first phase user input and output requirements were determined before the software developer had come up with the next stage. Such requirement includes the topic to be included in the development of the CAI, the interface to be design and the expected outcomes. In the design Phase the requirement specification from the first phase are studied before starting for actual coding. The interfaces of the CAI are determined here and the software designer implements the requirements being defined in the previous stage. The system is design specification serves as an input for the next phase of the model. After designing the system, implementation comes next then ready for testing which have initial and final testing. After successfully testing the system, it was delivered to the user for operation and maintenance. CAI is easy to be maintained and operated as long as the needed user inputs are available it will be a le to work and produce its intended user output such as generated scores of each quiz/drill.
The application was tested and validated by the IT experts and as well as the end-users of the system which consists of the teachers and students. Results showed that the project passed on all criteria’s set forth by the McCall’s Software Evaluation standard questionnaire
After developing the system which has different stages, the researchers found out that the intended user understand the advantage of Computer-Aided Instruction interfaces which excellent for a more interactive and user-friendly learning and teaching methodology. All items for CAI interfaces are very essential for the freshmen students and the instructor. They understand the benefits in automating the style and teaching method in College Algebra to increase productivity and efficiency of both students and teachers.
The relevance of CAI particularly in the academic community will create a great impact both in the head and personnel as well as the entire populace of the school. Therefore the researchers concluded that the implementation of CAI will provide a cost-effective, smooth operation and more interactive processes between the students and teachers.
To maintain quality and efficient teaching and education, the researchers recommended that the Computer-Aided Instruction in College Algebra should be implemented.
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