Medical Store Management System in Django
Table of Contents
This study was conducted to delve into the daily operations, activities, and transactions in a medical store. The researchers wanted to assess medical store management processes and look for room for development. After gathering prior data, the researchers have found out that medical stores need an efficient and systematic system to simplify and digitally transform their operations and transactions.
Medical stores are established to provide medical supplies especially medicine supplies to the people. The medical store processes various activities daily such as conducting an inventory of medical supplies and medicine stocks, recording information of medicines and other medical supplies in the shop, recording purchases and sales reports, recording customer and suppliers’ information, and other medical store-related activities. Without digital transformation, medical store management is quite complicated and the shop’s staff will hurdle in providing efficient and adequate service to the clientele.
The capstone project,” Medical Store Management System” will equip medical stores with tools to electronically conduct their daily operations and transactions. The said project will digitally transform stock inventories and recording processes in the medical shop.
The researchers will develop the project following the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) technique. The researchers will present the system to the panel of IT experts and target end-users for evaluation and assessment. The researchers will revise the system based on the result of the evaluation.
The implementation of the system will significantly increase the operational efficiency and customer satisfaction delivered by the store. The system will eliminate the manual workloads and difficulties encountered in the pre-existing system. It is efficient and reliable in providing better services to the customers.
“Medical Store Management System in Django” is a capstone project purposely designed for medical stores. The said project will equip medical stores with tools to electronically conduct their daily operations and transactions. The software will automate the process of conducting an inventory of medical supplies and medicine stocks, recording information of medicines and other medical supplies in the shop, recording purchases and sales reports, recording customer and suppliers information, and generation of customer bills.
Medical stores are established to provide medical supplies especially medicine supplies to the people. Managing a medical store is quite complicated especially in terms of stock inventory and records management. Medical stores need to ensure they have adequate stocks to support and provide for the needs of the customers. Efficient records management is also essential to ensure the success of the shop’s whole operation. Medical stores are in continuous search of an efficient and reliable system to aid and streamline their daily operations and transactions. There is a need for electronic intervention in managing medical stores.

Proposed Solution
To address the aforementioned needs and concerns, the researchers proposed the development of the Medical Store Management System in Django. The development of the project will electronically transform the processes in managing a medical store. The medical store’s admin and staff can rely on the system in conducting an inventory of medical supplies and medicine stocks, recording information of medicines and other medical supplies in the shop, recording purchases and sales reports, recording customer and suppliers information, and generation of customer bills. The development of the system will ease up and simplify the processes to efficiently manage medical shops.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – The main goal of the project is to develop and implement a Medical Store Management System to digitally transform the operations and transactions of a medical store.
The researchers specifically aim the following objectives:
- To eliminate the manual methods and paper works involved in managing a medical store.
- To automate medical store’s data recording and storing.
- To allow medical stores to electronically conduct stocks inventory to monitor stock supplies in the store.
- To ease up report generation about the store’s stocks, medicine information, customer billing, recording of purchases, and sales of the store.
- To assess the system in terms of user acceptability, effectiveness, quality, reliability, and productivity.
- To evaluate the developed system using ISO/IEC 9126 with the following quality characteristics
- Functionality
- Reliability
- Usability
- Efficiency
- Maintainability
- Portability
Scope of the Study
This paper only covers the development process of the Medical Store Management System. The researchers mainly focus on developing a system that will electronically streamline the operations and transactions in a Medical Store. The researchers will develop a project that is limited only to medical stores. The researchers will gather a sample size of participating medical stores and their staff to participate in assessing and testing the system.
Significance of the Study
The success of the study is deemed beneficial to the following individuals or groups:
Medical Stores. The success of the project will significantly improve their operational efficiency and services rendered to their customers. By utilizing the system, they can efficiently respond and attend to their customer’s medicine requests. They can seamlessly execute the store’s daily activities and transactions. Most importantly, they can closely monitor their stocks and ensure to maintain adequate stocks of medical supplies.
Patients/Customers. The patients or customers of the store are assured to receive efficient and quality service from the store. They can easily and conveniently search and purchase medicines from the store.
Researchers. The study will further enhance their knowledge and skills as system developers and researchers.
Future Researchers. The study can serve as their reference in creating updates for the system or if they wish to develop their version of the project.
Development Tools
The capstone project,” Medical Store Management System” is a system that allows medical stores to electronically manage stock inventory and records management. The system will ease up management processes and increase the efficiency of the store in providing efficient services to its clientele.
This article will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in a Medical Store Management System.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights
Medical Store Management System is a database-driven system that will automate the day-to-day activities and transactions in a Medical shop. The system will help in providing accurate and reliable stock inventory and records management.
The following are the advantages of the Medical Store Management System:
- Automated Management Processes- the system will ease up and simplify management processes that will help medical stores provide efficient service to the customers.
- Records Management – it is a database system that makes all types of records in the medical store electronic, safe, accurate, reliable, and fast.
- Report Generation – the system automatically generates and provides real-time reports about the stocks and transactions in the store.
How the System Works
This article will discuss the features and how Medical Store Management System works. The discussion includes the forms, modules, and user interface of the system.
Login Form– this form will require the user to input the correct combination of username and password to log in to the system. When logged in to the system, the user can access records and features of the system.
The image below is the design of the system’s Login Form.

Admin Dashboard – this serves as the main page of the system administrator. Medical Store’s records are displayed in the dashboard and are managed by the administrator.
The dashboard mainly displays the following information:
- Total Request
- Total Employee
- Total Request Completed
- Total Sales
- Total Profit
- Pending Request
- Total Medicines
- Total Sales Amount
- Daily Sales Amount
- Total Company
- Of Medicines Expire in 1 Week
- Daily Profit
Shown below is the image of the Admin dashboard design.

Manage Medicine – this module will allow the admin to manage records of medicines in the system. The admin will add, edit or delete medicine information in the module.
The admin will manage the following information:
- Name of Medicine
- Description
- In Strip
- Company
- Action -(add or remove details)
The image below is the layout of the Manage Medicine module.

Add Customer Request – this form will allow the admin to add customer requests to the list of All Customer Medicine Request.
The admin will encode the following information of the customer’s request:
- Customer Name
- Phone No.
- Medicine Details
Shown below is the design of the Add Customer Request form.

Generate Bill for Customers – this form will allow the admin to manage details and generate bills of the customers for the purchased medicines.
The following information will be encoded in generating the bill for customers:
- Customer Name
- Address
- Phone No.
- Bill ID
- Medicine Details
- *SR. No
- *Medicine Name
- *Qty.
- *Qty Type
- *Unit Price
- *Amount
Shown below is the design of the Generate Bill for Customers form.

This study was conducted to develop and implement a Medical Store Management System. The result of the study showed that the developed system met the needs and requirements of the intended users and respondents. The study showed that the respondents rated the system satisfactorily in terms of user acceptability, effectiveness, quality, reliability, and productivity. The majority of the respondents have seen the potential of the system in equipping medical stores with tools that will assist them to better manage the stores and provide better services to the customers.
Based on the satisfying result of the study, the researchers highly recommend the implementation of the system. The system is strongly recommended for its efficiency and reliability that can be rendered to the target end-users. The implementation of the system will eliminate the manual workloads and difficulties encountered in the pre-existing system used to manage medical stores.
The researchers specifically recommend the following:
- Medical stores should install the system to electronically process their daily operations and transactions.
- The system is highly recommended for medical stores to increase their operational efficiency and customer services.
- The implementation of the system is recommended for it will simplify and fuel medical stores with efficient operations and transactions.
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