Blood Bank Management System in Django
Table of Contents
Technological advancements dramatically change the way how every industry and institution operates. Almost every sector has transitioned to the use of different technologies in operating business and rendering their service to the public. The usage of technology helps different sectors further improve their operations and transactions.
A Blood bank is a center where supplies of blood used for blood transfusions are stored and preserved. Blood banks manage supplies of blood, blood requests from patients, and records of blood donors and recipients. Blood bank centers need an effective system to help them manage daily operations and transactions in the center.
The capstone project entitled, “Blood Bank Management System” is designed to simplify and automate the process of searching for blood in case of emergency, maintain the records of blood requests, blood donors, recipients, blood donation programs, and blood stocks in the bank.
The development of the system will eliminate the manual methods used in managing blood bank centers. The blood bank centers can utilize the system to digitally transform their operations. The blood bank can manage records of blood stocks, blood requests, blood donations, blood donors, and recipients all in one place. Blood recipients or patients and blood donors can also utilize the system to process blood requests and blood donations, respectively.
The capstone project, entitled “Blood Bank Management System” is intended for blood bank centers. The said project will simplify and automate the process of searching for blood in case of emergency, maintain the records of blood requests, blood donors, recipients, blood donation programs, and blood stocks in the bank.
A Blood Bank is a center where supplies of blood used for blood transfusions are stored and preserved. Blood banks deal with the volume of paper works and records every day concerning blood-related transactions. Blood banks record blood stocks, blood requests, blood donations, blood donors, and recipients which is when done manually requires them rigorous work and consumes valuable time. Managing blood bank centers manually can impede the services and response time the center provides to its clients. There is an intensified need to upgrade the system used in managing blood banks and transform the way they operate and render their services to the public.

Proposed Solution
In conjunction with the above-mentioned concerns, the researchers proposed the Blood Bank Management System. The said project is designed to ease up and simplify management processes and operations of blood bank centers. The system will allow blood banks to digitally transform their operations. The blood bank can manage records of blood stocks, blood requests, blood donations, blood donors, and recipients all in one place. Blood recipients or patients can also electronically search for blood and send blood requests to the blood banks. Blood donors also can electronically process their blood donation requirements and papers. The system is an all-in-one platform that will simplify and ease up the overall operations and management processes of the blood bank.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective- The researchers generally aim to implement a Blood Bank Management System to automate the management and daily operations of blood banks.
Specifically, the researchers aim the following objectives:
- To electronically streamline operations and transactions in blood banks.
- To simplify and automate the process of searching blood in case of emergency.
- To allow blood banks to electronically maintain records of blood donors, recipients, and blood donations.
- To develop a centralized platform where blood donors and patients can transact with blood banks.
- To evaluate the system in terms of user acceptability, effectiveness, quality, productivity, and reliability.
Scope of the Study
This study focus on the development of the Blood Bank Management System. The researchers mainly focus on designing and developing a system that will electronically streamline searching for blood and blood requests, recording blood information and blood units availability, recording and managing blood donors and recipients. This project is intended for blood banks management and blood requests and donation transactions. Blood banks, staff, blood donors, and patients will participate as respondents to the study.
Significance of the Study
The following individuals or groups will benefit from the project’s success:
Blood Banks. The success of the project will increase their operational efficiency and services rendered to the people. By having the system, they can deliver timely service and respond to emergency cases efficiently. The system will simplify their whole operation and transactions which will result in the efficiency of the blood banks.
Blood Donors. The system will allow them to easily and conveniently process their blood donation details and remotely wait for the result. If approved, they can proceed to actual blood donation.
Patients/Blood Recipients. They can easily and efficiently search for blood during emergency cases. By using the system, they can receive an immediate response for blood availabilities in blood banks.
Researchers. The project will harness their skills and knowledge as researchers.
Future Researchers. This paper will serve as their reference for their future pursuit of the project.
Development Tools
The Blood Bank Management System is software that will electronically transform blood bank management processes, operations, and transactions. The system can be utilized by blood banks, blood recipients, and donors in processing transactions.
This section of the paper will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in a Blood Bank Management System. Django is used for the development of the project.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights
The capstone project ”Blood Bank Management System in Django” is a database-driven system that will automate the operations and records management in a blood bank. The system will help to efficiently streamline blood bank-related transactions.
Listed below are the advantages of the Blood Bank Management System in Django:
- Automated Management process- by using the system the blood banks can electronically conduct their operations and transactions which is more efficient for both, the blood bank staff and the blood recipients and donors.
- Records Management – it is a database system that makes the records of the blood banks electronic, safe, accurate, reliable, and fast.
- Fast Transaction – the system will let the completion of the transaction quickly to address multiple requests
How the System Works
This paper will discuss the forms, modules, and user interface of the Blood Bank Management System. The researchers will discuss the features and how the system works.
Blood Bank Management System Homepage – this page will first be displayed when the user utilizes the system.
The image below is the design of the system’s homepage.

Dashboard – This dashboard displays essential records of the blood bank that the admin can manage.
The dashboard mainly displays the following information:
- Of Available Unit of Blood Type – (every blood type)
- Total Donors
- Total Requests
- Approved Requests
- Total Blood Unit (in ml)
Shown below is the design of the system’s dashboard.

Blood Donation Details – this form will allow the admin to manage records of the Blood Donations in the system.
The admin will encode and manage the following information:
- Donor Name
- Disease
- Age
- Blood Group
- Unit
- Request Date
- Status – (approved, rejected, pending)
- Action
The image shown below is the design of the Blood Donation Details form.

Blood Requests – this form will allow the admin to manage the blood requests of patients. The admin can either approve or reject blood requests of patients depending on the availability of the Blood type unit.
The admin will encode and manage the records of the blood requests:
- Patient Name
- Age
- Reason for Blood Request
- Blood Group -( ex. AB+, B-)
- Unit (in ml)
- Date
- Status – (approved, rejected, pending)
- Action – ( approve or reject)
Shown below is the design of the Blood Requested Form.

A Blood bank is a center where supplies of blood used for blood transfusions are stored and preserved. This study was conducted to introduce a platform that will advance the system used in managing blood banks. The researchers developed a Blood Bank Management System. The result of the study showed that the Blood Bank Management System met the predefined project requirements. The majority of the respondents and the intended users have seen the potential of the system to equip blood bank centers to efficiently render their services.
The researchers of the study concluded that the project is effective to ease up management of blood banks. The system will streamline the transaction between the blood banks, blood recipients, and donors. The result of the study showed that the developed system is efficient and reliable to use.
The developed system, Blood Bank Management System in Django has a big potential to completely assist blood banks in their daily operation. The system is highly recommended for its efficiency and reliability that can be rendered to the target end-users. The intended users of the system should be armed with the knowledge to correctly utilize the developed system.
Specifically, the researchers recommend the following:
- The system should be implemented in blood bank centers to effectively streamline transactions regarding blood requests and blood donations.
- The developed system is highly recommended for it ensures reliable and fast transactions between donors, beneficiaries, and the blood bank staff.
- Blood Bank Management System is highly recommended to replace the manual method of managing blood bank’s daily operations and transactions.
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