Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script

Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script


The growing area of counseling has researchers concerned about the efficacy of the traditional technique of providing services. They keep their records on MS Excel and Microsoft Word, but it’s impossible to keep all of the data for a long time, especially if the system is utilized for multiple reasons. There is a high risk of duplication, errors, and mistakes. Making a consultation takes time and effort for the customer.  Counseling is a vital component of a person’s life since it aids in the improvement of interpersonal relationships. Humans must cease ignoring this issue because it is essential for the development of mental wellness. The capstone project “Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System,” which covers the gap in giving counseling in stressful situations, was built for this reason. It answers to the requirement to fill in the gaps in the traditional technique and make it more effective and immersive in this way.  The researcher aim to create a platform that would improve and refine traditional techniques of counseling and keeping track of records. The researchers will develop the project following the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) technique. The target users of the system are water districts and their consumers.

Introduction of the Study

Today, technology has been used to develop platforms that can digitally replicate real-life problems and improve the efficacy of dealing with them. The goal of the new existing invention in ICT is to provide a wide range of benefits to each individual in order to make their life easier and more productive. Circumstances cannot be avoided; thus, it is critical to be prepared for any situation in which we can analyze and accomplish the task, regardless of how awful the situation is. As a result of today’s events, a pandemic has struck many people’s life, halting all sessions and physical contact. In this type of environment, the demand for counseling is growing since people are more likely to rot at home, causing them to make mistakes and experience other events that require counseling. However, because people are barred from making physical contact under the regulations that must be followed, it will be difficult for individuals to seek counseling. It is for this reason that the capstone project “Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System” was implemented, which fills the gap in providing counseling in difficult situations.

Counseling is a crucial part for anyone going through a difficult moment in their life since it helps them strengthen their interpersonal relationships. The researchers behind the “Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System” presented an easy and effective way to keep track of the personal and emotional challenges that each person is dealing with. This system would make a significant contribution to the emotional and intellectual development of a person. This approach would be beneficial not just to clients, but also to staff and people. This system might be used in a variety of settings, such as schools, to correctly monitor their students’ behavior, or in a corporation or business setting, to keep track of their employees’ thoughts and mental health, and so on. In many ways, the system will be effective and efficient. This would be implemented in a way that is both beneficial and useful for the end users.

Proposed Solution

The development of the capstone project “Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System” is the best response to all of the probable concerns or holes that were mentioned. This will act as a guide and record for the clients’ personal information as well as their problems in relation to the services they are seeking. Everything that happens during a counseling session will be recorded in this system for safekeeping and retrieval in the future. It would be simple for the client and the workers to maintain track of their records and stay up to date with their schedules using this type of system. In this way, every session would no longer be a hassle for them.

Objectives of the study

General Objective– The project’s overall goal was to create a platform that would improve and refine traditional techniques of counseling and keeping track of records.

Specific Objectives:

  1. To eliminate the present system’s manual faults and replace it with a computerized system
  2. To create a platform that could effectively and efficiently monitor people’s behavior and mental health.
  3. To develop a system that can give services regardless of the circumstances.
  4. The system’s goal is to provide a mechanism for people to prioritize mental health in this context, while also allowing them to seek help in a more convenient and secure manner.
  5. To create a system that isn’t prone to errors, isn’t time demanding, and, most importantly, maximizes security.

Scope of the Study

The proposed of the capstone project Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System was presented to the end users. Specifically, a person or organization in need of counselling. As a result, the services will be virtualized, and they will be able to conduct their counseling through virtual platforms. It would be simple for them to come over to the establishment and it would not be a hassle. Regardless of their situation or location, end users can participate in the counselling process. The Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System was created, developed, and presented to address the issues that the current system was experiencing. If this system is effectively implemented, the monitoring of client activity will be simple and efficient, and it will be possible to do so remotely.

Significance of the Study

The following are the individuals/group that will be benefited by the improvement of the system.

Admin/Personnel: If this system is established, the personnel’s work will be much easier, and they will not feel rushed when doing the operation. They will have a simpler and more convenient job.

Guidance councilors: they don’t care about the situation or the schedules of making council because the process is already time-consuming; they can simply hold a conference on making counseling at whatever time is convenient for their clients. Their therapy will be done virtually, which will be very handy for them because they will be able to spend more time with their clients and be more productive.

Clients: They will benefit from this method as well, because making reservations and filing a schedule will be simple for them. They can also keep track of their performance and maintain track of their records. They can make it more efficient and easy for them to meet with guidance counselor using the system, regardless of their busy schedule.

Proponents: If this system is successfully implemented, it will provide them with a significant benefit. Not only that, but they should also broaden and deepen their knowledge and comprehension of the system they are proposing.

Future Researchers: This study will benefit future researchers because it will serve as a reference or guide for them to do their own research.

Development Tools

The capstone project, “Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System is designed to act as a guide and record for the clients’ personal information as well as their problems in relation to the services they are seeking. Everything that happens during a counseling session will be recorded in this system for safekeeping and retrieval in the future.

This article will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in a Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System. PHP and Bootstrap were used to develop the said template.

Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.

Project Highlights

The Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System is database-driven system that keeps records of all virtual and remote counselling that take place in the system.

Advantages of the Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System can be classified into the following:

  1. Automated Counselling – the users can electronically conduct virtual and remote counselling to support those who are in need of counselling
  2. Records Management – it is a database system that makesthe records of counselling electronic, safe, reliable, and fast.
  3. Report Generation – the system can provide real-time reports on the completed counselling session in the system.

How the System Works

This section of the paper will explain the features and functions of the system. The researchers will discuss the forms, modules and user interface of the system.

Login Form with captcha – this form will be used by the users to access the system. The users will input their username and password to access the system and its records.

The image shown below is the design of the system’s Login Form. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.

Admin Account

Admin Dashboard – this dashboard serves as the main page of the system administrator. The admin can access major records and manage it.

The dashboard mainly display the following information:

  • Number of Appointments
  • Number of Completed
  • Number of Courses
  • Number of Students
  • Number of Reasons for referral

Shown below is the design of the Administrator’s Dashboard.

Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script - Dashboard
Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script – Dashboard

Reasons for referral – this module will allow management of the reasons for referral and availing the virtual counselling. The admin can add, edit, update or delete reasons for referral.

The following information will be encoded for the reasons for referral:

  • Reason – bullying, depression, stressed, lying
  • Description

The image shown below is the design of the Reasons for referral module.

Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script - Reasons for Referral
Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script – Reasons for Referral

Course Management – the admin can add, edit, update or delete course information in the system.

The following information will be encoded for the course management module:

  • Course Code
  • Course Complete Name

Displayed below is the design of the Course Management module. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.

Student Management Information – this system will allow the admin to manage student information in the system. The admin can add, edit, update or delete student information as clients for the counselling.

The following information will be encoded for the student’s information:

  • Last name
  • First name
  • Middle name
  • Course
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Username
  • Password

The image shown below is the design of the Student Management Information module. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.

Appointment Schedule – this module will allow the admin to manage appointment schedules in the system for counselling.

The following information will be encoded for the appointment schedule:

  • Date
  • Number of Slots Available

Shown below is the layout of the Appointment Schedule module.

Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script - Appointment Schedule
Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script – Appointment Schedule

Appointment Reservation List – this module display the list of the appointment reservation for counselling.

The following information will be reflected in the list:

  • Student name
  • Reasons for referral
  • State Reason/Concern
  • Date
  • Time
  • Meeting Link – Google Meet, Zoom
  • Status – pending, cancelled, approved, completed

The image shown below is the design of the Appointment Reservation List module.

Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script - Appointment Reservation
Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script – Appointment Reservation

Counselling Information –this module will allow the admin to manage counselling information recorded using the system.

The following information will be encoded in the module:

  • Student name
  • Message from Guidance Counsellor
  • Strategies students will use
  • Video Recording Link
  • Remarks
  • Date and Time

Shown below is the design of the Counselling Information module.

Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script - Counselling
Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script – Counselling

Number of Appointment Report – this page will display the report of the number of appointments by month. The report will be presented using graph and table.

The image shown below is the design of the Number of Appointment by Report page.

Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script - Appointment Reports
Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script – Appointment Reports

Appointment by Reason for Referral – this page will display the report about the number of appointments by reason for referral. The report will be reflected using table and graph.

Displayed below is the design of the Appointment by Reason for Referral page.

Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script - Referral Reports
Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script – Referral Reports

Student Account

Appointment List – this will allow student or client users to view the list of appointment in the system.

The following information will be reflected in the Appointment List:

  • Reasons for referral
  • State Reason/Concern
  • Date
  • Time
  • Meeting Link – Google Meet, Zoom
  • Status – pending, cancelled, approved, completed
Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script - Appointment List
Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script – Appointment List

The image shown below is the design of the Appointment List module.

New Appointment – this form will allow student users or clients to make new appointment for counselling in the system.

The following information will be encoded to make new appointment:

  • Student name
  • Reasons for referral
  • State Reason/Concern
  • Select Date

Shown below is the design of the New Appointment form.

Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script - New Appointment
Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script – New Appointment

Counselling Information – this will allow the students to view their counselling information.

The following information will be included in the counselling information:

  • Message from Guidance Counsellor
  • Strategies students will use
  • Video Recording Link
  • Remarks
  • Date and Time

The image shown below is the design of the Counselling Information module.

Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script - Counselling Record
Virtual and Remote Guidance Counselling System Free Bootstrap and PHP Script – Counselling Record


People often overlook the need of paying attention to a person’s mental health and behavioral changes. Counseling services are undoubtedly valuable to persons who are confronted with such harsh and horrible situations in life as a result of life’s problems. Today, less emphasis is placed on counseling, and individuals do not place sufficient value on this subject. A person’s mental health and behavior are heavily influenced by a variety of circumstances, and it is necessary to identify the obstacles. Life’s obstacles might limit a person’s powers and potential. The proponents of this capstone developed a method that allows for flexibility in counseling so that people can continue to check their mental health and for those who do not already pay attention to their mental capabilities. It is proposed in a virtual and remote format so that they can provide sessions regardless of the circumstances.


Based on the study’s substantial findings, the researchers strongly recommend that the initiative be implemented. Researchers recommend the system because of its efficiency and dependability, both of which can be provided to the intended end-users. The researchers also stress the need of having a thorough understanding of how the system works to use it effectively.

The researchers of the project recommend the following:

  1. The researchers wanted various businesses, schools, and other organizations to install and use the system because it has a lot of benefits for them, such as improving social and mental behavior. They propose that this be implemented by its intended applications to promote mental wellness for everyone.
  2. They claim that by utilizing this technology, they will be able to give more effective, efficient, convenient, and immersive counseling, as well as better records for future use.

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