Service Call Management System Free Download Template Source code
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Technological innovation is the driving force behind the improvement in the business industry. Product-centric businesses aim to let their customers achieve optimum satisfaction from their products. They provide tech support services to their clients to assist the client in case they encounter difficulties using the products. Conventionally, companies rely on traditional calls (telephone and mobile), which will cost the customer a call fee and is not highly reliable in quickly responding to the clients’ needs. There are unpredictable barriers that might interrupt the communication between the tech support staff and the clients since the service is rendered via telephone or mobile. With this, the researchers aimed to develop a system that will transform the service call provided by the company’s tech support team. The researchers will design a system requiring tech support and clients to register to conduct service calls through the system. The researchers will develop the project following the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) technique. The target users of the system are business and their clients in which the researchers will gather a sample size that will act as the study’s respondents.
The capstone project, entitled ” Service Call Management System,” is designed to transform service calls to a centralized platform. The said project would allow clients to log in and lodge calls to the tech support if they encountered issues and difficulties with their purchased products. The tech support team will diagnose the issue and provide them with the necessary actions to perform via a call to solve the problem and achieve satisfaction.
Conventionally, businesses that offer a product to customers have a technical support team. Their role is to help customers receive the full benefits and satisfaction from the product they purchased. The tech support team is on standby to receive calls from customers who encounter difficulties operating and using the products they bought. The customers usually call via telephone or mobile to report issues and let the tech support diagnose the problem. This method is not too ideal because it is costly and requires valuable time and effort. In some cases, customers may encounter difficulties connecting to the company/s tech support due to some barriers. With this, the researchers have seen an intensified need to upgrade the system used in service call management.
Proposed Solution
To address the difficulties noted before, the researchers of the study proposed the development of the automated Service Call Management System. The proposed project is a web-based platform that will streamline service call management. The company’s technical support team and their clients will only need to register in the system. The system will allow customers to lodge calls by logging in to the system directly, and they can connect with tech support and ask for solutions for the problem they encounter. The administrator will be able to keep track of the calls and the transactions completed. The proposed project will make the service call management system easy, fast, convenient, and efficient.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – the researchers, generally aim to design, develop and implement a Service Call Management System that will allow seamless communication between tech supports and clients.
The researchers specifically aim the following objectives:
- To introduce an innovative platform to streamline service calls.
- To make service calls easy and timely.
- To increase the service efficiency provided by the company’s tech support team.
- To allow clients to seek and receive help from technical supports quickly and conveniently.
- To seamlessly streamline transactions between technical support and clients.
- To evaluate the project’s output in terms of user acceptability, quality, effectiveness, productivity, timeliness, and reliability.
Scope of the Study
The study’s researchers mainly focus on designing a web-based system to streamline the service call management system. It will directly connect clients to tech support in a centralized platform wherein transaction records are also kept. The target users of the system are product-centric companies, tech support staff, and clients.
Significance of the study
Companies. Product-centric companies would be highly benefited from the success of the project. They can now provide technical support to customers efficiently. They can increase the overall customer experience by helping customers properly use the products.
Tech Support. It will be easier for them because they will have a centralized platform for their operation. They can directly assist the customers and diagnose the problems they encounter from the product.
Customers. They can now quickly contact technical support from companies whenever they encounter issues with the products they purchased.
Researchers. The study’s researchers will obtain more knowledge and abilities in developing effective projects.
Future Researchers. The output study will serve as their guide in developing their version of the service call management system.
Development Tools
The Service Call Management System is designed to streamline service calls between technical support and clients. It is an efficient and reliable system to increase overall customer satisfaction.
This article will outline the types of forms that should be included in a Service Call Management System. The template was developed using PHP and Bootstrap.
On request, project documentation is available (chapters 1 to 5). Please message us for the full project documents.
Project Highlights
The capstone project, entitled “Service Call Management System,” is a database-driven web system that offers a seamless service call management system.
The following are the advantages of the Service Call Management System:
- Easy Navigation of the business process – records management and report generation is much easier to process
- Records Management is a database system that makes the records electronic, safe, reliable, and fast.
- Report Generation – the system can provide real-time reports on billing expenses.
How the System Works
This section of the paper will discuss the features and how the system works. The researchers will explain the forms, modules, and user interface of the Service Call Management System.
Customer Registration – this form will allow the registration of customers in the system.
To register, the customers will encode the following information:
- Full name
- Email Address
- Complete Address
- Mobile Number
- Profile Picture
- Username
- Password
The image shown below is the design of the Customer Registration form. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
Login Form – this form will be used by the users in logging in to the system. They need to correctly input the combination of their username and password in the system.
Shown below is the design of the Login Form.

Admin Account
Admin Dashboard – This dashboard serves as the homepage of the system administrator when logged in to the system.
The dashboard mainly displays the following information:
- Number of customers
- Number of daily calls
- Number of technical support
Shown below is the design of the Administrator’s Dashboard.

Technical Support Information Management – this module will allow the admin to manage the details of the registered technical support in the system. The admin can add, edit or delete elements of the technical supports.
The following data are encoded in the system:
- Technical Support ID – system generated
- Full name
- Email Address
- Complete Address
- Mobile Number
- Profile Picture
- Username
- Password
- Account status – pending, active
The image shown below is the design of the Technical Support Information Management module.

Customer Information Management – this module will allow the admin to manage the system’s customer information. The admin can add, edit or delete customer information.
The admin will encode the following information:
- Customer ID – system generated
- Full name
- Email Address
- Complete Address
- Mobile Number
- Profile Picture
- Username
- Password
- Account status – pending, active
Shown below is the layout of the Customer Information Management System.

Call Type – this form will allow the admin to manage the call type made by customers.
The admin will encode the following information of the call:
- Call type code – system generated
- Call type name
- Description
The image displayed below is the Call Type form design.

Service Call Management – this module will allow the administrator to manage the service calls made by the customers in the system.
The following pieces of information are encoded and managed by the administrator:
- Call Log ID – system generated
- Cate Date
- Customer name
- Call Type
- Call Details
- Priority – medium, low, high
- Technical Support
- Status – solved, ongoing, pending
Shown below is the design of the Service Call Management module.

Report – this part of the system displays the report of the daily calls archive. The report will be displayed using a table and graph.
The image displayed below is the design of the system’s report page.

Report by Call Type – this page displays the report of the calls by type. The report will be displayed using a table and graph.
Shown below is the design of the Report by Call Type page.

Customer Account
Dashboard – This page serves as the homepage of the customers when logged in to the system. The dashboard will allow the customers to lodge a service call.
The image below is the design of the customer’s dashboard.

Add New Call – this module will allow the customers to add a new call if they need a service from the company’s tech support.
To add, customers will input the following information:
- Call Log ID – system generated
- Cate Date
- Customer name
- Call Type
- Call Details
- Priority – medium, low, high
The image shown below is the design of the Add New Call form.

Call List – this will allow customers to view the call list they made in the system.
The following information is displayed in the call list:
- Call Log ID – system generated
- Cate Date
- Customer name
- Call Type
- Call Details
- Priority – medium, low, high
- Technical Support
- Status – solved, ongoing, pending
Shown below is the design of the Call list form.

Profile – this form will allow customers to manage their profiles in the system. They can add, edit or delete details in their profile.
The following data is encoded for their profiles:
- Full name
- Email Address
- Complete Address
- Mobile Number
- Profile Picture
- Username
- Password
The screenshot below is the design of the customer’s profile. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
Technical Support Account
Dashboard – This page of the system serves as the homepage of the technical support in the system. They can access significant records in the dashboard.
The layout of the dashboard is displayed below.

Assigned Call – this module will allow them to view the details of the given call for them.
The module displays the following details of the call:
- Call Log ID – system generated
- Cate Date
- Customer name
- Call Type
- Call Details
- Priority – medium, low, high
- Manage Call Button
Shown below is the design of the Assigned call module.

One of the most important goals of businesses is their customer’s satisfaction. This study was conducted to assess the deficiencies in the tech support system used by companies. The study reveals that there are some barriers to the pre-existing service school method used by companies. The researchers developed the Service Call Management System and presented it to the target end-users that participate as respondents. The built system satisfied the end-users’ and responders’ needs.
Hence, the researchers concluded that the system has great potential to streamline service call management efficiently. It will help companies to provide product support to customers and help them achieve optimum satisfaction.
The implementation of the Service Call Management System is highly recommended by the researchers. The system is suggested for its efficiency and dependability that can be rendered to the end-users. It will allow transactions between tech support and customers to happen all in one place. The researchers also suggest that the target end-users should familiarize the system’s features to properly use it.
The following are the specific recommendations of the researchers:
- Companies that provide product support are recommended to install the system to accommodate customers easily.
- Customers are suggested to register in the system to quickly lodge calls in case they need help from technical support.
- Implementing the system is highly recommended for it will make the service call management system easy, fast, convenient, and efficient.
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