Online Exam and Learning Management System
Table of Contents
Information technology has altered learning processes and teaching methods by educational institutions. At present, learning can be done through various flexible ways such as students can search for countless online resources, enroll in online classes and courses, and others. The usage of technology has played a significant role now that we are currently facing the COVID-19 pandemic. The schools adopt flexible learning with the aid of technology and continue providing quality education to students.
This study concentrates on the development of an “Online Exam and Learning Management System” to simplify examination and learning management in school. Traditionally, examinations take place inside a four-walled corner classroom wherein students are provided with printed questionnaires. The conduct of lessons also is done face-to-face to supplement students with lessons they need to learn. However, this exam and teaching method needs to be extended beyond classroom settings for unexpected situations like the pandemic we are currently battling that limits our physical interactions.
The researchers of the study aimed to develop an Online Exam and Learning Management System to extend the traditional classroom examination and classes online and virtually. The web-based system is designed to allow teachers and students to conduct examinations and classes online without the need for physical interactions.
The implementation of the system will ease up and simplify the conduct of examinations and classes by the teachers and students. The teachers can upload lessons and quizzes in the system for the students. The students would only need to register in the system to be able to join classes and take exams. The online platform is highly efficient, reliable, and convenient to use.
Introduction of the Study
Technological innovations are the driving force behind the improvement and flexibility of education provided to students. This capstone project, “Online Examinations and Learning Management System” is another innovative platform intended for the educational institution. The said project is a web-based system that allows the electronic conduct of examinations and classes in a simple and efficient matter.
Originally, students are in schools. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic strike, it limits physical interactions between individuals that result in the closure of schools. Traditionally, examinations take place inside a four-walled corner classroom wherein students are provided with printed questionnaires. The conduct of lessons also is done face-to-face to supplement students with lessons they need to learn. However, this exam and teaching method needs to be extended beyond classroom settings for unexpected situations like the pandemic we are currently battling that limits our physical interactions.

Proposed Solution
To address the concern mentioned above, the researchers proposed the development of an online platform for examinations and learning management. The system is an innovative system that will extend the traditional conduct of examinations and classes. The system will ease up and simplify the conduct of examinations and classes by the teachers and students. The teachers can upload lessons and quizzes in the system for the students. The students would only need to register in the system to be able to join classes and take exams. The online platform is highly efficient, reliable, and convenient to use.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – the researchers generally aim to design and develop a system that will automate examination and conduct of classes which will enhance the traditional method of the examination and teaching-learning system.
The researchers specifically aim the following objectives:
- To develop an effective tool to efficiently manage classroom lessons and discussions.
- To eliminate issues and concerns in the traditional method of the teaching-learning system.
- To extend classroom examinations that students can use take anytime and anywhere.
- To evaluate the system in terms of Functionality, Usability, Reliability, Performance, and Security
- To make class examinations and learning management easy, simple, fast, efficient, and accurate.
Scope of the Study
The study only covers the development of an Online Examination and Learning Management System. The researchers mainly focus on developing a system that will aid the process of conducting examinations and classes. The system is limited in allowing students to take quizzes and join their scheduled online classes. Educational institutions, teachers, students will participate as respondents in the study.
Significance of the Study
The success of the study is deemed beneficial to the following:
Educational Institution. The success of the project will help them provide an extended and flexible teaching-learning system to students at the comfort of their own. This will help them provide an accessible and available exam and class platform for students.
Teachers. The system will assist them in conducting examinations and providing efficient learning sessions to students digitally. They can smoothly deliver examinations and classes online by using the system.
Students. The system will provide them with an effective alternative they can use in taking exams and attending their classes virtually.
Researchers. The project will harness their skills and knowledge in developing successful programs.
Future Researchers. The study can serve as their reference in conducting their version of the project.
Development Tools
The capstone project,” Online Examination and Learning Management System” is a web-based system that allows online examination and effective learning management. The system will streamline student assessments or examinations and online classes.
This article will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in an Online Examination and Management System. PHP and Bootstrap were used to develop the said template.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights
Online Examination and Learning Management System is a database-driven system that extends the traditional class examinations and discussion of lessons into an online platform. The system will assist in providing an efficient digital platform for exams and e-learning.
Here are some of the advantages of the Online Examinations and Learning Management System:
- Automated Exam and Classes- the system will ease up and simplify the conduct of examinations and classes.
- Records Management – it is a database system that makes the records of exams and lessons electronic, safe, accurate, reliable, and fast.
- E-learning processes – the system will facilitate e-learning anytime and anywhere.
How the System Works
This section of the paper discussed the modules, form, and user interface of the Online Exam and Learning Management System. The researchers explained the features and how the system works for the intended end-users to properly utilize it.
Administrator Dashboard – this dashboard displays essential details and records of the system. This serves as the homepage of the system administrator when logged in to the system.
The administrator’s dashboard mainly displays the following information:
- Total Students
- Total teachers
- Total Subjects
- Total Lessons
- Total Questions
- Daily Questions
- Visits -(monthly and daily)
Shown below is the layout of the administrator’s dashboard.

Exam Papers – this module will require management of the exam papers added to the system. The exam papers are uploaded by the teachers and are viewed and answered by the students.
The module requires the following information:
- Class Name
- Subject Name
- Paper Name
- Marks
- Start Date & Time
- Actions
The image below is the layout of the Exam Papers module.

Lessons – this module will allow adding and management of lessons or learning materials added to the system.
The module requires and displays the following information:
- Lessons Name
- Lesson Number
- Subject Name
- Class Name
- Group Name
- Date
- Options – (edit or delete)
Shown below is the design of the Lessons module.

Online Classes– this module requires and allows management of the online classes for teachers and students to engage.
The module requires encoding of the following information of the online classes:
- Class Name
- Subject Name
- Teacher
- Class Time
- ID/Password
- Action -(join the class)
- Options -(edit or delete)
The image shown below is the Online Classes module layout.

Question Bank – This module allows the admin to encode or manage information of the questions bank in the system.
The following information is encoded in the system:
Subject and Class
- Question
- Type
- Marks
- Difficulty
- Options -(edit or delete)
Shown below is the design of the Question Bank module.

Quiz Tests – this form will allow the admin to manage details of the quizzes to be conducted in the system. The admin will encode the information of the quizzes.
The following information will be encoded in the system:
- Class Name
- Subject Name
- Quiz
- Marks
- Start Date & Date
- Actions
- Options – (print, edit or delete)
The image below is the Quiz Test form design.

The goal of this research was to create a system that would make class quizzes and learning management more efficient. The study’s findings revealed that the established method is effective in the eyes of the respondents, as measured by the supplied criteria. The system that was designed met the needs and requirements of the targeted users and respondents. The system’s potential has been recognized by the majority of respondents.
As a result, the researchers came to the conclusion that a system is a useful tool for online testing and learning management. The system’s deployment will reduce issues and concerns, as well as go beyond the standard teaching-learning system’s limitations. The developed system will make class exams and learning management easy, fast, efficient, and accurate.
The researchers strongly advise that the Online Examination and Learning Management be implemented. This is to make managing exams and lessons in the digital classroom easier and more efficient. The system comes highly recommended because of its effectiveness and dependability for the intended consumers. The researchers stress the need of having a sufficient understanding of how to operate the system appropriately.
The following are the specific recommendations of the researchers:
- Educational institutions should implement the system to give students with a more flexible exam platform and learning environment.
- The system should be implemented since it is suitable for extending traditional face-to-face exams and classes.
- The system is recommended by the researchers because it makes class tests and learning management simple, quick, efficient, and accurate.
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Credits to the developer(s) of the project
Fabssam Online Exam and Learning Management System is a web-based examination and learning management system designed for schools, colleges, academies, and other educational institutions.
Schools can now provide online instruction to their pupils, as well as take quizzes and examinations in a simple and efficient manner.
Teacher/Staff ID :
Password: 123456