Face Recognition Attendance System Application Free Download Bootstrap and PHP Script
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Technology has had a significant impact on the advancement and development of education. It influenced how teaching, learning, and other educational activities are carried out. Traditional educational methods and learning processes may be altered as a result of technological breakthroughs. Different educational technologies, computerized systems, and software can be used by educational institutions in teaching and running school activities and transactions. In schools, events or culmination activities are not new, it is conducted to enhance students’ participation in schools activities and their extracurricular activities. During school events, students’ attendance is strictly checked to monitor if they are present during the activity and are participating. The student’s attendance is also one of their requirements during clearance signing. Currently, the process of monitoring the attendance of every student is done manually, whereas, inactivity cards, listing attendance on a sheet of paper are only used in monitoring the attendance of every student. This method is seen as ineffective and is prone to a lot of errors. Inlined with this, the researchers aimed to develop a system that will automate the checking of attendance during school events. The researchers aimed to design a face recognition-based attendance system. Wherein students would only need to face a camera designed for face recognition and allow it to detect their faces and record their attendance. By having the system, the student body in charge or officers in charge of checking students’ attendance would not face any serious challenges for the system would streamline the recording and store of attendance records. Accurate and reliable attendance records will be generated by the system. The system will eliminate the errors and problems encountered in the manual attendance system. By implementing the system, the recording of attendance will be efficient, timely, convenient, and accurate. The researchers will develop the project following the steps in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to ensure a complete and well-functioning system. The target users of the system are schools, officers in charge of checking the attendance of students during school events, and students.
Introduction of the Study
Technology has grown so fast; it changes the way we do our daily tasks. Technology has made our daily lives easier. The capstone project, entitled “Face Recognition Attendance System” is designed to automate checking and recording of students’ attendance during school events using face recognition technology. The system will work by storing the student’s information along with their photographs in a server and the system will detect the faces of the students during school events and match it and verify to record the presence or absence of the student.
In schools, events or culmination activities are not new, it is conducted to enhance students’ participation in schools activities and their extracurricular activities. During school events, students’ attendance is strictly checked to monitor if they are present during the activity and are participating. Currently, the process of monitoring the attendance of every student is done manually, whereas inactivity cards, listing attendance on a sheet of paper are only used in monitoring the attendance of every student. Having this work done all over again seems to be tedious and time-consuming. With these methods, errors, redundancy, and discrepancies are inevitable. Another problem that the student body organization or officer in charge is facing now is the consolidation of the report of the attendance of the students. During the signing of the clearance, many students complain that they are marked absent although they are present during the activity and vice versa. Due to the unreliable reports of attendance monitoring and unreliable monitoring of student attendance the schools need an effective system that will accurately and efficiently store records of students’ attendance and consolidated attendance report.
Proposed Solution
To resolve the aforementioned concerns, the researchers of the study proposed the development of the Face Recognition Attendance System be used during school events. The system will streamline the checking of students’ attendance by scanning and detecting the student’s face and matching it to the photographs stored in the server to record students’ presence. It will be easier to monitor the attendance using the system. The system will be responsible for keeping the records of students present during the school event. The process of monitoring will also be paperless which will lessen the time spent and hassle of the student bodies or officers in charge.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – the researchers generally aim to implement an attendance system using face recognition to record and monitor students’ attendance during school events.
Specifically, the researchers aim the following objectives:
- To design a face recognition-based attendance system for school events.
- The system will serve as a platform wherein the students’ attendance during school events will be monitored.
- The system is simple to use and understand for the officer in charge.
- The system will reduce the number of errors in keeping track of students’ attendance.
- The system will simplify monitoring and reduce the amount of time spent on it.
- A credible list of students who attended each school event will be provided by the system.
- To evaluate the system in terms of user acceptability, productivity, quality, portability, maintainability, reliability, and functionality.
Scope of the Study
The creation of the Face Recognition Attendance System is the exclusive focus of this research. The goal of this research is to design and create a facial recognition-based event attendance system to replace the manual technique of checking and tracking attendance at school events. This study will only look at student attendance at school events or activities, not at student attendance in the classroom. The researchers will assemble a sample size of school officers in charge of events and students to serve as study responders.
Significance of the Study
Students. This is especially important for students who are actively participating in school events; their efforts will not go unnoticed because their attendance will be securely documented.
Student Bodies/Officer In-charge. This will make it easier for them to check and monitor the students’ attendance. They will have less paperwork because the system has already stored the information that would have been done manually via hard copy. They will be able to save time by using this technique to check and track their students’ attendance.
Researchers. The study is a tool for the researchers to demonstrate their abilities in computer programming, problem analysis, and research-related skills such as document preparation, tabulating and presenting results, and data collection techniques and procedures.
Future Researchers. The study can serve as their guide in developing their version of the Face Recognition Attendance System.
Development Tools
The Face Recognition Attendance System will automate the recording of students’ attendance in school events. The system will collect the attendance of the students by face detection. The system will make a recording of attendance easy, fast, convenient, and accurate.
This article will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in a Face Recognition Attendance System. C# were used to develop the said project.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights
The capstone project, “Face Recognition Attendance System” is a database-driven system that will record and store students’ attendance at every school event. The system will gather and generate accurate reports of the student’s attendance.
The following are the advantages of the system:
- Automated Recording and Monitoring of Attendance – the system will make it easier for schools to record and monitor students’ attendance during school events.
- Records Management – it is a database system that makes the records of the student’s attendance electronic, safe, accurate, reliable, and fast.
- Report Generation – the system automatically generates and provide reports about students’ record of attendance at every school event.
How the System Works
This article will explain the features and functions of the system. The researchers will explain the forms, modules and user interface of the Face Recognition Attendance System.
Front-end Attendance Form – this is where the students will go for face detection to record their attendance.
Login Form – this form will be used by the users in order to log in to the system. The users would only need to correctly input the combination of their username and password to access the records and features of the system.
The image shown below is the design of the system’s login form. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
Administrator Account
Dashboard – this dashboard serves as the main page of the system administrator. The admin can access and manage major records of the system in the dashboard.
The dashboard mainly display the following information:
- Number of Departments
- Number of Employee/Faculty
- Number of Students
- Number of Events
Shown below is the design of the Administrator’s Dashboard.

Department Information – the admin will manage the details of the various department in schools. The admin can add, edit, update or delete information of the department.
The following information of the department will be encoded in the system:
- Department Code
- Department Name
The image displayed below is the design of the Department Information module. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
Event Management – this module will allow the administrator to manage school event details in schools. The admin can add, edit, update or delete information.
The following information of the event will be encoded in the system:
- Event Name
- Description
- Date
- Upload Banner
Shown below is the design of the Event Management module.

Employee/Faculty Information – this module will allow the admin to add, edit, update or delete employee/faculty information. The admin will manage the information of the employees or faculties registered in the system.
The following information will be encoded in the system:
- Employee/Faculty ID Number
- Last name
- First name
- Middle Name
- Gender
- Department
- Contact Number
- Username
- Password
- Account Status
Shown below is the design of the Employee/Faculty Information module. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
Student Information – the admin can add, edit, update or delete student information in the system. The admin will manage the information of the registered students.
The following information will be encoded in the system:
- Student ID Number
- Last name
- First name
- Middle Name
- Gender
- Department
- Contact Number
- Username
- Password
- Account Status
The image shown below is the design of the Employee/Faculty Information module.

Face Recognition Enrollment – this module will allow face recognition enrollment. Wherein photograph of students, faculties or employees are captured and stored in a server as a reference for face detection.
The following information will be encoded for the face recognition enrollment:
- ID Number
- Type – (student, faculty, employee)
The image shown below is the design of the Face Recognition Enrollment module.

Attendance Report – this page display the report of the attendance report by event. The report will be presented using table and graph.
Shown below is the design of the Attendance Report page.

Admin Account – this will allow management of admin account in the system.
The following information of the administrator’s account will be encoded in the system:
- Username
- Password
- Name
- Contact
The image shown below is the design of the Admin account module. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
Faculty/Employee Account
Dashboard – this dashboard serves as the main page of the faculty and employee user in the system. The faculty or employee can access major records of the system in their dashboard.
The dashboard mainly display the following information:
- Number of Events
- Number of Present
- Number of Absent
The image shown below is the design of the Faculty/Employee Dashboard.

List of Events – this module will reflect the list of events in school.
Shown below is the design of the List of Events module. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
Profile – this will allow them to update their profiles in the system.
The following information will be encoded for the faculty/employee information:
- Last name
- First name
- Middle Name
- Gender
- Department
- Contact Number
- Username
- Password
The image shown below is the design of the Profile module in the system.
Student Account
Dashboard – this dashboard serves as the homepage of the student user in the system.
The following infomation will be displyed in the student’s dashboard:
- Number of Events
- Number of Present
- Number of Absent
The image shown below is the design of the student’s dashboard. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
List of Events – this module will allow students to view list of events in school and their attendance for each event.
The image shown below is the design of the List of Events module.

Profile – this module will allow students to manage their profiles in the system.
The following information will be encoded for the student’s profile:
- Last name
- First name
- Middle Name
- Gender
- Department
- Contact Number
- Username
- Password
Shown below is the design of the Student’s profile module in the system.

Technology has had a significant impact on the advancement and development of education. In schools, events or culmination activities are not new, it is conducted to enhance students’ participation in schools activities and their extracurricular activities. The researchers conducted the study to assess the current system used in schools to check and monitor the attendance of students during school events. The initial investigation reveals that schools still use the manual system which is prone to a lot of errors. With this, the researchers developed a Facial Recognition System and presented it to the target end-users. The result of the study showed that the developed system met the needs and requirements of the end-users and respondents.
Hence, the researchers concluded that the developed system is an effective system to ease up checking and recording of the student’s attendance during school events. The implementation of the Face Recognition attendance system will ease up student attendance recording and monitoring. The system will eliminate the errors and problems encountered in the manual attendance system. By implementing the system, the recording of attendance will be efficient, timely, convenient, and accurate.
The significant result of the study prompted the researchers to highly recommend the implementation of the Face Recognition Attendance System. The system is recommended for its efficiency and reliability that can be rendered to the target users. The attendance system will be based on facial recognition, wherein the student will undergo face detection to record attendance during school events. The researchers also highlight the importance of having enough knowledge on how to operate the system to properly use it.
The researchers specifically recommend the following:
- Schools should install the system to easily and accurately record students’ attendance during school events.
- The implementation of the system is highly recommended for it will generate a credible and accurate record of students’ attendance during school events.
- The researchers strongly suggest the use of the system to make attendance checking and recording of student’s attendance easy, fast, efficient, timely and, accurate.
Free Download Source code
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