BMI Calculator in Flutter Based on Neumorphic
Table of Contents
Technological advancements have paved the path for the betterment of the health sector. Various systems and software aid healthcare providers in providing efficient and accessible patient care. The usage of technology has now expedited transactions between health providers and patients. There are several criteria used by the medical profession and health agencies to measure someone’s health. One of these is the determination of someone’s Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is one method of assessing weight-related diseases. According to one study, every time the BMI increases, the risk of weight-related disorders also rises. This is why it is critical to understand the BMI measurement to determine whether one’s weight is in a healthy relationship to one’s height. Typically, people calculate their BMI by hand, using the formula BMI equals weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. After computation, they will place their results in the BMI health range to classify themselves. This approach is somewhat antiquated, especially with the development of technology, and it is only useful for people who know how to manually compute their BMI or with the supervision of health professionals or students in schools who are led by their teachers. Given the significance of knowing one’s BMI, individuals must monitor their BMIs regularly utilizing an effective and dependable technology. The purpose of this research was to create an automated BMI calculator based on neumorphic utilizing the Flutter framework. The project is downloadable, and users can install it on their mobile phones. After inputting their weight and height, their BMI will be calculated in a few clicks and the result with the health range they are in will be displayed immediately. The program will also provide health recommendations and activities based on your healthy range. The app is extremely user-friendly and dependable.
Introduction of the Study
Almost everyone nowadays owns a mobile phone. They use their phone to make life easier and to help them with their daily routines. The capstone project, “BMI Calculator in Flutter Based on Neumorphic,” is an automated calculator for calculating one’s BMI quickly and effortlessly. Users will only need to enter their weight and height, and the calculator will immediately display the result. In addition, the project will maintain track of the user’s BMI calculations and results for future reference and comparison. The software will also allow the user to search for health suggestions on how to keep their BMI in a healthy range.
The Body Mass Index (BMI) is one approach for measuring weight-related disorders. According to one study, when BMI rises, so does the chance of weight-related problems. This is why understanding the BMI measurement is crucial to assess whether one’s weight is in a healthy relationship to one’s height. People typically calculate their BMI by hand, using the formula BMI = weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. They will next place their results in the BMI health range to determine whether they are underweight, normal, overweight, or obese. This method is somewhat obsolete, especially in light of technological advancements, and it is only effective for persons who know how to manually compute their BMI or who are under the supervision of health professionals or students in schools who are led by their teachers. Given the importance of knowing one’s BMI, people need to monitor their BMIs regularly using a reliable and effective method.

Proposed Solution
To solve the aforementioned concern, the study’s researchers advocated the creation of the BMI Calculator. The researchers proposed that the project be developed using the Flutter Framework, which is built on Neumorphic. The program will be user-friendly and may be utilized by a wide range of users who want to monitor their BMI and live a disease-free life. The project is available for download, and users can install it on their mobile phones. After entering their weight and height, their BMI will be computed in a few clicks and the resulting health range will be displayed immediately. Based on your health range, the program will also suggest health tips and activities. BMI calculations will be quick, simple, and efficient, as well as always accessible and available.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – The researchers’ major goal is to create a fast and simple-to-use BMI Calculator in Flutter based on neumorphic.
Specifically, the researchers aim to achieve the following objectives:
- To design a BMI Calculator application that computes the user’s BMI measurement.
- To show immediate results and classification of the user’s BMI according to the health ranges.
- To design a user-friendly interface to be used by a wide range of users.
- To store information that is accurate and reliable BMI calculation records for future reference.
- To design an application that also provides health tips to the users.
- To design a highly accessible and available application for the users.
- To evaluate the system in terms of user acceptability, quality, productivity, effectiveness, and reliability.
Scope of the Study
The researchers will primarily focus on constructing a BMI Calculator application based on neumorphic using the Flutter Framework. The application’s functionality is limited to calculating the user’s BMI and presenting the results and classification. The app also includes fact-based information on how to achieve and maintain a healthy BMI. The study’s participants are health professionals and patients who will be tested to see if the application is helpful and reliable.
Significance of the Study
The success of the project is deemed beneficial to the following:
End-Users. They are those who desire to track and check their BMI. They are the project’s immediate beneficiaries. They can now track their BMI without having to worry about the computation process. They may simply determine their BMI status and aid in the prevention of weight-related disorders.
Researchers. The researchers will gain experience in doing the project with the team and will also contribute to their knowledge and skills as developers.
Future Researchers. The study will serve as their basis in making their version of the project.
Development Tools
The capstone project, “BMI Calculator in Flutter based on Neumorphic,” is designed primarily for individuals who want to keep track and monitor their BMI promptly. This will help them to quickly and simply calculate their BMI measurement which provides a reliable result.
This post will provide you with an idea of the kind of forms and modules that should be included in a BMI Calculator in Flutter based on neumorphic.
On request, the project documentation is provided (chapters 1 to 5). If you require the entire project documentation, please contact us.
Project Highlights
The BMI Calculator in Flutter based on neumorphic automates the calculation of the user’s BMI and classification of results based on BMI health ranges.
The following are the benefits of the application:
- Automated Calculation- BMI calculation will be done electronically.
- Records Management – it will keep a record of the user’s past BMI Calculations for future reference.
How the System Works
This section of the paper will present the forms, modules and user interface of the application. The researchers will explain the features and functions of the application.
BMI Info – this module display the result of the BMI Calculation along with the health range of the BMI of the user.
Shown below is the design of the BMI Info module.

Homepage – this is the where the users will land when they use and launch the application. The homepage display the gender, height, weight and age where the users should identify themselves.
The image below is the design of the application’s homepage.

Tips page – this page will display health tips that the users can browse and follow to maintain a healthy BMI.
Shown below is the design of the Tips page of the app.

Credits to the developer
The investigation was carried out by the researchers to create a BMI Calculator in Flutter based on neumorphic data. The designed app will assist users in calculating their BMIs in a quick, straightforward, and efficient manner. The study’s findings demonstrated that the produced application met the demands and requirements of the targeted users. The majority of respondents saw the application’s potential as a viable alternative to aid the process of tracking and monitoring BMI to stay healthy and fit.
As a result, the researchers concluded that the BMI Calculator in Flutter based on Neumorphic is an effective platform for people who are aware of their BMI and wish to maintain a healthy proportion of their height and weight. The built application will resolve issues in the existing system.
Based on the study’s noteworthy findings, the researchers strongly propose that the app be implemented. The researchers recommend that the program be downloaded and installed by the intended users for them to monitor their BMI promptly. They can monitor their weight to ensure that it is proportionate to their height to minimize the high risk of weight-related disorders.
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