Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Management System Free Bootstrap Source code
Table of Contents
At present, people do not only consider their vehicle as a luxury but also a necessity. They use their vehicles to go from place to place to run their errands and tasks. A vehicle requires maintenance and repair because it is made up of important components and machines to keep it working. Vehicle repair and maintenance aid vehicle owners in avoiding unexpected vehicle breakdowns. Early detection of vehicle faults is critical before they become major concerns. Vehicle garages have become a necessary business for vehicle owners because of vehicle repair and maintenance. They frequently inquire about vehicle repair and maintenance services at vehicle shops or garages. Vehicle mechanics inspect and repair the vehicle’s critical components to guarantee that they are in good working order and will not fail unexpectedly. Conventionally, vehicle garages utilize manual processes to handle day-to-day transactions. Customer records are still kept manually, as are car repair progress reports, vehicle service updates, client transactions, and billing. The garage’s operation and response time to client inquiries will be slowed if manual methods are used indefinitely. The researchers recognized the need to improve the way vehicle garages operate. The researchers wanted to create a Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Management System that would automate and streamline the aforementioned activities and transactions in a vehicle garage. To ensure a full and well-functioning product, the researchers will use the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) technique to create it. The system’s intended users are vehicle garage owners, employees, and customers.
Introduction of the Study
Information Technology has become an integral part of any kind of business in terms of automating business operations and transactions. The capstone project, entitled “Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Management System” is designed for vehicle repair and maintenance management automation. The said project will automate the vehicle garage’s operations and daily transactions. The system will automate operations such as managing vehicle repair and maintenance records, invoice records, customer records, transaction records, billing and payment records, and transaction records.
As the number of vehicle owners grows, so does the popularity of vehicle garages. Vehicle owners frequently inquire about vehicle repair and maintenance in garages to get their vehicles inspected and repaired. Vehicle owners may guarantee that their vehicles function properly and do not fail unexpectedly by scheduling regular vehicle repair and maintenance services. Most vehicle garages still use manual techniques to conduct day-to-day business. Customer records are still kept manually, as is car repair progress monitoring, vehicle service updates, client transactions, and billing. For both vehicle garages and customers, this type of transaction is time-demanding. Customers would have to go to garages in-person to inquire about services and other necessary transactions to book for vehicle repair and maintenance. The garage’s functioning and reaction time to client inquiries will be slowed if manual methods are used repeatedly. The researchers recognized the need to improve the way vehicle garages operate.
Proposed Solution
The researcher proposed the creation of the Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Management System to address the aforementioned difficulties. The system will automate the management of all aspects of transactions that occur in a vehicle garage. The system will streamline the management of customer records, vehicle repair and maintenance records, invoice records, transactions with clients, and billing. In-vehicle service shops and garages, the proposed solution will eliminate manual processes and transactions. The system will work as a platform for transactions, which will be maintained by an administrator and accessible by customers and mechanics. The proposed project will improve business efficiency and customer satisfaction when it comes to vehicle maintenance.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective– the researchers generally aim to design, develop and implement a system that will automate daily operations and transactions in a vehicle garage.
Specifically, the researchers aim the following objectives:
- To create a system that will allow all vehicle repair and maintenance transactions to be managed in one place.
- To create a platform where clients may inquire about vehicle repair and maintenance via the internet.
- To relieve vehicle garage owners and staff of paperwork and manual labor.
- To create a centralized database for vehicle garage records.
- To create an automated vehicle garage management system that is both efficient and dependable.
- To assess the system’s acceptance, efficacy, quality, productivity, and dependability among users.
Scope of the Study
The creation of vehicle maintenance and service management system is the subject of this research. The researchers are primarily interested in creating a system that will make daily operations and transactions in a vehicle garage easier, simpler, and more automated. The technology will make car repair and maintenance service management simple, convenient, and efficient. Respondents in the survey will include vehicle garage administrators, mechanics, and customers.
Significance of the Study
The success of the study is significant to the following individuals or groups:
Vehicle Garage. The success of the study will highly benefit them. They can have an efficient and reliable system to streamline their day-to-day business operations and transactions.
Customers. The system will allow them to conveniently inquire about vehicle repair and maintenance to vehicle garages. This will allow them to keep their vehicles from wearing out and unexpected breakdowns.
Researchers. The system will further enhance their knowledge and skills as researchers.
Future Researchers. The study can serve as their reference in developing updates or their version of the project.
Development Tools
The capstone project, “Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Management System” is designed to automate the management of vehicle repair and maintenance transactions. It will allow vehicle garage mechanics and customers to have seamless transactions.
This article will provide you with an overview of the kind of forms that should be included in a Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Management System. The template was created using PHP and Bootstrap.
The project’s documentation is accessible upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Please contact us if you require the project’s entire documentation.
Project Highlights
The Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Management System is a database-driven system that will streamline the management of customer records, car repair and maintenance records, invoice records, transactions with clients, and billing.
Advantages of Using a Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Management System:
- Automated management – vehicle garages can electronically manage their daily operations and transactions.
- Records Management – This is a database system that makes vehicle repair and maintenance transactions r records electronic, safe, accurate, dependable, and quick.
- Fast Transactions – vehicle repair and maintenance inquiries will be processed quickly and easily.
How the System Works
This article will explain the forms, modules, and user interface of the Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Management System. The researchers will discuss the features and how the system functions according to the user type.
Login Form- this form will be used by the end-users to log in to the system. The users will need to input the correct combination of their username and password to access the features and records of the system.
Shown below is the design of the system’s Login Form.

Admin Account
Dashboard – This dashboard serves as the main page of the system administrator. The dashboard allows the admin to access major records and manage the system.
The dashboard mainly displays the following information:
- Number of customers
- Number of tasks
- Number of team members
- Income of the day
The image shown below is the design of the Administrator’s Dashboard.

Customer Information – this module will allow the admin to add, edit or delete customers’ information registered in the system. The admin will manage the records of customers in the system.
The following customer’s information is encoded in the system:
- Full name
- Complete Address
- Email Address
- Contact Number
- Avatar
- Username
- Password
- Account Status
Shown below is the design of the Customer Information module.

Task Information – this module will allow the admin to add, edit, or delete task information in the system. The admin will encode and manage task information of the vehicle service.
The following information will be encoded in the system:
- Transaction Code
- Task name
- Description
- Vehicle Type
- Customer name
- Amount
- Task Status – pending, completed, paid
- Completion Date
- Create Invoice button
- View Task details button
The image shown below is the layout of the Task Information module.

Task Details – this module will let the admin encode and manage task details in the system for vehicle repair and maintenance.
The following pieces of information are encoded for the task details:
- Transaction Code
- Parts
- Quantity
- Amount
- Total Amount
- Remarks
Shown below is the layout of the Task Details module.
Invoice Information – this module will allow the admin to manage the invoice information of the vehicle repair and maintenance system. The admin can add, edit, update or delete information on the invoices.
The following pieces of information are encoded in the system:
- Invoice Number
- Customer Name
- Transaction code
- Total Parts
- Total Amount
- Invoice Date
- Action Buttons
The image displayed below is the design of the Invoice Information module.

Team Members – this module will allow the system’s administrator to encode and manage information of the team members in the system. The admin can add, edit, update or delete team members’ information.
The following information will be encoded in the system:
- Full name
- Designation
- Complete Address
- Email Address
- Username
- Password
- Account Status
Shown below is the design of the Team Member’s module.

Payment Records – this module will allow the administrator to manage the records of payments of the customers. The admin can add, edit, update or delete payment information.
The following information will be encoded for the Payment Records:
- Invoice Number
- Payment Date
- Amount
- Balance
- Status – paid, partially paid
The image shown below is the design of the Payment Records module.

Company Settings – this will allow the admin to update the settings of the company.
To update, the admin will input the following information:
- Company name
- Address
- TIN Number
- Contact Number
- Logo
Shown below is the design of the Company Settings page. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
SMS and Email Settings – this page will allow the admin to manage and update SMS and Email Settings.
The image shown below is the design of the SMS and Email Settings. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
Income Report – this page displays the income report of the vehicle garage by month. The report will be presented using a table and graph.
The image shown below is the design of the Income Report page.

Customer Account
Customer Dashboard – this dashboard serves as the main page of the customers when logged in to the system. The customers can access major records that reflect their activity in the system.
The dashboard mainly displays the following information:
- Number of invoices
- Total Payment
- Balance
- Number of transactions
The image displayed below is the layout of the Customer’s Dashboard.

New Task – this form will allow the customers to inquire and create a new task for their vehicle’s repair and maintenance.
The customers will encode the following information:
- Task name
- Description
- Vehicle Type
Shown below is the design of the New Task form.

Task List Information – this module will allow the customers to view the list of tasks in the system.
The following information is reflected in the list:
- Transaction Code
- Task name
- Description
- Vehicle Type
- Amount
- Task Status – pending, completed, paid
- Completion Date
- View Task details button
The image shown below is the design of the Task List Information.

Task Details – this will allow customers to input and view task details for their vehicles.
The following information will be encoded for the task details:
- Transaction Code
- Parts
- Quantity
- Amount
- Total Amount
- Remarks
Shown below is the Task Details form design.
My Invoice – this module will allow the customers to add or view their invoices made using the system.
The following information will be entered in the module:
- Invoice Number
- Transaction code
- Total Parts
- Total Amount
The image shown below is the design of the My Invoice module.

My Payment – this module will allow customers to manage their payment for the vehicle repair and maintenance services.
The following pieces of information are reflected in the module:
- Invoice Number
- Payment Date
- Amount
- Balance
Shown below is the design of the My Payment module.

My Profile – this form will allow the customers to manage their registered profile in the system.
The following information will be encoded by the customers for their profile:
- Full name
- Complete Address
- Email Address
- Contact Number
- Avatar
- Username
- Password
The image shown below is the My Profile form design. Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
This study was conducted to assess the current method used in the vehicle garage’s daily operations and transactions. The study reveals that vehicle garages still use the manual method which is ineffective. With this, the researchers developed an automated vehicle repair and maintenance management system and presented it to the respondents and intended end-users. The result of the study showed that the developed system met the predefined needs and requirements of the target users. The respondents rated the system satisfactorily in terms of the system’s acceptance, efficacy, quality, productivity, and dependability among users.
Hence, the researchers concluded that the developed system is an effective platform to automate vehicle repair and maintenance management. The system will automate operations such as managing vehicle repair and maintenance records, invoice records, customer records, transaction records, billing and payment records, and transaction records. It will ease up and simplify the management of vehicle repair and maintenance transactions.
Based on the significant result of the study, the researchers highly recommend the implementation of the system. The researchers recommend the system for its efficiency and reliability that can be rendered to the intended users. The system will make it easier for vehicle garages and their customers to transact in an easy, fast and convenient way. The researchers also highlight the importance of the intended users having enough knowledge on how to operate the system to properly use it.
The following are the specific recommendations of the researchers:
- The researchers suggest that vehicle garages adapt and install the system to streamline their day-to-day operations and transactions.
- Customers are advised to register in the system to easily and conveniently inquire about vehicle repair and maintenance.
- The implementation of the system is strongly suggested to ease up and simplify the management of vehicle repair and maintenance.
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