Student and Faculty Clearance System Free Bootstrap Source code
Table of Contents
Information technology has made a significant contribution to the advancement of education. Almost all school transactions have been automated and teaching methods and learning processes have been transformed digitally.
School clearance signifies that students and faculty have met all of the school’s standards. The school clearance is a pass that allows them to proceed to other actions in place of the subject of the clearance. Traditionally, school clearance processing is done manually, which relies on a pen and paper approach. The existing method is time-consuming, error-prone, and difficult to validate signatures. A clear need for development exists in the field of clearance processing system in school.
The researchers of the study aimed to develop an IT-based solution for the concerns mentioned earlier. The researchers aimed to create a Student and Faculty Clearance System using PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap. The said project is a responsive application that users can access using a browser (desktop, laptop, mobile devices).
The capstone project, entitled “Student and Faculty Clearance System,” is designed to automate students and faculty clearance processes. The approach is intended to make the clearance procedure easier while also guaranteeing that approvals are accurate and complete. The project works by giving every Department involved access to the application. The proposed scheme can eliminate the specified challenges, streamline the process, and verify the integrity and correctness of the data.
Introduction of the Study
The automation of all tasks and operations increases the outcome’s efficiency and correctness. Almost all sectors and organizations have adapted technology to automate their processes, and the educational sector is no exception. “Student and Faculty Clearance System,” the capstone project, is another unique educational tool that will streamline yet another crucial school process: clearance processing. The said project is designed to make the clearance process more accessible while also ensuring the integrity and accuracy of clearances.
Students and faculty who have received school clearance have met all of the school’s requirements. The clearance is a pass that allows them to go on to other tasks in place of the clearance’s subject. Traditional clearance processing necessitates using pen and paper, which is time-consuming, error-prone, and challenging to check signatures. Academic institutions require a clearance processing procedure that is time-efficient and ensures the clearance’s integrity and consistency.
Proposed Solution
The study’s researchers want to design and develop a system that automates clearance procedures to overcome the difficulties listed above. A clearance processing system, which both students and faculty can use, is presented as a solution to the problem. Log in to request clearance for students and faculty members. The application list will then be transmitted to the proper departments for examination and approval. Students and faculty can check the status of their clearance on their desktops or mobile devices. They’ll also find out which departments haven’t approved their clearance and what conditions they need to meet. This strategy is incredibly efficient and can help you save a lot of paper.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – The project aims to design, develop, and implement a Student and Faculty clearance system to eliminate the manual method of processing clearances.
The project specifically aims the following objectives:
- Develop a system to automate clearance procedures.To create a system that eliminates the need for pen and paper in clearance procedures.
- Remove the chance of human error in clearance processing.
- The study’s output will be subject to testing and review.
- To determine the system’s overall performance.
- Determine whether or not the end-users will accept it.
- Using database technology, design a solution that will keep the records properly and organized.
- To design a simple system to use, it can be completed in a short amount of time and fits within the budget of end-users.
Scope of the Study
The researchers’ primary goal is to develop a clearance processing system that will speed up and simplify the clearance procedure. The goal of the initiative was to eliminate the manual processing of student and faculty clearances. The project’s scope is limited to the following areas; school clearances, particularly for students and faculty. The researchers will assemble a sample size of school faculty and students to serve as study respondents.
Significance of the Study
The project’s success is considered advantageous to the following groups or individuals:
Students. When it comes to processing their clearance, the system will save them time and effort. They only need to use the system to request clearance.
Faculties. This will minimize their job in processing their clearance and loads of students’ clearances.
Researchers. The researchers of this project will also be benefited by getting more information and abilities in designing responsive applications.
Future Researchers. If they want to design and develop a clearance processing system, they can utilize the study as a starting point. The project’s output is critical for the next round of scholars. This project’s documents and source code will act as a guide and reference for them.
Development Tools
The student and Faculty clearance system is a capstone project that allows students and faculties to process their clearances electronically. The system will be an effective platform to streamline completing an accurate, valid, and reliable clearance.
This article will give you a lot an idea of the forms to be included in a Student and Faculty Clearance System. The Bootstrap framework was utilized to create the aforementioned template.
The project’s documentation is accessible upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Kindly contact us if you require the comprehensive documentation of the project. The password of the file is /;ygjgy678gh.
Project Highlights
The capstone project, “Student and Faculty Clearance System,” is a database-driven system that will automate the execution of clearance procedures. The system will help in providing a fast, accurate, and reliable clearance process to the end-users.
The following are the advantages of the Student and Faculty Clearance System:
- Automated Process- the step-by-step procedures of student and faculty clearances will be done electronically
- Records Management – This database system converts paper-based transaction records into electronic, secure, accurate, dependable, and timely records.
- Reporting – the system generates and distributes real-time reports on the completion of the clearances.
How the System Works
This section of the paper explains the form, modules, and user interface of the Student and Faculty Clearance System. The researchers will discuss the features and the system’s functions by user type.
System Function by User Type
Administrator can:
- Manage Course Information – (CRUD) create and update the information of the courses.
- Manage Department Information – (CRUD) create and update the information of the departments.
- Manage Department User Information – (CRUD) create and updates the information of the department users.
- Manage Student Information – (CRUD) create and updates the information of the students.
- Manage Faculty Information – (CRUD) create and updates the information of the faculty.
- Manage Deliverable Information – (CRUD) create and update the information of the deliverables.
- Print Clearance Statistics Report
Department User can:
- View List of Deliverables
- Review and process student and faculty deliverables
- Review uploaded files of student/faculty
- View Messages
Faculty/Student can:
- View and Process Deliverables
- Manage Profile
User Interface
Admin Account
Admin Dashboard – This dashboard serves as the main page of the system’s administrator. The dashboard displays essential and significant records which the admin access and manages.
The dashboard mainly displays the following information:
- Number of students
- Number of faculty
- Number of Department
- Number of users
- Number of courses
Shown below is the design of the Administrator’s Dashboard.

Manage Course – this Module requires the system’s administrator to manage details of courses in the system.
The admin will encode the following information of the courses:
- Course Code
- Course Description
The graphic below depicts the layout of the Manage Course module.

Manage Department – this Module allow the admin to encode and manage the school’s Department in the system. The admin will encode the department name in this Module.
- Department name
Shown below is the layout of the Manage Department module.

Department Users – this Module allows the admin to manage the details of the department users of the system.
The following information is required to be entered into the system:
- Department Name
- Assigned Personnel
- Username
- Password
- Account Status
The image below is the Department Users module layout.
Manage Student Information– this Module requires the admin to manage the student’s information registered in the system.
The following information will be encoded in the system:
- ID number
- Last name
- First name
- Middle name
- Course
- Year Level
- Contact
- Username
- Password
- Account Status
The graphic below depicts the layout of the Manage Student Information module.

Manage Faculty Information – this Module requires the admin to manage the information of the registered faculties in the system.
The admin will enter the following information of the faculties in the system:
- ID number
- Last name
- First name
- Middle name
- Contact
- Username
- Password
- Account Status
Shown below is the design of the Manage Faculty Information.

Deliverables – this Module requires management of the school’s deliverables in the system.
The following information of the deliverables will be encoded in the system:
- Department
- Category – student, faculty
- Deliverable/Requirement name
- Description
The image displayed below is the design of the Deliverables module.

Clearance Report by Faculty – this page displays the clearance report by faculty. The information will be presented using a table and graph.
Shown below is the design of the Clearance Report by Faculty.

Clearance Report by Student – this page displays the clearance report by students. The information will be presented using a table and graph.
The image below is the design of the Clearance Report by Student.

Clearance Report by Student by Department – this page displays the information of the clearance report by a student by the Department. The report will be presented using the table and graph.
The image shown below is the design of the Clearance Report by Student by Department page.

Department User Account – Visit our Facebook and Youtube Channel for the complete screenshots of the project
Department User Dashboard – this dashboard serves as the main page of the department user. The dashboard allows the department user to access records and features of the system.
- The number of students cleared.
- The number of faculty cleared.
The image shown below is the design of the Department User Dashboard.
View List of Deliverables – this Module will allow the department users to view the list of deliverables.
The following information is visible in the list of deliverables:
- Deliverable/Requirement name
- Description
- View Uploaded files by student/faculty
Shown below is the design of the View List of Deliverables module.
View Uploaded Files – this Module will allow the department users to view their uploaded files.
The following information is displayed in the Module:
- Deliverable/Requirement name
- File Uploaded
- Student/Faculty name
The image shown below is the design of the View Uploaded Files.
Approve and Disapprove Module – this form will allow the department user to view the approve and disapprove modules of the students and faculty.
The following information is displayed in the form:
- Student Faculty Name
- Deliverable Name
- Status – cleared, not cleared
- Message
Shown below is the image of the Approve and Disapprove Module design.
View Message – this Module will allow the department user to view messages in the system.
The following information is visible in the view message module:
- Student Faculty Name
- Deliverable Name
- Message
The image below is the design of the View Message module.
Student/Faculty Account
Dashboard– This dashboard serves as the homepage of the student or faculty. This dashboard displays significant records of the system.
The following information is mainly displayed in the system:
- Number of deliverables
- Number of cleared
- Number of not cleared
The image shown below is the design of the Student or faculty Dashboard.

List of Deliverables/Requirement – this form allows the students or faculties to view the list of deliverables or requirements for clearance.
The following information is encoded and displayed in the system:
- Deliverable/Requirement name
- Description
- Status – cleared, not cleared
- Message
- Message Button – if not cleared, the student can send a message to the Department.
- Upload Attachment
Shown below is the design of the List of Deliverables/Requirement form.

Manage Profile – this Module will allow the students or faculty to manage their profiles in the system.
The following information will be encoded for their profiles:
- Last name
- First name
- Middle name
- Contact
- Username
- Password
The image below is the layout of the Manage Profile.
Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.
This study was conducted to assess the current system used for students’ and faculties’ clearance. The study reveals that schools traditionally use a manual pen and paper approach to processing the students and faculty clearance. With this, the researchers developed a system that will digitally transform the clearance process. The output of the project was subjected to assessment and evaluation by the intended users. The result showed that the developed system met the pre-defined needs and requirements of the engaged users and respondents. The majority of the respondents accepted the system positively due to its potential in transforming the school’s clearance system.
According to the researchers’ findings, they came to the conclusion that the developed system is a practical, responsive application that will streamline completing student and faculty clearance. The created project will eliminate the specified problems encountered in the manual, simplify the process, and ensure the integrity and accuracy of the information by providing every Department involved access to the application.
Since the result of the study yielded positively, the researchers strongly recommend the implementation of the system. The researchers highly suggest the procedure for its efficiency and reliability that can be rendered to the school’s clearance system. The system will make things easier and more straightforward in the whole clearance process, which will help students and faculty save more time and effort. The researchers also suggest that the target end-users should familiarize the system’s functions to use it properly.
The following are the specific recommendations made by the researchers in their study.
- The researchers suggest that schools adopt the project as their clearance system to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the student’s and faculty’s clearances.
- The researchers suggest that faculties register in the system to submit their requirements to complete their clearance quickly and efficiently.
- Students should also register in the system for their clearance to be processed efficiently and let them save time and effort.
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Related Links and Articles:
Clearance Processing System for Students and Faculty
Abstract of Faculty and Student Clearance Application
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