Student Academic Performance Tracking and Monitoring System
Table of Contents
The researchers assess the current method used by educational institutions in tracking and monitoring the academic performance of students and see room for improvement. Learning facilitators usually collect academic records of students using the manual approach which is inconvenient and prone to human errors.
The most effective way in resolving this concern is by providing an IT-based solution. The researchers will propose an automated academic performance tracking and monitoring system. The proposed system is a response to the need for an effective and efficient system for tracking and monitoring student’s academic performance. The study was conducted to design an automated system for tracking and monitoring students’ academic performance. The said project will allow learning facilitators to electronically collect and manage academic records of students for easy and convenient tracking and monitoring.
The proposed system will be developed by the researchers using the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The SDLC approach is used because it focuses on the interaction of planning, analysis, and design tasks which leads to implementation followed by operation and support. Interview and observation of the current processes and methods were used as the primary data gathering techniques. After the development, the project will be evaluated by IT experts for further enhancement and improvement.
The implementation of the system will help to learn facilitators improve the process of tracking and monitoring the academic performance of their students. The system will gather accurate and reliable academic records that will serve as a basis in making decisions to further improve the academic performance of students.
The researchers concluded that the implementation of the system will efficiently and effectively assist learning facilitators in tracking and monitoring the academic performance of their students.
The researchers highly recommend the implementation of the system in aiding the process of collecting and gathering academic records of students used for making decisions on how to further improve the students’ academic performance.
The capstone project entitled “Student Academic Performance Tracking and Monitoring System” allows academic institutions to monitor and gather data about the academic performance of students where decisions are derived to further improve the students learning outcomes.
Tracking and monitoring student’s performance serves a vital role in providing information that is used to assist students, teachers, administrators, and policymakers in making decisions that will further improve the academic performance of students. In the traditional way, the teachers and school administrators collect academic records of students and extract information from them to assess the students’ performance. The manual tracking and monitoring takes time and may encounter human errors resulting in obtaining incorrect information that will affect the decisions made. The changing factors in education have led to the quest on how to effectively and efficiently monitor student performance in educational institutions.
To avoid the above-mentioned problems, the researchers proposed a Student Academic Performance Tracking and Monitoring System automate the processes in monitoring the students’ academic performance. The teachers will utilize the system from giving assessments up to recording the scores of the students. The system will be reliable in collecting accurate information to help educational institutions arrived at decisions that will help students to improve their academic performance.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – The main purpose of this project is to develop an effective system to track and monitor students’ academic performance.
The specific objectives of the project are the following:
- To develop a system that helps academic institutions arrived at decisions to improve students’ academic performance.
- The system will be responsible for tracking and monitoring academic performance.
- The system will produce accurate and reliable information.
- The system will let monitoring of academic performance hassle-free.
Scope of the Study
The study mainly focused on developing an automated student academic performance tracking and monitoring system. The system’s core function is limited to student information encoding, academic performance recording, collecting and gathering of academic records. The respondents and intended users of the project will be students and school faculty.
Significance of the Study
The success of the study is deemed beneficial to the following:
Educational Institutions. The system will help them further improve the academic performance of the students in school. The system will help them in decision-making.
Teachers/Instructor. It will be easier for them to keep track and monitor their students’ performance.
Students. The system will help them easily know the status of their academic performance and they will ensure that the school they are in will help them improve their academic performance.
Researchers. The success of the project will contribute to their achievements as developers. The project will further enhance their skills in programming.
Future Researchers. The study will serve as their guide in doing their own version of the research project.
Development Tools
The capstone project, “Student Academic Performance Tracking and Monitoring System” will automate the process of monitoring students’ academic performance. The system will assist the learning facilitators to conveniently collect and gather academic records of students for monitoring their performance and progress.
This article will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in a Student Academic Performance Tracking and Monitoring System. PHP and Bootstrap were used to develop the said template.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights
The Student Academic Performance Tracking and Monitoring System is a database-driven system that will automate the process of tracking and monitoring student’s academic performance.
Advantages of Student Academic Performance Tracking and Monitoring System
- Automated Tracking and Monitoring – the system will make it easier for teachers to effectively track and monitor student’s academic performance.
- Records Management – it is a database system that makes the records of the students electronic, safe, accurate, reliable, and fast.
- Report Generation – the system automatically generates and provides reports about student’s academic performance.
How the System Works
This article will discuss the forms, modules, and user interface of the Student Academic Performance Tracking and Monitoring System. This section will explain the features and how the system works.
Login Form – this form will be used to be able to log in to the system. The users will set up their own username and password in order to access the features and records of the system.
Shown below is the design of the login form.

Dashboard – This dashboard serves as the homepage of the administrator when logged in to the system.
The administrator’s dashboard displays the following information:
- Number of students
- Number of subjects
The image below is the layout of the administrator’s dashboard.

Setup School Year and Term – this form will allow the admin to set up the current school year and term.
The form requires the admin to encode the information mentioned below:
- School Year/Term – (2021-1, 2021-2, 2021-3)
Shown below is the form design of Setup School Year and Term.

Setup Grade/Year Level – the admin will encode and set up the grade level of the classes to be tracked and monitored. The admin will encode the name of the grade or year level.
- Grade/Year Level name
The image below is the form design of Setup Grade/Year Level.

Setup Criteria – this form will require the admin to set up the criteria as a basis for rating the performance of the students. The admin will encode the name of the criteria.
- Criteria Name – (quiz, project, exam, participation, attendance, final grade)
Shown below is the design of the Setup Criteria form.

Subject Management – this module will allow the admin to manage the details of the subjects taken by the students.
The admin will encode the following information:
- Subject Code
- Subject Description
The image below is the layout of the subject management module.

Student Information – This form will require the information of the students to be encoded in the system.
The following information will be encoded in the system:
- Last name
- First name
- Middle name
- Gender
- Birthdate
- Age
- Complete Address
- Contact
- Email Address
- Profile Picture
- Username
- Password
- Account Status
Shown below is the design of the Student Information form.

Score Management – this module will allow the admin to manage the scores of the students base on the criteria given.
The admin will encode the following information:
- Student name
- School Year/Term
- Subject
- Criteria
- Score
The image shown below is the Score Management layout.

Score Report – this page will display the report of the student’s score for every quiz for by subject. The report will be presented using graphs and tables.
- Select by student
Shown below is the design of the score report page.

Compare Score – this form will display the report of the student’s score in every term for comparison. The scores during 1st term will be compared to the scores garnered during the 2nd term. The comparison of scores will be presented using graphs and tables.
Shown below is the design of the Compare Score form.

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Tracking and monitoring of students help to learn facilitators ensure that the process of education meets the expected academic performance and learning outcomes of students. The researchers conducted the project to develop an automated system that will track and monitor students’ academic performance. This serves as a response of the researchers to the need for an effective and efficient system to be used by academic institutions. The result of the study showed that the developed system met the needs and requirements of the respondents and the intended users. The majority of the respondents and intended users have seen the potential of the system in carrying out the tracking and monitoring of students’ academic performance.
Based on the result of the study, the researchers concluded that the developed Student Academic Performance Tracking and Monitoring System is an effective tool to be used by teachers. The developed system will eliminate all the difficulties and issues encountered in the manual process of tracking and monitoring. The implementation of the system will ease up the job of the learning facilitators and will help develop and improve the academic performance of every student.
The significant result of the study supports the recommendation of the researchers to implement the system. The researchers of the study highly recommend the implementation of the system in schools. The researchers recommend the system for it is reliable in collecting and providing accurate records of students’ academic performance. The intended users of the system should have enough knowledge on how the system will work for proper and correct utilization.
The researchers specifically recommend the following:
- The researchers strongly suggest that schools should implement the use of the system for easy tracking and monitoring of students’ academic performance.
- Learning facilitators should adapt the use of the system for them to consistently and fairly monitor the academic performance of their students.
- The researchers recommend the use of the system for it will enable tracking and monitoring of students easy, fast and convenient.
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