Library System Free Download Source code in Bootstrap and PHP
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With the growth of current technology, there are now a plethora of quick and dependable research options. However, libraries continue to play an important part in the lives of students and researchers. The library is still considered the most accurate place for information. Undeniably, people especially those who are not having internet access, rely completely on books. Library remains the cheapest and the most accessible place for study. A library is usually managed by a librarian, who manages various aspects of the library such as information about books, magazines, and other library materials. The librarian is also responsible for maintaining and organizing the information about its clientele or borrowers. Without technological interventions, the aforementioned tasks are only done by hand. The librarian will rely on manual recording in a paper and storing it in physical storage which is prone to a lot of errors. An un-automated library also will give inconvenience to library users in finding books or other resources they need in the library. They’ll manually look for the books which cost so much time and effort that they can instead spend in studying and reading. The researchers have seen a gap in the current system used in managing libraries and with this, they aim to develop a web-based platform that will simplify and unify all operations and transactions of a library in one place. The librarian and library users can both utilize the system for their convenience in managing and finding resources in the library, respectively. The researchers will develop the project following the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) technique. The target users of the system are the library’s librarian and users.
Introduction of the Study
The capstone project, entitled “Library System” is designed to automate the management of libraries. The said initiative will empower libraries with smart means to operate and transact automated with library users. The said project will allow librarians to electronically manage information about books, magazines, and other library materials as well as records management of library users and borrowers.
Libraries serve as one source of knowledge that provides numerous resources such as books, articles, journals, and many more. A librarian is a person in charge of a library, who is in charge of many parts of the library, such as information about books, magazines, and other library items. Information regarding its clients or borrowers must also be kept up to date and well-organized by the librarian. The aforementioned chores are solely done by hand without technological interference. To keep track of the information, the librarian will use manual writing on paper and store it in a physical storage facility that can make a lot of mistakes. Additionally, library patrons will experience difficulties finding books or other resources they require in an unautomated library. They’ll seek books manually, which will take up a lot of time and effort that they should be using to study and read. The researchers have noticed a change in the environment.
Proposed Solution
It was advocated by the study’s authors that a Library System be developed to address a void in the current library system. The suggested technology will digitally revolutionize the libraries’ whole operation. The proposed project will allow librarians to centralize their books and other library resource information. On the other hand, the information of library users can be recorded and saved digitally, which secures the records and makes retrieval easier. Library users’ information can also be recorded and stored electronically, which secures the records and makes retrieval easier. Android phones allow users to quickly and simply search for and select their essential resources, saving time and making it more convenient. The web-based platform will make operations easier and more unified.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – The main purpose of the project is to further improve the services offered by libraries by designing, developing, and implementing an automated library system.
The researchers specifically aim to achieve the following objectives:
- To create a system that will digitally alter library management activities.
- Complete the system’s development within the timeframe or project schedule.
- Design and create an end-user-friendly system that is simple to use.
- To create a system that will make it easier for library users to find the materials they require.
- The system will assist librarians in streamlining and monitoring library transactions.
- To create a system that is simple to use, complete in a short amount of time, and fits within the end budget. user’s
- The system shall be accurate, dependable, and simple to use.
Scope of the Study
The study’s major focus is on the library system’s development process, which will digitally revolutionize the entire operation of libraries. Only library information, books, and other resources information, as well as users’ and borrowers’ information, are allowed to be recorded electronically in this project. Libraries, librarians, and library customers and borrowers are the system’s intended users.

Significance of the Study
Libraries. The application will aid in the improvement of library services. Libraries will be more efficient in serving the demands of their users if they use the application.
Librarians. The application will make librarians’ jobs easier, particularly in keeping track of and monitoring various library resources. They will be able to easily add book details and track book borrowing with the help of the program.
Users. They will greatly benefit from the application because it will make it easier for them to locate, identify, choose, and receive library resources.
Researchers. The study’s success will rely heavily on their programming expertise and talents.
Future Researchers. The results of the study will be used as a starting point for creating their version of the Library Catalog App.
Development Tools
The capstone project, “Library System” is designed to act as a centralized platform for libraries to manage their whole operations. These will serve as a smart management tool especially in dealing with records in libraries.
This article will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in an automated Library System. PHP and Bootstrap were used to develop the said template.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights
The Library System is a database-driven system that keeps records of the library’s operations and transactions safe and easy to retrieve.
Advantages of the Library System can be classified into the following:
- Automated Management – the users can electronically manage libraries to better serve their purpose.
- Records Management – it is a database system that makes the records of libraries electronic, safe, reliable, and fast.
- Report Generation – the system can provide real-time reports on the borrowed library resources by the clienteles.
How the System Works
This article will discuss the forms, modules, and user interface of the Library System. The researchers will explain the features and functions of the system.
Registration Form – this form will allow the target end-users to register in the system.
To register, the following information will be encoded in the system:
- Username
- Password

Login Form – this form will be used by the system’s users to access records and features of the system. The users will input the correct combination of their username and password to be able to login to the system.
The image shown below is the design of the system’s Login Form.

Add Borrower Book – this module will allow the system administrator to add, edit, update or delete borrowers of book. The admin can add borrowers information and manage it.
The following information will be encoded in the system:
- ID
- Book ID
- Borrower ID
- Borrower Name
- Date Borrowed
- Due Date
- Of Copies
The image displayed below is the design of the Add Borrow Book module.

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Free Download Source code
Libraries serve as one source of knowledge that provides numerous resources such as books, articles, journals, and many more. Library remains the cheapest and the most accessible place for study. This study was conducted to assess the current system used to manage libraries. The initial investigation reveals that librarians faced difficulties in managing the whole operation of the library with speed and at the same time providing satisfying services to the users. With this, the researchers developed a web-based library system and presented it to the target end-users. The result of the study showed that the developed system met the needs and requirements of the end-users. The system will make improve the overall operational efficiency of libraries and the services rendered to the library users.
The respondents of the study respond positively about the developed project thus the researchers highly recommend the implementation of the system. The developed initiative is highly recommended for its efficiency and reliability that can be rendered to the target end-users. The researchers also highlight the importance of having enough knowledge on how to operate the system to properly use it.
The researchers mainly recommend that libraries should implement the system to further improve the services they offer to library users. The system will ease up their whole operation as well as lessen their manual workloads. The system will ease up and make library management easy and convenient.
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