Food Donation Services Free Download Template Source code
Table of Contents
Nowadays, the problem with hunger is still prevalent and continues to strike less fortunate individuals. The problem with hunger is closely linked to poverty and employment which cause some individuals not to be able to consume food. This problem has been long known and continues to worsen especially now that we are experiencing a COVID-19 pandemic. Poverty has worsened thus food inflation rate continues to increase which implies that millions of individuals didn’t have enough food to eat. To overcome the problem of hunger, non-profit organizations like food banks and hunger-relief charities are formed. These organizations and charities help fight hunger by providing food to less fortunate individuals. However, due to the laborious process of managing food donations and distributing them to recipients, the operations of these groups are hampered. Food banks and hunger relief organizations now need an efficient and effective unified contribution platform. Donors must still communicate with the organization for their food donations to be verified and processed. Those in need of food should make a personal appeal to hunger relief agencies. The existing procedure takes a long time and demands a lot of effort. There is an obvious need for a system that will allow east and fast donations and distributions of food to the recipients. The researchers of the study will address the problem by developing an online platform for food donation services. The capstone project, entitled “Food Donation Services” is designed to automate the management of food donors and recipients. The target users of the system are food banks, hunger-relief recipients, food donors, and recipients. The researchers will follow the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) technique in developing the system. The implementation of the system will increase the operational efficiency of food banks and hunger-relief charities in providing food to the people who are in need.
Introduction of the Study
Information technology plays a significant role in automating the operations of many companies to boost efficiency. One of these is the automation of food donation and distribution management. “Food Donation Services,” the capstone project, is intended to serve as a platform for facilitating transactions between food groups, donors, and recipients. Food banks will be able to respond to various food donations and food assistance requests in a timely and effective manner as a result of the project.
Food banks and hunger-relief organizations play an important role in the fight against hunger by providing food to those who are less fortunate. However, due to the laborious process of managing food donations and distributing them to recipients, the operations of these groups are hampered. Food banks and hunger relief organizations now need an efficient and effective unified contribution platform. Donors must still communicate with the organization for their food donations to be verified and processed. Those in need of food should make a personal appeal to hunger relief agencies. The existing procedure takes a long time and demands a lot of effort. There is an obvious need for a system that will allow east and fast donations and distributions of food to the recipients.
Proposed Solution
To help the hunger-relief organizations be more productive and address multiple donors and recipients, the researchers of the project aim to develop an online platform for food donation services that will cater to food donors and recipients. Donors will be able to register and donate online, making things easier for them. Food aid can also be requested through the system, which is more dependable and has a faster response time. Donors, beneficiaries, food banks, and hunger-relief agencies would all benefit from the system, which would streamline donation transactions and processes.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective– the primary goal of the project is to develop an Online Food Donation Platform to streamline transactions between food banks, food donors, and recipients.
Specifically, the project aims the following objectives:
- To develop a system that will serve as an online platform for food donations.
- To let food donors donate efficiently and conveniently.
- To let beneficiaries easily request food assistance from the mentioned food-related organizations.
- To design systems that will help food banks cater to multiple transactions.
- The system will be easy and reliable to use.
- To evaluate the developed system using a standard with the following quality characteristics:
- Functionality
- Reliability
- Usability
- Efficiency
- Maintainability
- Portability
Scope of the Study
Since it’s such a prevalent issue, food insecurity is no longer an unfamiliar term. It’s something we hear about every day and yet most people don’t understand the full extent of the problem. The good news is that we can do something about it by making donations or volunteering to help those in need through food banks and hunger-relief charities.
This study concentrates on developing an Online Platform to ease up food donations and distributions. the system will increase the operational efficiency of food banks and hunger-relief charities in providing food to the people who are in need. The respondents of the study are food banks and hunger-relief charity staff, food donors, and recipients.

Significance of the Study
The success of the study is deemed beneficial to the following:
Food Banks/ Hunger-Relief Organizations. The success of the system will help staffs who are working in these organizations be more productive by using this online food donation system.
Food Donors. The system will help persons who want to donate and share their blessings by registering online and sending information on how they can share and donate. They can donate conveniently and efficiently using the online platform.
Food Recipients. The system will help them efficiently request food assistance in the food organizations in an efficient and timely manner.
Researchers. The researchers of the project will gain more knowledge and skills in developing programs.
Future Researchers. They can use the study as a baseline in pursuing their study regarding online food donation platforms.
Development Tools
The Food Donation Services is an online platform that allows the processing of food donations and distributions online. The system will let donors and beneficiaries register in the system to easily process their transactions.
This section of the paper will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in a Food Donation Services Online Platform. PHP and Bootstrap were used to develop the said template.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights
The capstone project, ”Food Donation Services” is a database-driven system that will automate the processes of donation, distribution, and requests of food donations. The system will help efficiently streamline the donation processes.
Listed below are the advantages of the Food Donation Services:
- Automated Donation process- by using the system donation processes will be automated which is more effective in managing donation transactions.
- Records Management – it is a database system that makes the records of donations electronic, safe, accurate, reliable, and fast.
- Fast Transaction – the system will let the completion of the transaction quickly to address multiple requests
How the System Works
This section of the paper will explain the forms, modules, and user interface of the Food Donation Services. The researchers will discuss the features and how the system functions by user type.
System Function by User Type
- Manage Donor Information – (CRUD) create and updates the information of the donors.
- Manage Recipient Information – (CRUD) create and update the information of the recipients.
- Manage Food Donation Information – (CRUD) create and update the information of the recipients.
- Process Food Request Assistance – review and approve food request information.
- Print Donation Report
Donor Account
- View Previous Donations
- Add new donation
- Manage profile information
Recipient Account
- View list of request
- Request food assistance
- Manage profile information
Registration – this form will allow individuals who want to be a member of the Food Donation Services to register in the system.
The users will encode the following information to register in the system:
- Complete Name
- Complete Address
- Contact Number
- Type (Donor or Recipient) – radio button
- Username
- Password
Shown below is the design of the Registration form.
Login Form – this form will require the users to enter the correct combination of their username and password to log in to the system.
Shown below is the design of the Login Form.
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Admin Dashboard – This dashboard serves as the homepage of the system administrator. The dashboard allows the admin to manage and access records and features of the system.
The dashboard mainly displays the following information:
- Number of donors
- Number of recipients
- Number of users
Shown below is the image of the Administrator’s Dashboard design.

Donor Information Management – this module will require the admin to manage the records of the donors registered in the system.
The admin will encode and manage the following information:
- Complete Name
- Complete Address
- Contact Number
- Username
- Password
- Account Status
Shown below is the layout of the Donor Information Management module.

Recipient Information Management– this module will allow the admin to manage the details of the food recipients. The admin can add or update the recipient’s information.
To add and update, the admin will encode the following information:
- Complete Name
- Complete Address
- Contact Number
- Username
- Password
- Account Status
The image below is the Recipient Information Management layout.

Food Donation Information – this form requires the system administrator to manage the details of the food donations made in the system.
The admin will encode the following information:
- Donor Name
- Date
- Title
- Description
- Pickup Location
- Upload Documentation
- Status – pending, received, canceled
- Remarks
The image displayed below is the Food Donation Information form design.

Request Food Assistance – this form will allow the admin to manage the requests for food assistance in the system.
The admin will manage the following details of food assistance requests:
- Recipient Name
- Date of request
- Date of delivery
- Upload Documentation
- Status – pending, delivered, canceled
- Remarks
Shown below is the design of the Request Food Assistance form.

Donation Report – this page displays the report of food donations by month. The food donation report will be presented using a table and graph.
Shown below is the design of the Donation Report page.

Donor Account
List of donations – this module will allow the donors to view their list of donations made.
The following information of the donation will be encoded in the system:
- Donor Name
- Date
- Title
- Description
- Pickup Location
- Upload Documentation
- Status – pending, received, canceled
Shown below is the design of the List of Donations module.

Add Donation – this form will allow donors to add food donations. The donors will need to input the details of the information in the form.
The following information is encoded to add food donation:
- Title
- Description
- Pickup Location
Shown below is the design of the Add Donation form.
Profile – this form will allow the donors to edit or update their profiles in the system:
The following pieces of information are encoded by the donors for their profile:
- Complete Name
- Complete Address
- Contact Number
- Username
- Password
The image below is the design of the Donor’s Profile form.
Recipient Account
List of Requests – this module will display the list of food assistance requests made by the recipients.
The following pieces of information are visible in the module:
- Recipient Name
- Date of request
- Date of delivery
- Upload Documentation
- Status – pending, delivered, canceled
- Message
Shown below is the design of the List of the Request form.

Request Food Assistance – this module will allow the recipients to make food assistance requests. The recipients will input their food assistance message request in this module.
- Message
Shown below is the layout of the Request Food Assistance form.
Profile – this form will allow the recipients to edit or update their profiles in the system:
The following pieces of information are encoded by the recipients for their profile:
- Complete Name
- Complete Address
- Contact Number
- Username
- Password
The image displayed below is the design of the Recipient’s Profile form.
The main purpose of food banks and hunger-relief organizations is to help the less fortunate by providing food assistance. These organizations collect food donations from folks with generous hearts, thus they require an effective platform for soliciting donations and responding to gift requests. This initiative was created in response to the demand for a reliable food donation platform. The study found that the Online Platform for Food Donation Services matched the respondents’ and intended users’ needs and criteria. The majority of respondents and prospective users saw the system’s potential is replacing the manual way of accepting food donations and distributions.
The researchers of the study concluded that the project, Food Donation Services will be an effective platform to ease up management of receiving and requesting food donations. The technology will streamline transactions between donors, beneficiaries, and the food organization’s in-charge personnel, allowing the staff to handle many transactions daily. The study’s findings revealed that the devised approach is effective and dependable for food banks and hunger-relief organizations to use.
The developed system, Food Donation Services has a lot of potentials to help food banks with their food donation and distribution activities. The experts strongly advise leveraging the web platform to reach out to more donors and beneficiaries. The system comes highly recommended because of its effectiveness and dependability in serving the targeted end-users. To correctly use the developed system, the intended users of the system need to be equipped with knowledge.
Specifically, the researchers recommend the following:
- The system should be implemented in the food bank and hunger-relief charities’ offices to effectively streamline transactions regarding donation processes.
- The developed system is highly recommended for it ensures reliable and fast transactions between donors, beneficiaries, and food organizations.
- The Online Food Donation Services is highly recommended to replace the manual method of processing donations with an electronic one.
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