Elearning System Online Platform Free Bootstrap Template
Table of Contents
Modern technology is regarded as a modern facilitator. It allows a variety of businesses and organizations to better their operations and services. Technology has had a significant impact on the learning process in the educational sector. Students and educational institutions can adapt to new learning modalities introduced by technology. E-learning has become increasingly popular in today’s digital world. It can be considered as a novel method to provide students with a well-designed learning environment that utilizes digital technologies. Anyone, at any time and from any location, can learn. The “ELearning System Online Platform” capstone project aims to make students’ e-learning procedures more efficient. Students can enroll in specific courses through electronic classes. Students have traditionally only learned within the confines of lecture halls. Students are unable to fully develop their skills and knowledge as a result of the traditional method of instruction. Processes and resources for learning aren’t readily available and accessible. The project will be developed utilizing the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method by the researchers. The SDLC method is used by the researchers to focus on the interplay of planning, analysis, and design tasks, which then lead to implementation, operation, and maintenance. The key methods for acquiring data were interviews and observations of present processes and methodologies.
Introduction of the Study
Nowadays, learning has become increasingly available to learners in every way possible. Technology has introduced various smart means to allow students to attain learnings and knowledge anytime and anywhere. The capstone project, entitled “Elearning System Online Platform” is designed as another innovative way of learning. Students will benefit from a well-designed, learner-centered, and interactive learning environment as a result of this project. Specified courses are introduced on a digital platform that may be accessed by anyone, at any time and from any location.
Students have traditionally only learned within the confines of lecture halls. Students are unable to fully develop their skills and knowledge as a result of the traditional approach of instruction. Processes and resources for learning aren’t readily available and accessible. Students require a more pleasurable learning experience in which they can access, use, and amuse themselves at the same time. With this, the researchers have seen a gap that requires to be fulfilled to empower students with an educational tool that will help them nurture their knowledge and skills.

Proposed Solution
To address the aforementioned concerns, the researchers of the study proposed the development of the Elearning System Online Platform. The system will allow students to enroll in an e-learning platform in which they can learn at the comfort of their own. The students can take courses they desired using the platform. Learning materials and some exercises are provided to also assess the student’s learning. The system will serve as a centralized platform for students, instructors, courses, and the class as a whole. It is a digital platform that facilitates learning. Elearning platform will provide students with an enjoyable process of learning using the zone where they find learning accessible, resourceful, and amusing.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – The general goal of the researchers is to implement an innovative e-learning platform that is readily accessible and available for students to learn.
- To develop an effective learning platform for students.
- To eliminate issues and concerns in the traditional method of the teaching-learning system.
- To learning platform that students can use in learning anytime and anywhere.
- To evaluate the system in terms of Functionality, Usability, Reliability, Performance, and Security
- To make learning easy, fast, efficient, and accurate using the system.
Scope of the Study
The research focuses solely on the creation of an online platform for an E-learning system. The main goal of the researchers is to create a system that will make learning easier for everyone. Students are limited in their ability to enroll in courses they want and learn them at their own pace. The survey will include respondents such as educational institutions, students, and other aspiring learners.
Significance of the Study
The success of the study is deemed beneficial to the following:
Educational Institution. The project’s success will enable them to provide students with a more comprehensive and adaptable teaching-learning system in the privacy of their own homes. They will be able to give students a variety of learning options that are both accessible and affordable.
Students. Using the system, users will be able to learn and acquire new knowledge in their chosen subject in a more efficient manner.
Researchers. The project will harness their skills and knowledge in developing successful programs.
Future Researchers. The study can serve as their reference in conducting their version of the project.
Development Tools
The capstone project, “Elearning System Online Platform,” is a system that allows students to learn more conveniently via the internet. Students, instructors, courses, and other associated information will all be streamlined by the system.
The forms that should be included in an Elearning System Online Platform will be discussed in this article. The template was created using PHP and Bootstrap.
On request, the project’s documentation is accessible (chapters 1 to 5). Please feel free to contact us if you would like to see the project’s entire documentation.
Project Highlights
Elearning System Online Platform is a database-driven system that effectively streamlines online learning. The system will assist in providing an efficient digital platform for e-learning.
Here are some of the advantages of the Elearning System Online Platform:
- Automated learning- an innovative system for students to learn anywhere and anytime.
- Records Management – it is a database system that makes the records of e-classes electronic, safe, accurate, reliable, and fast.
How the System Works
This article will explain the forms, modules, and user interface included in an Elearning System Online Platform. We will discuss the features and how the system works.
Login Form – They are a security measure designed to prevent unauthorized access to confidential data. When a login fails (i.e, the username and password combination does not match a user account), the user is disallowed access.
Shown below is the design of the system’s Login Form.

Dashboard (# of students, # of lessons, # of quiz) – this page of the system shows the basic statistics such as the number of students, number of lessons and number of quizzed stored in the database of the project.
The image shown below is the design of the system’s Dashboard.
Visit our Facebook page and YouTube Channel for the complete screenshots.

Free Download Source code
Electronic class is a platform that facilitates learning using digital technology. It made the system of teaching and learning more accessible and flexible. The goal of this research was to come up with a solution that would make learning sessions more efficient. According to the findings of the study, the designed system is effective as per the respondents’ perceptions based on the specified criteria. The system was created to meet the demands and requirements of the people who were going to utilize it. The system’s potential has been recognized by the majority of the respondents.
As a result, the researchers concluded that a system is a good way to make electronic learning more efficient. In the traditional teaching-learning system, the system’s application will eliminate obstacles and worries. E-classrooms that students can utilize to learn at any time and from any location can be improved by the system. E-class management will be simple, quick, efficient, and accurate with the newly created system.
The Elearning System Online Platform is highly recommended by researchers. This is to make it easier to keep track of and track activities in an e-classroom more effectively and efficiently. Due to its effectiveness and dependability, the system is highly recommended to the intended users. A good understanding of how to operate the system is critical, according to the researchers.
The following are the specific recommendations of the researchers:
- The system should be installed at educational institutions to provide students with a more flexible learning environment in which they can take the courses they want.
- It is highly suggested that the system be implemented since it would greatly increase the quality of e-classrooms that students can access at any time and from any location.
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