Crowd Funding Platform Free Bootstrap Template
Table of Contents
Starting a business necessitates a large sum of money. With this, entrepreneurs must have an effective business financing technique. As of today, there are already various business financing methods that business start-ups can utilize to accumulate funds. This study is conducted by the researchers to design and develop an online platform for business financing. The capstone project, entitled “Crowd Funding Platform” is designed to allow new businesses or startups to raise funds in an efficient and reliable platform. The platform is designed for business entrepreneurs to raise funds for their new business idea or venture. The entrepreneurs will register on the platform to campaign their business idea and attract other members of the crowdfunding platform to invest and donate funds for the business. The entrepreneurs must set goals and the share-agreement for the information of the crowd before donating funds. Before the crowdfunding business financing method, entrepreneurs rely on bank loans and personally attracted investors. However, this type of business financing is disadvantageous to those new businesses and startups. There is a need for the development of a new efficient and reliable platform wherein startup businesses can raise funds digitally. The researchers of the study will develop the system following the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)technique. The researchers will gather a sample size of entrepreneurs and other end users of the system to participate as respondents of the study. The system will go through testing, checking, and evaluation to ensure its smooth functionality for the end-users.
Business financing is critical for new business ventures. In this study, the researchers concentrate on designing and developing a business financing platform that is effective for new startups. This capstone project, entitled “Crowdfunding Platform” is a website that allows entrepreneurs to campaign their new business venture to attract investors and crowdfund.
Before the widespread use of technology as a business tool, entrepreneurs obtained funding for the start-up of their businesses through bank loans, personal investor searches, and other traditional business financing methods. New firms and startups are at a disadvantage with this sort of financing. They must have relationships with large investors who can support their funds, and the share agreement in this sort of business financing is also fairly complicated. There is a need for the creation of a new, effective, and dependable platform for startups to raise capital digitally.
Proposed Solution
As a response to the aforementioned concerns, the researchers proposed the development of the Crowdfunding Platform. The said project is designed to allow entrepreneurs to gather secure business funds from the crowd. This project is great for new company initiatives looking to raise small sums of money to get their idea off the ground. Entrepreneurs can advertise their campaign or business idea to entice people to donate money. In exchange, the crowd can obtain the campaign’s share agreement. The crowdfunding platform is incredibly useful for new business endeavors and startups.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective- the project’s researchers generally aims to implement a crowdfunding platform for entrepreneurs to raise and secure funds.
Specifically, the researchers aim to:
- To design a platform for digital interaction between fundraisers and the crowd.
- To develop a platform for entrepreneurs to campaign their business idea and attract investors.
- To implement a system that will allow securing of business funds from a large number of participants.
- To develop an efficient and reliable crowdfunding platform for entrepreneurs.
- To evaluate the system in terms of user acceptability, efficacy, quality, productivity, and reliability.
Scope of the Study
The researchers concentrate on developing an online platform for entrepreneurs/fundraisers and the crowd. The system is limited only to fundraising, in which the entrepreneurs post their campaign or business idea to attract the crowd to donate funds. In exchange, the crowd can receive the share-agreement for the campaign. The system is limited only to gathering funds from large participants. The researchers will gather a sample size of business entrepreneurs and the crowd to participate as respondents of the study.
Significance of the Study
The success of the study is significant for the following individuals or groups:
Entrepreneurs/Fundraisers. The success of the project will benefit them with an efficient and reliable platform to crowdfund. They can now gather a small number of funds from a large number of participants or crowds to establish their business idea. The platform will offer them an easier and simpler method to raise and secure funds for the business.
Crowd/Participants. The platform will allow them to look for new business ventures worth funding. This will help them easily and conveniently select a campaign to support and donate funds and with a good share agreement.
Researchers. The success of the project will further harness their skills and knowledge as researchers and developers.
Future Researchers. The study can serve as their guide in making their version of the crowdfunding platform.
Development Tools
“Crowd Funding Platform” is a capstone project that allows entrepreneurs to gather secure business funds from the crowd. This project is highly ideal for new business ventures to easily gather small amounts of funds to establish their business idea.
This article will provide you with an idea of the kind of forms that should be included in a Crowdfunding Platform. The template was created using PHP and Bootstrap.
The project’s documentation is accessible upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Please contact us if you require the project’s entire documentation.
Project Highlights
The Crowdfunding Platform is a website that will simplify and ease up fundraising for new business ventures.
The following are the advantages of the Crowdfunding platform:
- Electronic Fundraising- by using the system, entrepreneurs can electronically gather and secure funds.
- Records Management – it is a database system that makes the records of the fundraising campaign electronic, safe, accurate, reliable, and fast.
- Fast Transaction – processing of fund donations and withdrawal of donated funds will be easy, fast, efficient, and convenient.
How the System Works
This section of the paper will discuss the forms, modules, and user interface of the crowdfunding platform. The researchers will discuss the features and how the system works.
Front End – this is what the users see when they interact with the Crowd Funding Platform.
The front-end of the website displays the following:
- Home
- About
- Contact
- List of Campaign
Shown below is the website’s front-end design.
Login Form- this form will be used by the end-users in logging in to their accounts on the crowdfunding platform. The users need to enter the right combination of username and password to be able to log in to the system.
The image shown below is the design of the system’s login form.
Admin Dashboard- This dashboard serves as the main page of the system’s administrator. The admin can manage the following information that is displayed in the dashboard.
The dashboard mainly displays the following pieces of information:
- Total User
- Total Events
- Total Campaign
- Total Members
Shown below is the design of the administrator’s dashboard.

Member Information – this form will allow the admin to encode and manage the information of the platform’s members.
The following pieces of information of the members will be entered into the system:
- Name
- Complete Address
- Profile Image
- Proof of Identity – upload document
- Username
- Password
- Account Status – active, inactive
The image displayed below is the Member Information form design.

Campaign Category – this form will allow management of the campaign categories. The encoder will input the details of the campaign category that are up for crowdfunding.
The following pieces of information of the campaign will be encoded in the system:
- Category name
- Description
Shown below is the Campaign Category form design.
Campaign List – this form displays the campaign list that is encoded in the system. The system’s administrator can only view, approve and disapprove the list of campaigns that are encoded.
- Category
- Campaign Name
- Description
- Target Amount
- Deadline
- Upload Campaign Banner
- Status – approve, disapprove
The image shown below is the design of the Campaign List form.

Campaign Gallery – this module contains and displays the campaign images or images of the new business ideas or ventures and products that are campaigned to raise funds.
The following pieces of information should be encoded in the module:
- Campaign Name
- Upload Image
- Description
Shown below is the layout of the system’s campaign gallery.
Donation Information – This module requires and displays donation information that the admin can only view, approve and disapprove.
- Campaign name
- Donated By
- Amount
- Date
- Status – approved, declined
The image below is the layout of the Donation Information module.

Withdraw Logs – this page displays the withdrawal logs of the platform and can be managed by the administrator.
The following pieces of information are displayed in the withdraw log:
- Campaign name
- Total Amount
- Date of Approval
- Requested By
- Status – pending, withdrawn
- Remarks
The image shown below is the design of the Withdraw Logs.

Report – this module displays the total amount of funds raised per month. The report will be presented using a graph.
Shown below is the design of the Report page.

User Management – This module will allow the system’s administrator to manage the users of the system. The admin can either add, edit or delete information of the users.
The following pieces of information are required to be encoded in the system:
- Username
- Password
- Complete Name
- Profile Picture
Shown below is the layout of the User Management module.
Member Dashboard- this dashboard serves as the main page for the crowdfunding platform members.
The member dashboard mainly displays the following information:
- Number of Campaign
- Total Donations
Shown below is the design of the member’s dashboard.

Campaign List – this form will allow the member to create and update their campaign.
The members would fill in the form with the following information to create or update the campaign:
- Category
- Campaign Name
- Description
- Target Amount
- Deadline
- Upload Campaign Banner
- Status – approve, disapprove, pending
The image displayed below is the design of the Campaign List form.

Campaign Gallery – this form will allow the members to upload images of their campaign to the system’s campaign gallery.
The members will provide the following information:
- Campaign Name
- Upload Image
- Description
Shown below is the Campaign Gallery form design.
Donation Information – this form will display the donation information for the member’s campaign. The donation information will be presented using a table only.
The following information is presented in the Donation Information:
- Campaign name
- Donated By
- Amount
- Date
The image below is the design of the Donation Information form.
Request to Withdraw – this form will allow the members to request withdrawal of funds for their campaign.
The following information will be encoded by the members upon request of withdrawal:
- Campaign name
- Total Amount
- Date of Approval
- Status – pending, withdrawn
- Remarks
Shown below is the image of the Request Withdraw form.

Profile – this form will allow the members to create or update their profiles on the crowdfunding platform.
The members will encode the following information for their profiles:
- Name
- Complete Address
- Profile Image
- Proof of Identity – upload document
- Username
- Password
This study was conducted to design, develop and implement a crowdfunding platform. The researchers present the developed system to the respondents for evaluation. The result of the study showed that the respondents and intended users rated the system satisfactorily in terms of user acceptability, efficacy, quality, productivity, and reliability. The result showed that the system met the needs and requirements of the respondents. The majority of the respondents have seen the crowdfunding platform’s potential in helping new entrepreneurs in securing funds.
Hence, the researchers concluded that the crowdfunding platform is ideal for business startups. They can easily campaign their business idea to attract investors for business finance. The entrepreneurs would only need to set their goals and clarify their campaign in terms of the fund amount and the share agreement for the crowd who donate funds. Indeed, the crowdfunding platform is extremely effective.
The result of the study yielded positively, thus the researchers highly recommend the implementation of the system. The researchers strongly recommend the system for its efficiency and reliability. The researchers also highlight the importance of the end-users having enough knowledge on how the crowdfunding platform works for them to properly utilize it.
The researchers suggest that entrepreneurs consider the system in raising funds for the establishment of their business idea. For investors also, the researchers suggest that they register as members of the platform for them to easily browse for business campaigns that they can invest with. The implementation of the system is extremely ideal to easily gather funds for a business.
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