COVID-19 Facilities Management Information System Free Download
Table of Contents
Introduction of the Study
The capstone project, titled “COVID-19 Facilities Management Information System,” is a system that automates the management of the various COVID-19 facilities that the barangays provide. The system will track and manage the status and availability of the rooms so that information about where COVID-19 facilities are still available and capable of accepting COVID patients can be easily retrieved.
COVID – 19 has put people in fear due to its capability of transmission when exposed to the virus. The health sectors and the government provides isolation facilities for COVID-19 patients to mitigate the spread and transmission of the virus. However, proper communication for the availability of the facilities is inefficient resulting to surge of patients in just one facility and some are transferred multiple times due to unavailability. The COVID-19 respondents must have an advance tools to manage the COVID-19 facilities where respondents can easily look for available facilities to cater more patients.
Proposed Solution
To address the aforementioned problem, the researchers of the study proposed a COVID-19 Facilities Information System that allows to electronically manage the information regarding the different COVID-19 facilities. The system will enable the users to access information about the status of the different facilities. The system will indicate the availability of the rooms in order to know which facilities can still accommodate more COVID patients. The system is an efficient tool that can be used by the COVID-19 task force to look for available facilities where they can transfer the patients.
Objectives of the Study
General Objective – the main goal of the project is to design and develop a system that allows management of information for COVID-19 facilities to be done electronically.
Specifically, the project aims the following objectives:
- To develop a system that will serve as a platform where COVID-19 facilities information were manage.
- The system will allow easy access to information about the availability of the facilities.
- The system will help in lessening difficulties encountered in searching for available facilities.
- To develop a system that is efficient and reliable to use managing different isolation facilities.
Significance of the Study
The success of the project is deemed beneficial to the following:
Healthcare Sectors. The system will help them as one way to effectively mitigate the spread of the virus since they can easily look for facilities to admit the patients for isolation.
COVID-19 Task Force. The system will help them to look for available facilities before transferring the patients to avoid problems such as patients not being accepted to the facility because there were no available rooms.
COVID – 19 Patients. The system will assure them that they will be accommodated to the isolation facilities and help them heal and at the same time prevent them from infecting others.
Researchers. The researchers will gain more experience in responding and providing solution to unexpected problems encountered by the public. They will gain more knowledge and skills as programmers.
Future Researchers. The study can serve as their guide in pursuing their own version of the COVID-19 Facilities Management Information System.
Development Tools
The capstone project,” COVID-19 Facilities Management Information System” is a system that allow management of COVID-19 Facilities electronically. The system will automate updates and generating reports about the status of the COVID-19 facilities for easy retrieval.
This article will provide you with an idea on what are the forms to be included in a COVID-19 Facilities Management Information System. PHP and Bootstrap were used to develop the said template.
Documentation of the project is available upon request (chapters 1 to 5). Feel free to message us for the complete documentation of the project.
Project Highlights of COVID-19 Facility Management
The project,”COVID-19 Management Information System” is a database driven system that will automate the processes in managing information about the different COVID-19 facilities.
Advantages of the COVID-19 Facilities Management Information System are the following:
- Automated Information Management- management of information about the COVID-19 facilities of the different barangays.
- Records Management – it is a database system which makes the records electronic, safe, accurate, reliable and fast.
- Report Generation – The system automatically generates and provides real-time reports the status of the available COVID rooms.
How the System Works
This section will discuss the flow of the system by showing the forms, modules and user interface of the COVID-19 Facilities Management Information System.
Login Form – this form will be used by the administrator and users of the system. Each of the users will have their unique username and password to be able to access the records and features of the system.
The image shown below is the design of the Log in Form. (visit our facebook page for the complete screenshots of the project.)
Admin Dashboard – the dashboard serves as the homepage of the administrator that provide direct access to important tools and features of the system.
The admin dashboard primarily displays the following information:
- # of Brgy. – the number of barangays registered in the system who provides COVID-19 facilities
- # of Rooms – number of rooms intended for COVID patients
- # of Patients – number of patients admitted in the registered facilities
The image shown below is the design of the administrator’s dashboard.

Barangay Management – the barangay management module requires the following details of the barangays who offer COVID-19 facilities. The following data requires to be entered in the system:
- Barangay name
- Contact Info
Shown below is the design of the barangay management module.

Patient Information – this form requires the information of the patients admitted in the facilities to be encoded in to the system. The details that need to be input are the following:
- Patient Number/Code
- First name
- Last name
- Middle name
- Contact
- Barangay
- Age
- Gender
- Remarks
- Status – Recovered, Died, Symptomatic, Asymptomatic
The image shown below is the form design of the patient information.

Room Management – the room management module requires the admin to encode the information about the rooms to serve as the facilities. The following information are mentioned below:
- Room number
- Status – available or occupied
Below is the layout of the room management module.

Room Occupants – the room occupants’ form requires the information about the patients who occupied a specific room in the COVID-19 facilities. The following details should be encoded in to the system using the form:
- Room Number
- Patient number/code
- Date Transferred to facility
- Data of discharge
- Remarks
Shown below is the design of the room occupant’s form.

Reports Management – the reports management module requires the administrator to encode the status of the rooms, number of cases by barangay, status of the cases in order to generate the reports mentioned below.
- Room Status Summary – table and graph( Room status – Available or occupied). Below is the image or user interface design on report regarding the room status availability. In addition, the said report displays the current occupants of a specific room.

- Cases by Barangay – table and graph (number of cases per barangay). Image shown below is the report on cases per barangay as presented in a tabular and graphical format.

- Cases Status Report – table and graph (case Status – recovered, died, symptomatic, asymptomatic). Image below is about the report on cases status presented in tabular and graphical format. It displays the number of cases or person for every case type.

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