Count Number of Characters in PHP Free Source code and Tutorial Introduction This article will guide you on how to count the number of characters based on the user input. It is easy to follow and understand. This tutorial is…
Browser Detector Script in PHP Free Source code and Tutorial
Browser Detector Script in PHP Free Source code and Tutorial Introduction This tutorial will teach you how to detect your browser using PHP. This can be useful for customizing your web page to display different content depending on which browser…
Advanced Human Resource Management in ASP.Net
Advanced Human Resource Management in ASP.Net Abstract Human resource management strategies are increasingly recognized as one of the most important contributors to an organization’s success. To obtain a competitive advantage, firms are putting more focus on HRM policies and practices.…
College Management System Project using Node.js and MySQL
College Management System Project using Node.js and MySQL Abstract Developed technologies have changed how various sectors and institutions operate in today’s digital age, and educational institutions are no exception. Different technologies are used by educational institutions to aid learning and…
Image Upload in PHP and MySQL Free Tutorial and Source code
Image Upload in PHP and MySQL Free Tutorial and Source code Introduction Uploading images is an important part of website design and development. It allows you to add visual content to your site which can help make it more engaging…
NFT Marketplace System Build Using Django
NFT Marketplace System Build Using Django Abstract Multiple ways to make money have emerged as a result of technological innovation. Online trade and marketing have grown in popularity as a result of technological advancements. NFT trading is one of the…
Password Indicator in PHP Free Source code and Tutorial
Password Indicator in PHP Free Source code and Tutorial Introduction This tutorial will teach you how to use PHP to develop a password indicator system. This system will tell you how strong your password is and make advice on how…
Online Shop in CodeIgniter
Online Shop in CodeIgniter Abstract The way we live and do business has changed as a result of technological advancements. It has had a tremendous impact on the way businesses operate. Businesses have begun to use various technologies and the…
39 List of Arduino Based Capstone Projects
39 List of Arduino Based Capstone Projects An IT degree program’s capstone project is the final project. It consists of one or more research projects in which students develop prototypes, services, or products. The projects are organized around a problem…
Merge Two Strings in PHP Free Source code and Tutorial
Merge Two Strings in PHP Free Source code and Tutorial Introduction There are a few ways to merge two strings in PHP. One way is to use the concatenation operator, “.”. This operator joins two strings together and creates a…