PHP-MySQL Lesson: Introduction PHP and MySQL PHP is an open source scripting language used to create dynamic website. MySQL is also an open source relational database system that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). PHP supports variety of databases, but MySQL…
MySQL Tutorial – LIKE Operator
LIKE operator The LIKE operator is used to retrieve records from database table by matching pattern in SELECT SQL statement. The syntax of LIKE operator: SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name LIKE “value”; Let’s see some example: Here is our database table:…
MySQL Tutorial – Limiting Data Retrieval
Limiting Data Retrieval The LIMIT clause is used to limit the records to be displayed in the result set. The syntax of LIMIT clause: SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name LIMIT startingROW, valueToExtract; Let’s see some example: Here is our database table:…
MySQL Tutorial – The GROUP BY clause
The GROUP BY clause The GROUP BY clause is used to group similar data specified by a certain field in your table. The GROUP BY clause syntax: SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name GROUP BY column_name;
Managing Plugins in WordPress
WordPress: Managing Plugins Plugins are tools to extend the functionality of WordPress. Manage plugins: 1. Login to your WordPress site using the administrator account. 2. Click Plugins in the Plugins tab in your dashboard to go to the Plugins administration…
How to modify site information in Drupal
Drupal: Site Information In this lesson we are going to learn how to change our site details information such as site name, email and slogan. Updating site information: 1. Login to your Drupal site using the administrator account.
How to make your Drupal site Offline
Drupal: Site Maintenance In this lesson we are going to learn how to turn the site in offline mode. Whenever you perform maintenance or upgrading your site sometimes you need to turn your site offline. You can display message to…
PHP Tutorial – PHP Forms
In this tutorial we are going to learn how to take data entered by the user in an HTML form and process it into PHP script and display the output. We need two pages here namely the process.php and the…
WordPress Tutorial – Managing Widgets
Managing Widgets in WordPress In this tutorial you will learn how to manage and customize your widgets in WordPress. A widget is a small box of content, dynamic or not, that shows up somewhere on a widget-enabled site. Often, that…
How to Manage Blocks in Drupal
Drupal: Manage Blocks In this lesson we are going to learn how to create and manage blocks in Drupal. Blocks are the boxes of content that can be displayed in regions (such as footer or sidebar) on your site. Creating…