MySQL Tutorial –MySQL AND & OR Operators AND operator is used to display records if both the first and second condition is TRUE. It can be used in SQL statement such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE. AND operator syntax: SELECT column_name(s)…
WordPress Tutorial – Managing Pages in WordPress
WordPress Tutorial – Managing Pages in WordPress In this lesson we are going to learn how to manage Pages in WordPress. Pages are similar to posts however pages are more static and aren’t generally expected to change that much. Creating…
Joomla Tutorial – Creating Articles
Joomla Tutorial – Creating Article In this lesson we are going to learn how to create an Article in Joomla. Here are the steps in creating an Article in Joomla: 1. Login first in the backend site of Joomla or…
How to create a Blog Post in Drupal
Creating blog post In this lesson we are going to learn how to enable and start creating blog post in Drupal. How to enable the blog module: 1. Login to your Drupal site using the administrator account. 2. Click Modules…
Joomla Tutorial – Creating Categories
Joomla Tutorial – Creating Categories In this lesson we are going to learn how to create a category in Joomla. Categories in Joomla is a collection of Articles, these categories belongs to a specific section. You can think of a…
MySQL Tutorial – Using the WHERE clause
MySQL Tutorial – Using the WHERE clause to filter records The WHERE clause is used to filter the data to be displayed using the SQL commands such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE statement. The WHERE clause syntax: SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name…
PHP Tutorial – PHP $_GET and $_POST
PHP $_GET and $_POST The PHP $_GET and $_POST variables are used to retrieve information from forms, like user input. The $_POST Function The built-in $_POST function is used to collect values in a form with method=”post”. Information sent from…
MySQL Tutorial – MySQL Order BY Clause
MySQL Tutorial – MySQL Order BY Clause The ORDER BY clause is used to sort the records in the result set specified by a column name. You can sort the record in ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order. ASC –…
WordPress Tutorial – Managing Categories in WordPress
WordPress Tutorial – Managing Categories in WordPress In this lesson we are going to learn how to Manage Categories in WordPress. Categories are used for grouping post topics. Creating Categories: 1. Login to your WordPress site using the administrator account.…
How to Manage Contents in Drupal
How to Manage Contents in Drupal In this lesson we are going to learn how to Manage Contents in Drupal. Creating Content: 1. Login to your Drupal site using the administrator account. 2. Click Content in the toolbar to go…