Online Grading System with Grade Viewing Capstone Project CHAPTER 1 Grading System with Grade Viewing Introduction and Project description People nowadays are living in information age reliant on digital information. Digital information is an electronic information; the result of computer…
Mobile Learning App Capstone Project
Mobile Learning App Capstone Project Chapter 1 Background of the Study According to Priya Viswanathan (2013) Mobile application is a computer program designed to run on smartphones, tablet computers and other mobile devices.Apps are usually available through application distribution platforms,…
Mobile Based Task Scheduler with Notification Application
Mobile Based Task Scheduler with Notification Application Introduction Senior High Students are relatively similar to first-year students and thus experiencing comparative tasks to them. Time management problems became the main concern for the Senior High School (STEM) students. Due to…
100+ IT Thesis and Capstone Project Source code and Documentation
100+ IT Thesis and Capstone Project Source code and Documentation For students of Information Technology, Information Systems, Computer Science and any other related computer courses, inettutor presents the compilation of thesis and capstone project that you may use for your…
Abstract, Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations for Student Records Management
Abstract, Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations for Student Records Management ABSTRACT The study was conducted to assess the methods and processes used by the Registrar’s Office in keeping the student records. The problems encountered by the students and instructors with regards…
Use Case Diagram of Hotel Reservation System
Use Case Diagram of Hotel Reservation System USE CASE Use case is description of steps is actions between a user or actor and a software system which leads the use towards something useful. The user or actor might be a…
Software Requirement, Conclusions and Recommendations for Student Information System
Software Requirement, Conclusions and Recommendations for Student Information System Student Information System is a computer based application that will help the end-users in organizing the records of students in an electronic manner. The system has also a search feature that…
Online Veterinary and Pet Shop Management Information System
Online Veterinary and Pet Shop Management Information System Introduction Management Information System or MIS is a term used to describe a computer based solution which consists of a hardware and software component. Automation plays an important role in any type…
Abstract, Summary of Findings and Conclusions for Hotel Reservation System
Abstract, Summary of Findings and Conclusions for Hotel Reservation System ABSTRACT The study conducted was on the proposed “Hotel Reservation System”. The main purpose of this study was to create a program that will automate the current system used by…
Abstract, Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations for Grade Management System
Abstract, Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations for Grade Management System This article will provide you with a sample abstract, summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations of the study for Grade Management System. ABSTRACT Generally, the aim of the study is to…