Inventory System Chapter 2 Review or Related Literature CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE / SYSTEM This chapter discusses the related literature and studies which are related to the proposed study. It consists of review about the related concepts such…
Kiosk Based 3D School Tour Chapter 1
Kiosk Based 3D School Tour Chapter 1 CHAPTER 1 Introduction Every institution aims on providing excellent service to their clients. One of the common problems is the lack of information and miscommunication leading to inconvenience. Correct information matters most. All…
System Module of Online Shop Application in PHP and MySQL
System Module of Online Shop Application in PHP and MySQL This online shop focuses on hardware products such as the bike and auto parts. It is a simple application that will help companies in processing the order of their clients…
Capstone Planner System in PHP Chapter 2 Documentation
Capstone Planner System in PHP Chapter 2 Documentation The project entitled Capstone Planner is a project management system intended specifically for capstone project monitoring and review purposes. The said project was written in PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap. Source code and…
Blood Bank Management System in PHP
Blood Bank Management System in PHP Programming Environment The front-end language is usually visible to the user in form of an interface. In this case, the system uses the HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript as the front end languages and…
IT and IS Capstone Project Related Articles April 2020
IT and IS Capstone Project Related Articles April 2020 These were the articles compiled by iNetTutor for the month of April 2020, our compilation includes database design, user interface or form design and documentation that might help you in doing…
Medicine Delivery Web App in PHP and Bootstrap
Medicine Delivery Web App in PHP and Bootstrap The project entitled Medicine Delivery Web App is an online platform that allows the customers to order a medicine online. This is somewhat a version of ecommerce project that focuses on medicine…
Fire Inspection Information System Chapter 1
Fire Inspection Information System Chapter 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This article discusses the introduction, objectives of the study, scope and limitation, significance of the study and definition of terms. According to the City Bureau of fire Protection, they envision a…
RFID Based Employee Monitoring System Chapter 1
RFID Based Employee Monitoring System Chapter 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Technology has always been a part of everyday lives and one of this is Radio Frequency Identification or commonly called as RFID. In some instances, it sometimes compared to Barcode.…
Records Management DFD, ERD and Decomposition Chart
Records Management DFD, ERD and Decomposition Chart Design of Software, Systems, Product and Processes Design phase describes desired features and operations in detail, including screen layouts, and other documentation. In this phase, the physical system of the software was developed.…