- Version
- Download 9253
- File Size 24.87 MB
- Create Date July 4, 2017
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Database Schema
tblbook (id, isbn, bookTitle, bauthors, category, publisher, copyrightyear, bsection(circulation, reserved), noOfCopies, dateReceived, dateEncoded, encodedBy)
tblcategory (id, categoryName, description)
tblborrower (id, fname, mname, lname, contact, category (student, teacher,) courseid, image)
tblcourse (id, coursecode, coursename)
tblborrowedbook (id, bookid, borrowerid, dateborrowed, duedate, numCopies, status(returned, not), processedby, datereturned, receivedby)
tblfine (fineamount)
tbluser (id, username, password, fullname, contact, usertype (librarian, staff))
- SCRUD (create, update, delete)
- Book Info
- Category Info
- Borrower Info
- Course Info
- Update Fine Amount
- User Info
- Process Book Issue for borrowers (borrower can borrow more 1 one book)
- View/Print all borrowed book list
- View/Print all unreturned book list
- View/Print inventory of books
- View/Print Borrowers Card (all the books borrowed by the borrower)
- View/Print Book Card (list of borrowers who borrowed the book)
- Activity Log
- Process Fine
- View Violation of Students
- View/print User Log
Note: Staff can only encode information, can’t delete, update information
Step by step tutorial on how to install the system is also included in the package.
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thank you!
I can’t run it by the instructions you have given in pdf file including the source code you’ve provided…
Please, Help me.
I look forward for your positive response. Thank You!
Cant run, Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in C:\xampp\htdocs\php2016\library\app\core\App.php on line 13 this is the problem