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- Create Date June 30, 2017
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Web Based Grading System for High School using PHP and MySQL
Database schema
tblschoolyear (id, schoolyear)
tblyearlevel (id, yearlevel, description)
tblsubjects (id, subjectname, description, yearlevelid)
tblstudent (id, lname, fname, mname, contact, address, username, password)
tblclass (id, classname, schoolyearid, yearlevelid)
tblstudentclass (id, classid, studentid)
tblteacher (id, lname, fname, mname, contact, address, username, password)
tblteacheradvisory (id, teacherid, classid)
tblstudentgrade (id, studentid, schoolyearid, subjectid, classid, adviserid, 1stgrading, 2ndgrading, 3rdgrading, 4thgrading, gradeaverage, remarks )
Functionality by User Category
- Manage (Create, Update, Delete) School Year
- Manage (Create, Update, Delete) Year Level
- Manage (Create, Update, Delete) Subjects
- Manage (Create, Update, Delete) Students
- Manage (Create, Update, Delete) Classes
- Manage (Create, Update, Delete) Teachers
- Set Advisory (Teacher to Class)
- Backup Database
- Login to System
- Change username and password
- Select school year, class and subject, then list of students for that class will be displayed
- Example: school year: 2016-2017, class : 1A, subject: math1
- Login to System
- View Grades
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why i cannot search on teachers table?
what is the username and password thanks
what is the username and password please.. thanks
try admin for the username and password