- Version
- Download 6394
- File Size 5.73 MB
- Create Date June 28, 2017
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Web Based Filing Management System
Database Schema
tblSemester (id, semester)
tblSchoolYear (id, schoolyear, )
tblFaculty (id, facultyid, lname, fname, mname, address, contact, username, password)
tblFileCategory (id, categoryname, description, deadline) Deliverables
tblFilesSubmitted (id, filename, categoryid, description, facultyid, semesterid, schoolyearid, uploadedFiles, dateUploaded, dateUpdated, status(approved, not), remarks)
tblDownloadable (id, downloadableFile, description)
tblActivities (id, activityName, date)
Manage Semester (create, update, delete)
Manage School Year (create, update, delete)
Manage Faculty (create, update, delete)
Manage File Category (create, update, delete)
Manage Downloadable (create, update, delete)
Manage Activities (create, update, delete) – with option to broadcast via SMS or via Internal message
View, Approved and Disapproved and add Notes/Remarks
Generate Report
Send Message Internally or Via SMS
View/Download Downloadable Files
View and Upload Files
View Activities and Other Notifications
The Teacher will notify if what are the requirements that he/she needs to pass and the requirements that he/she did not submitted.
You may visit our Facebook page for more information, inquiries, and comments. Please subscribe also to our YouTube Channel to receive free capstone projects resources and computer programming tutorials.
Hire our team to do the project.
Great work,diversity is the key
what’s the password ?
How do we know the password? :(
the source code is for sale
not for free? how much i can buy this source code?
please message us @ our facebook page