Sales and Inventory Management System in Visual Basic

Sales and Inventory Management System in Visual Basic
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  • Create Date May 5, 2018

Sales and Inventory Management System in Visual Basic Free Download Source code


Product Module – Product code, product name, category, unit, unit in stock, unit price, discount, re-order level, expiration date

Product Category Module – category  code, category name, date modified

Product Unit Module – unit code, unit name, date modified

Stock-in Product Module – stock-in number, product code, product name, unit price, quantity receive, subtotal, supplier, total amount

Customer Module – customer code, customer name, address, contact, date modified

Customer Order Module – customer, product name, order quantity, unit price, subtotal, total amount

Customer Balance Module – customer, invoice number, total amount, total payment, balance, date recorded, due date

Due Date Transaction Module - customer, invoice number, total amount, total payment, balance, date recorded, due date

Payment History Module – customer, invoice number, total price, tendered, change, date recorded, processed by

Sales (Point of Sale) Module – customer name, product code, product name, unit price, quantity order, subtotal, discount percentage, discount amount, discounted price, date recorded, total amount

Inventory Report – category name, product code, product name, unit, unit in stock, unit price, discount, re-order level, expiration date

Sales Report – product code, product name, unit price, order quantity, subtotal, supplier, order date, total amount

Stock-in Report – stock-in number, product code, product name, unit price, order quantity, subtotal, supplier, order date, total amount

Cash on Hand Report – date, invoice number, subtotal, total amount

Re-order Product Notification - Product code, product name, category, unit, unit in stock, unit price, discount, re-order level

Backup and Restore Database Feature

User Management Feature – username, password, account type

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16 thoughts on “Sales and Inventory Management System in Visual Basic

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