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- Create Date January 7, 2017
- Last Updated July 8, 2017
Online Grading with Grade Viewing System in PHP MySQL Free Download Source code
Online Grading System and Grade Viewing System
Administrator account
- Encode/update/delete subjects info (id, subjectname)
- Encode/update/delete class info Ex: BSIT 3-A (id, classname, sem)
- Encode/update/delete student (id, studentname)
- Student subject (id, studentid, subjected, classid) Ex: Juan Dela Cruz – BSIT 3-A – MATH 101 (this module will add a student to a certain class)
- Encode/update/delete teachers (id, teachername)
- Teacher load (id, teacherid, classid, sem)
Ex: John Doe – BSIT 3-A (this module will add the teacher to the certain class, which means all students under that class will be the students of the teacher)
- Select semester
- Teachers will view the class list assigned to that faculty
- When the teacher selects a class the list of subjects will appear in the (sample query: select subjects where class=class selected)
- When the subject is selected the list of students that takes that subject will display
- When the student is selected the teacher will encode grades to that student
- Login
- View Grades
Administrator Account
Teacher Account
Student Account
please help . im new here i follow all and it was all working but i saw this in teacher panel in my student
. theres an error .
im still amazed how it worked. please help.
Notice: Undefined variable: data in C:\xampp\htdocs\onlinegrading\teacher\data\student_model.php on line 95
Notice: Undefined variable: data in C:\xampp\htdocs\onlinegrading\teacher\data\student_model.php on line 95
we will review the source code mam, thanks for informing us! happy coding!
Hi sir/ma’am, thank you for posting this helpful code, but I have a problem, I can’t log in, I follow the username and password of the 3 accounts, but still it says “Invalid Username/Password” can you help me? here is my email, allies@gmail.com.. thank you
please import first the database.
thank you sir.. the other project of yours help a lot.. I salute you sir for being kind. :D God bless you from Bacolod City
you’re very welcome, by the way our head programmer is from negros also.
Can you help me to make it work.I’m currently a grade 11 and i still don’t know know how to do this stuff.Please help me.
you need to install xampp or wamp
in the admin side, class info page, the S.Y row doesnt have values, S.Y is undefined and when i checked the database structure, the student table doesnt have an SY attribute, so the SY is still necessary or not?
we will re-upload the project, sorry for the inconvenience! happy programming
Hi Administrator I would like to ask for your permission if we could use your system and modify it because we are also developing an online grading system.
Thank you !!!
yes, feel free to modify the project!, happy programming
Hi Admin, please help me, how can student view her/him grades? because there is no code there (T_T)
hi sir im very new to this where can i download the code? and what software must i use for this to open?
please visit on the download section
visit the link:
Hi, may i ask the source code for student viewing grade module. Thank you and more power…
we will update the code this week.
Thank you in advance this would be a big help in my case. Also can you please teach me how to do a computation of quizzes, attendance, projects, exams according to a class percentage and total. Just like a class record table.
Hi Innettutor, can you please again help me. I’m done resolving some of the bugs only that I need additional features. I know I’m asking too much but can I ask a favor again. I need to finished this system as soon as possible for the upcoming defense. The following are my request:
1. Checkbox in each row of data table and once selected I can only hit 1 button to make some actions. Example: All selected list of students I can able to hit Add to Class button at once and all selected will be added to a class.
2. Pagination with how many rows to view.
Hope I got a reply from you soon… Thank you and more power Inettutor…
why is it that i cannot login even when i use the credentials to listed above?? what do i need to do?
please import the database to your mysql server
hello creator, can i add you in facebook? i badly need your help regarding this program. i already imported the database and made ‘grading’ as dbname, still cant login. please do reply . thanks
I would really be glad if u could help me. Our thesis instructor wants us to submit a prototype so I guess just logging in on your program is already enough. Thanks a lot and may God bless u always Inettutor.
UPDATE : Sir/Ma’am Good day, I managed to do everything, “Made a database named “grading” then i imported the grading.sql file from the ‘database’ folder then it was successful but I still can’t log in. I already tried “admin” “admin” then “12345” and then the student ID numbers. I dont know but I never touched/edited the codes.
Can i ask for the username and password? I cant login. Kindly please help.
ok we will check and update the project thank you!
How were you able to make it work? Can someone help me please?
I have the same problem even I already had imported sql. Also I have updated the mysql to mysqli but still cannot work the login. Not sure where the error now.
hi inettotur i need your help, im a grade 12 students and have research study about online grading system, im new of doing a websites can you help me.
we have the same problem of heferson i cannot access/login it even type “admin” “admin” then “12345” and then the student ID numbers.
we will check the project and we will update you.
can login despite using the crediations above. i have imported the db
please help a brother admin
we will update the source code and fix the issues, just stay tuned.happy programming!
i cant login despite using the creditions above. i have imported the db
please help a brother admin
i already import the grading db into xampp but why still not log in?
kindly contact this number for more information, 09102294835
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\xampp\htdocs\OnlineGrading\gradingxworking\config.php:8 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\OnlineGrading\gradingxworking\index.php(2): include() #1 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\OnlineGrading\gradingxworking\config.php on line 8
same as me what should i do?
? its not working. password and login
how to add new attributes for the students in the add student modal?
how to add more attributes for students in the add student modal?
how to add more attributes for the students in the add student modal?
i am facing fatal error what should i do now???????
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\xampp\htdocs\gradingxworking\config.php:8 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\gradingxworking\index.php(2): include() #1 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\gradingxworking\config.php on line 8
Same as me. What will i do?
hey guy, if you cant log in the users above, try to goto your http://localhost/phpmyadmin/#PMAURL-6:sql.php?db=grading&table=userdata&server=1&target=&token=73022a1b4f3bbd7c8163a7a215990baa and after that you can easily change the passwords :D
hey guys, about the none working accounts, please change it on your phpmyadmin and then goto userdata then you can change it there.
I tried many times to fix this fatal error, but I cant.
Please explain this to me and help me to solve this, Thank you
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\xampp2\htdocs\gradingxworking\config.php:8 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp2\htdocs\gradingxworking\index.php(2): include() #1 {main} thrown in C:\xampp2\htdocs\gradingxworking\config.php on line 8
hi how can i run this program?
same as me what should i do?
meron po ba to chapter 1 ?
it was posted on the site.kindly search for it..thank you and happy programming
Change the mysql functions to mysqli example mysql_connect to mysqli_connect()
Can the script be modified for commercial purposes.
good day, yes you can modify the source code so that it will fit on your requirements, just dont forget to acknowledge the website, thank you and happy programming
Is there a version that uses mysqli and not mysql.
I’ve tried to change the code, but especially the mysqli_fetch_array codes tease me
Is there a version that uses mysqli and not mysql.
yes we have a different grading system using mysqli.
can you give me a link for that version sir? thank you
I look forward the update mysqli version :) Please update us.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\xampp\hds\htdocs\gradingxworking\config.php:8 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\hds\htdocs\gradingxworking\index.php(2): include() #1 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\hds\htdocs\gradingxworking\config.php on line 8
hi admin can i ask your permission to use and download your complete source code for grade viewing system thank you
Good day, yes of course, just don’t forget to give credits to the website. Thanks, Happy Coding!
ho sir good day ask ko lang po kung paan maka log in ang admin dito?
hi sir! good morning, im having trouble about here, i cant find the problem here. Im grade 12 IT student, it says
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\grading\config.php:9 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\grading\index.php(2): include() #1 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\grading\config.php on line 9