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- Create Date February 10, 2020
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Math Learning Application in Android Free Source code
This Android Mobile Educational game was intended only for students who are taking up math subjects because the content and feature of this game was related only for math subjects. Since it is an android game the students can only avail this game if they have android phones. The application will be uploaded to the Google Playstore where users can download and install the project in their android devices. The said application will work in an offline setting or without an internet connection.

Program Testing
In this phase, a series of testing were performed to check for any problem that arise during implementation and operation of the software and if the requirements have been met the expectation of the users.
Initial Testing
The researchers conduct initial testing to test if the systems develop according to user’s expectation. The researchers focus on the minimal components of the system to validate that the individual unit of the system are working properly.
After the unit testing, researcher’s conducted the integration testing, wherein the individual components are combined and test as one system. This is to verify if the system working properly.
The system undergone testing by the expert and selective users, where the researcher let them tries to use the system to determine the reliability and functionality of the system.
Validity of the Initial Testing Instrument
The self-made testing instrument is being presented by the developers to the expert’s evaluators for the purpose of evaluating the self-made survey questioner.
The experts rated it in terms of accuracy that referred to the precision of computations and controls. Validity referred to the degree of which a particular instrument is useful in measuring that which it is designed to measure according to Carter V. Good and Douglas F. Scates.
Expert Testing
Expert testing done by the experts in this phase to ensure that the system features and function is well developed or the software needed more improvements. In the evaluation of the Math Learning Application in Android, the developers used the McCall’s Software Quality Model for the assurance of the evaluation by the experts.
Development Tools:
JQuery Mobile and Phonegap Build
LocalStorage is a type of web storage that allows Javascript websites and apps to store and access data right in the browser with no expiration date. This means the data stored in the browser will persist even after the browser window has been closed. (https://blog.logrocket.com/the-complete-guide-to-using-localstorage-in-javascript-apps-ba44edb53a36/)
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