Library Book Catalog System in Visual Basic

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  • Create Date April 26, 2016
  • Last Updated April 26, 2016

Library Book Catalog System in Visual Basic

Library Book Catalog System in Visual Basic

Book Catalog System is just like OPAC or Online Public Access Catalog. This application is a network based in which it can be view and use via your LAN or local access network, it can also be installed on multiple computers and access it simultaneously. It is actually incorporated in the main system which is the Library System and the records or database resides in the server in which the Library System is installed. The purpose of this application is to make the searching of books much easier and much faster. This will be a great help not only for the administrators of the library but also to the students and other users of the library.

Source code:

Sub AdvanceSearch(lstBooks As ListView, SearchField As String, SearchKey As String, SearchSection As String, SearchCondition As String, OrderField As String, OrderType As String)
Dim lstItem As ListItem, a As Integer
If rs.State = adStateOpen Then rs.Close
    If SearchCondition = "Match Case" Then
        sql = " SELECT BooksInfo.BookID, BooksInfo.ISBN, BooksInfo.Title, BooksInfo.Author, BooksInfo.Category, BooksInfo.Publisher, BooksInfo.Date_Acquired, Sum(BooksInfo.NoOfCopies) AS SumOfNoOfCopies, BooksInfo.bSection" & _
              " FROM BooksInfo" & _
              " Where " & SearchField & " like '%%%" & SearchKey & "%%%' and BooksInfo.bSection= '" & SearchSection & "'" & _
              " GROUP BY BooksInfo.BookID, BooksInfo.ISBN, BooksInfo.Title, BooksInfo.Author, BooksInfo.Category, BooksInfo.Publisher, BooksInfo.Date_Acquired,BooksInfo.bSection" & _
              " Order by " & OrderField & IIf(OrderType = "Ascending", " ASC", " DESC")
    ElseIf SearchCondition = "Exact Phrase" Then
        sql = " SELECT BooksInfo.BookID, BooksInfo.ISBN, BooksInfo.Title, BooksInfo.Author, BooksInfo.Category, BooksInfo.Publisher, BooksInfo.Date_Acquired, Sum(BooksInfo.NoOfCopies) AS SumOfNoOfCopies, BooksInfo.bSection" & _
              " FROM BooksInfo" & _
              " Where " & SearchField & " = '" & SearchKey & "' and BooksInfo.bSection= '" & SearchSection & "'" & _
              " GROUP BY BooksInfo.BookID, BooksInfo.ISBN, BooksInfo.Title, BooksInfo.Author, BooksInfo.Category, BooksInfo.Publisher, BooksInfo.Date_Acquired,BooksInfo.bSection" & _
              " Order by " & OrderField & IIf(OrderType = "Ascending", " ASC", " DESC")
    ElseIf SearchCondition = "Words Begin With" Then
        sql = " SELECT BooksInfo.BookID, BooksInfo.ISBN, BooksInfo.Title, BooksInfo.Author, BooksInfo.Category, BooksInfo.Publisher, BooksInfo.Date_Acquired, Sum(BooksInfo.NoOfCopies) AS SumOfNoOfCopies, BooksInfo.bSection" & _
              " FROM BooksInfo" & _
              " Where " & SearchField & " like '" & SearchKey & "%%%' and BooksInfo.bSection= '" & SearchSection & "'" & _
              " GROUP BY BooksInfo.BookID, BooksInfo.ISBN, BooksInfo.Title, BooksInfo.Author, BooksInfo.Category, BooksInfo.Publisher, BooksInfo.Date_Acquired,BooksInfo.bSection" & _
              " Order by " & OrderField & IIf(OrderType = "Ascending", " ASC", " DESC")

    End If
    rs.Open sql, conn
        Do While Not rs.EOF
            a = a + 1
                Set lstItem = lstBooks.ListItems.Add(, , a, 1, 1)
                lstItem.SubItems(1) = rs(0).Value
                lstItem.SubItems(2) = rs(1).Value
                lstItem.SubItems(3) = rs(2).Value
                lstItem.SubItems(4) = rs(3).Value
                lstItem.SubItems(5) = rs(4).Value
                lstItem.SubItems(6) = rs(5).Value
                lstItem.SubItems(7) = rs(6).Value
                If IsNull(rs(7).Value) Then
                lstItem.SubItems(8) = 0
                lstItem.SubItems(8) = Val(rs(7).Value) - Val(clsBooks.BooksTotalOut(rs(0).Value))
                End If
                If lstItem.SubItems(8) = 0 Then
                lstItem.SubItems(9) = "Not Available "
                lstItem.SubItems(9) = "Available"
                End If
                lstItem.SubItems(10) = Val(clsBooks.BooksTotalOut(rs(0).Value))
                lstItem.SubItems(11) = Val(lstItem.SubItems(8)) + Val(lstItem.SubItems(10))
                lstItem.SubItems(12) = rs(8).Value
                    If lstBooks.ListItems.Count = 0 Then MsgBox "No data found", vbInformation, ""
                                  '" GROUP BY BooksInfo.BookID, BooksInfo.ISBN, BooksInfo.Title, BooksInfo.Author, BooksInfo.Category, BooksInfo.Publisher, BooksInfo.Date_Acquired,BooksInfo.bSection" & _
                                    'and BooksInfo.bSection= " & SearchSection & "
End Sub
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