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- Create Date May 5, 2016
- Last Updated May 5, 2016
Letter Equivalent of your Grade in C++
Letter Equivalent of your Grade in C++
The program will ask you to enter your grade, the program will then evaluate what is the equivalent letter of your grade using the if else if statement.
Grade above 90 is A
Grades from 80 to 89 is B
Grades from 70 to 79 is C
Grades from 60 to 69 is D
Grades below 60 is F
Happy Programming
Source code:
#include < iostream >
using namespace std;
int main()
double mygrade;
cout << "Enter your grade: " << endl;
if (mygrade >= 90)
cout <<"You grade: "<< mygrade << " is A" << endl;
else if (mygrade >= 80 && mygrade < 90)
cout <<"You grade: "<< mygrade << " is B" << endl;
else if (mygrade >= 70 && mygrade < 80)
cout <<"You grade: "<< mygrade << " is C" << endl;
else if (mygrade >= 60 && mygrade < 70)
cout <<"You grade: "<< mygrade << " is D" << endl;
cout <<"You grade: "<< mygrade << " is F" << endl;
return 0;