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EHandbook in JQuery Mobile Free Source code
The zip file contains the source code and apk of the project entitled ehandbook or electronic handbook.
The said project is the mobile app version of the hardbound or booklet of the student handbook. All the contents of the handbook were included and posted on the application. The current version of the project is only available in android based smartphones and devices.
The next release and version of the app will have a control panel wherein the administrator of the system can modify the contents of the handbook which will be stored on a central database and can be downloaded by clients in their android devices.

Technicality of the Project
Hardware Requirements
- Laptop
- Intel Dual Core Pentium 2.2 GHz
- Random Access Memory (RAM) 2 GB
- Hard Disk Drive
- Monitor 14” LCD
- USB QUERTY Keyboard
- USB Optical Mouse
- Android phone
- Android 4.4.4 KitKat OS
- 8 GB internal memory
Software Requirements
PHP: Hypertext Processor (PHP) and MYSQL: a widely use Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is specially used for web development. The main goal of the language is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated web pages quickly and an Open Source server-side (php.net).
JavaScript: a programming language that run most modern browsers. It supports object-oriented programming and procedural programming. It can be used to control web pages on the client side of the browser, server-side programs, and even mobile applications (study.com).
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS): a language for describing the presentation of Web pages, including colors, layouts, and fonts. It allows one to adapt the presentation to different types of devices, such as large screens, small screens, or printers. CSS is independent of HTML and can be used with any XML-based markup language (www.w3.org).
Bootstrap: a framework to help you design websites faster and easier. It includes HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigations, modals, image carousels, etc. It also gives you support for JavaScript plugins (www.htmlgoodies.com).
Hypertext Markup Language: is the standard markup language for creating a web pages and web applications. With cascading style sheets (CSS) and JavaScript it forms a triad of cornerstone technologies for the World Wide Web (en.wikipedia.org).
JQuery Mobile (JQM): is a cross platform mobile framework designed to simplify and enhance the development of the mobile web applications by HTML5, CSS3, JQuery and JQuery UI into one framework that is not only robust, but maintainable and organized (www.htmlgoodies.com).
WebSQL: WebSQL is used for Local Database and Apache Cordova, a platform used for hybrid mobile applications using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. These allow the user to build mobile applications locally.
Cordova/Phonegap: Formerly known as Phonegap Build, a platform to build hybrid Mobile Applications using HTML5, CSS and Javascript.
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