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- Create Date December 11, 2015
- Last Updated December 11, 2015
Daily Time Record System in Visual Basic
Daily Time Record System in Visual Basic
The system will be maintained and manage by the administrators while the employees are only allowed to swipe their identification card using barcode technology or using of biometrics devices.
List of Features
Manage List of Departments – (department name, description)
Manage List of Designations – (designation name, description)
Manage List of Employees – (name, address, designation, department, birthdate, picture)
Manage List of Events – (event name, date, time)
Attendance Report – (list of employees with their status during the events)
Employee Fingerprint Registration (for biometric device only)
Employee’s DTR Report
System Flow
The administrator must encode first the departments, designations and the list of events, next is to encode the employees information as well as the fingerprint registration. The employee or personnel can now use the system for login and logout and the system will automatically records the date and time.
nice, can i have your admin password in database access
thank you
admin is the password
admin as the password, not working, please help.
cannot login in. what is the username and password for system and database
Do you have source code for C#? My main problem is how would I design the DTR Form in print report
whats the database password
cannot print the report??
what should I do?
can you please send us the screenshot of the error.
happy programming
i cannot paste the screenshot here!
Good day sir .. how can i see the code sir ..? I want to learn how it happen ..TIA
please visit the download section of the website, the project was coded in visual basic 6
So please cant visual basic 2013 be used to open the source code?
what’s the password of database please help.
please like, share and followe our facebook page, the details will be posted in our fb page.thank you.
error occured during log in
please message us @ our facebook page so that we can accommodate you faster.
error occured during log in
can I have the password that encrypted on the msaccess database file?
the project is for sale, you may contac us
the project is for sale, you may contact us @ https://web.facebook.com/inettutor/