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- Create Date April 18, 2016
- Last Updated April 18, 2016
Basic Math Operators in C++
Basic Math Operators in C++
This is an example program in c++ that demonstrate the four basic mathematical operators in action (add, subtract, divide, multiply). The program will ask the user to input two numbers, then the program will display the result of the four basic math operations.
Source code:
#include < iostream >
using namespace std;
int main()
double firstnum, secondnum, sum, quotient, difference, product;
cout << "enter first number" << endl;
cout << "enter second number" << endl;
cout << "the sum of " << firstnum << " and " << secondnum <<" = " << sum << endl;
cout << "the quotient of " << firstnum << " and " << secondnum <<" = " << quotient << endl;
cout << "the difference of " << firstnum << " and " << secondnum <<" = " << difference << endl;
cout << "the product of " << firstnum << " and " << secondnum <<" = " << product << endl;
return 0;