Graduate Tracer Use Case Diagram
This article dives into the graduate tracer use case diagram, a tool used to track and analyze the career paths of alumni from educational institutions. The diagram outlines the different actions and interactions that take place between alumni, career services, and employers, providing a visual representation of the data-gathering process. The article will also explore the benefits of utilizing a graduate tracer use case diagram, such as improving career services and identifying potential job opportunities for alumni.
About the Project
A graduate tracer system is a tool that tracks and monitors the progress and movements of graduates of a particular educational institution, such as a university or college, after they have completed their studies. It is often used to gather data on the employment status and career paths of graduates, as well as to track their movements within the labor market. Some graduate tracer systems may also gather information on the satisfaction and well-being of graduates, as well as their continuing education and professional development. The data collected through a graduate tracer system can be used by the educational institution to improve the quality of its programs, to better understand the needs of its graduates, and to assist with career planning and job placement services for current and future students.
What is Use Case Diagram?
A use case diagram is a visual representation of the interactions between different actors and the system being developed. It is used to identify and document the different use cases, or scenarios, that the system will need to support. In the context of an online graduate tracer system, a use case diagram would be used to map out the different actions and interactions that take place between alumni, career services, and employers.
The use case diagram for an online graduate tracer system would likely include actors such as alumni, who would be able to update their personal information, view job opportunities, and request career services assistance; career services staff, who would be able to view alumni information and assist with job placement; and employers, who would be able to view alumni information and post job openings.
The use case diagram provides a clear and concise overview of the system’s functionality, making it a useful tool for both development and communication. It helps developers understand the requirements of the system and determine the functionalities that need to be implemented. It also helps stakeholders to understand the system’s capabilities, and to identify areas where the system may need to be improved. Additionally, it helps in testing the system by providing different scenarios for testing which includes all possible interactions and transactions.
Use Case Diagram

The image shown above is the Use Case Diagram of the capstone project, entitled Graduate Tracer. The system has two user sides, the admin and the graduates. The administrator can access the entire core modules of the system while the graduates can access the Dashboard, Graduate Profile, Events and Job Opportunities modules.
Use Cases
The following are the discussions that describe how a user uses a system to accomplish a particular goal.
Use Case: Dashboard
Actor(s): Admin and Graduates
This feature is used to manage the information displayed in the dashboard of the Graduate Tracer System.
Successful Completion:
- The graduates can view the information displayed in the dashboard using this feature.
- The admin can search, add, update and remove information to be displayed in the dashboard.
Alternative: The graduates can only view the dashboard; the admin can access and manage all dashboard information.
Precondition: The admin and the graduates will login first to access the dashboard.
Post Condition: updated dashboard information.
Use Case: Course Info
Actor(s): Admin
This feature is used to manage the courses of the graduate students in the system.
Successful Completion:
- The admin can search, add, update and remove course details in the system using this feature.
Alternative: The admin can access and manage all course information of the graduate students.
Precondition: The admin will login first to access the Course Info module.
Post Condition: updated Course Information
Use Case: Graduate Profile
Actor(s): Admin and Graduates
This feature is used to manage the profiles of the graduates in the system.
Successful Completion:
- New graduates can register to the system, for old graduates, they can update their profile using this feature.
- The admin can search, add, update and remove Graduates’s data in the system.
Alternative: The graduates can only view their personal profile; the admin can access and manage all graduates’ profile.
Precondition: The admin and the graduates will login first to access the Graduate Profile module in the system.
Post Condition: accepted graduate registration, updated graduate profile.

Use Case: Events
Actor(s): Admin and Graduates
This feature is used to view and manage the events for the graduates.
Successful Completion:
- The graduates can view the events and upcoming events form alumni using this feature.
- The admin can search, add, update and remove information of the events using this feature.
Alternative: The graduates can only view the event updates; the admin can access and manage all of the event information.
Precondition: The admin and the graduates will login first to access the Events module.
Post Condition: updated Event information
Use Case: Employment Info
Actor(s): Admin
This feature is used to manage the employment info of the graduates.
Successful Completion:
- The admin can search, add, update and remove employment details in the system using this feature.
Alternative: The admin can access and manage all employment information of the graduate students.
Precondition: The admin will login first to access the Employment Info module.
Post Condition: updated Employment Information
Use Case: Job Opportunities
Actor(s): Admin and Graduates
This feature is used to view and manage job opportunities for graduates.
Successful Completion:
- The graduates can view job opportunities they can applied to using this feature.
- The admin can search, add, update and remove information of the job opportunities using this feature.
Alternative: The graduates can only view the job opportunities; the admin can access and manage all of the job opportunity information.
Precondition: The admin and the graduates will login first to access the Job Opportunities module.
Post Condition: updated Job Opportunity information
Use Case: Front-end Pages
Actor(s): Admin
This feature is used to manage the pages displayed in the front-end.
Successful Completion:
- The admin can search, add, update and remove page details in the system using this feature.
Alternative: The admin can access and manage all front-end pages in the system.
Precondition: The admin will login first to access the Front-end Pages.
Post Condition: updated Front-end Pages Information
Use Case: Reports
Actor(s): Admin
This feature is used to view and print the reports in the system.
Successful Completion:
- Admin can view, print and export the report of the system.
Alternative: None
- Admin will need to login to access the reports.
Post Condition: hard and soft copy of the report of the system.
Use Case: Database Backup
Actor(s): Admin
This feature is used to manage the backup database of the system.
Successful Completion:
- The admin can add, edit, and update database backup information.
Alternative: None
Precondition: Admin will create and connect the backup database.
Post Condition: new backup database.
A graduate tracer system is a tool that tracks and monitors the progress and movements of graduates of a particular educational institution, such as a university or college, after they have completed their studies. The image shown above is the Use Case Diagram of the capstone project, entitled Graduate Tracer. The system has two user sides, the admin and the graduates. The administrator can access the entire core modules of the system while the graduates can access the Dashboard, Graduate Profile, Events and Job Opportunities modules. Overall, the article is a valuable resource for anyone in the education or career development field looking to gain a better understanding of the graduate tracer use case diagram.
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