IPO Model Conceptual Framework of Transcribe Medical – Medical Speech to Text Converter
This post will demonstrate how to develop a conceptual framework for a capstone project dubbed Transcribe Medical – Medical Speech to Text Converter. The input, process, output (IPO) model was used to develop the conceptual framework for the investigation.
About the Project
Information technology has made everything easier and simpler, including transcribing the medical diagnosis of patients. The capstone project, entitled “Medical Transcription Platform,” is designed to allow medical transcriptionists to transcribe audio of medical consultations and diagnose patients in a centralized manner. A medical transcriptionist is vital to keep accurate and credible medical records of patients and can be used by other doctors to know the patients’ medical history. The said project will serve as a platform where transcribed medical audios are stored for safekeeping and easy retrieval.

Patients’ medical records and history is vital in the process of future patient diagnosis and reference of health professionals. Hospitals keep records of the patient’s result of medical consultations and previous diagnosis; one of the recording methods is through medical transcription. Medical transcription is the process of recording all patient’s details of previous and existing ailments, results of different laboratories, and other records into an audio file. The doctors, nurses, and other health physicians need to easily access and retrieve the audio files to support them with accurate medical records of patients for future diagnosis. Hospitals and medical transcriptionists need a centralized platform to store the transcribed audios and at the same time give access to authorized personnel for retrieval.
Objectives of the Study
- To design a system that will hold the audio files secure and confidential.
- To increase the accuracy of the transcribed medical audios.
- To serve as a centralized platform that stores audio files of medical records.
- To ease up and simplify retrieval of audio files that will serve as a reference for the health physicians.
Conceptual Framework/Model

The image above depicts the project’s conceptual framework, entitled Transcribe Medical – Medical Speech to Text Converter. It is based on the input, process, and output (IPO) model.
User Requirement –This is the area where the researchers obtained information about the system’s unique properties. It is vital to consider their suggestions because they will be the ones using the Medical Transcription platform.
Review of Related Literature – The researchers have conducted investigations and studies in the proposed system’s region. This procedure will be useful to the researchers as they develop the project or system.
This is where the researchers can now use their knowledge in programming to design and develop the system.
This is the part where the researchers will select and choose the best software development life cycle model for the project.
Data gathering
During this stage, the study’s researcher gathered all potential system development needs, including those gained from the system’s benefactors, the end users. The survey questionnaire was designed by the researcher and validated by experts. The surveys were designed to gather data to improve the performance of the proposed system for future community use.
Data analysis
Consultation is used to gather requirements from the end user and generate ideas. We also administered a survey questionnaire, which was accepted by the three experts (IT Expert, English Grammarian, and Researcher). These questionnaires also functioned as our data collection tool for evaluating the performance of the manual system, which served as the foundation for creating our suggested system.
System Design
During this phase, the prototype and planned system features are developed. A concrete grasp of how the system will work is also formed. In this section, we identify all of the necessary system inputs and outputs, as well as the design of data, processes, and interfaces.

In this stage, we materialized the whole idea of the software to be designed. We created the program for the proposed system. The actual coding of the software is based on the system design and the requirements needs to be met. This is where the proper execution of the previous stages ensures a smooth implementation.
Program testing
In this phase, the researcher performed series of testing to check for any possible problems may arise during implementation and operation of the software and if the specification has been met.
System acceptance
This is the final stage, where the system is being installed and to be maintained after actual implementation. One must take into consideration are the hardware and the software requirements for the proper installation of the system. As part of the acceptance of this phase, the client is required to have a user training to enable them to familiarize fully the whole system.
The project comes to life and is carried out in the real world once all of the necessary procedures have been finished. A new project is born, and it will be maintained for the project’s long-term survival. The Transcribe Medical – Medical Speech to Text Converter will be implemented and used. At this point, they will be installed, used, and maintained in order to last a long time.
Medical voice to text converter turns medical audio data into text. It converts medical dictations to text. The medical speech to text converter reduces transcription time and improves efficiency. It also improves transcribing accuracy. To convert medical audio files into text for use in various applications, a medical speech to text converter is employed. It is a vital tool for clinicians.
The medical speech to text converter comes in many language variants. The software works on a PC or laptop. Use the medical speech to text converter to convert medical speech to text. The software can convert audio files such as dictation, voice, and medical recordings.
The input, process, and output (IPO) model will be used to provide the conceptual framework for the investigation. The researchers determine the project’s user needs and review relevant literature for the study before utilizing their programming skills to develop the project. To complete the system, the researchers will employ the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) technique. Its purpose is to ensure that the project progresses through several stages in order to give comprehensive functionality that meets the expectations of the users. The Transcribe Medical – Medical Speech to Text Converter will be implemented, used, and maintained as a result of this project.
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