Calculator is commonly used to solve basic mathematical operations such as multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. Calculator in Windows 7 offers lot of advance features such as programming, scientific and statistics.
How to open Calculator:
- Click Start > Run (Windows + R – shortcut for Run Dialog)
- Type calc and hit enter.
- Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Calculator
Advanced features and their usage:
Basic – Performs basic operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide)
Scientific – In this mode you can perform scientific operations like cos, sin, tan, etc.
Programmer – this mode of calculator will allow you to compute binary digit, decimal, etc. This mode is very useful for programmer.
Statistics – Performs the basic scientific operations like getting the mean and the computing the sum of numbers added to the data set.
Unit Conversion – it allow you to convert units to other units.
Example: you can a value from a Degree Celsius to Degree Fahrenheit and vice versa.
Date Calculation – using this feature you can easily calculate the difference between two dates.
Worksheets – there are four options you can choose from: Mortgage, Vehicle Lease, Fuel Economy (mpg), or Fuel Economy (l/100 km).