Managing Widgets in WordPress
In this tutorial you will learn how to manage and customize your widgets in WordPress.
A widget is a small box of content, dynamic or not, that shows up somewhere on a widget-enabled site. Often, that location is in the sidebar of a blog. A widget area can be anywhere a theme developer wants it to be. Widgets provide a method of displaying your WordPress links, ads, text and other information in your sidebar. They provide a graphical interface with drag and drop capabilities.
Add Widgets to Sidebar:
1. Login to your WordPress site using the administrator account.
2. Click Widgets in the Apperance tab in your dashboard to go to the Widgets administration form.
3. You’ll see the list of available widgets.
4. Drag the widget box into the Default Sidebar box located in the right side of your Widgets administration area, which will add it to your current side bar.
5. Rearrange widget position by dragging it where it is needed.
6. Click on “Save changes.”